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Sampling Distributions For Counts and Proportions IPS Chapter 5. 1 © 2009 W. H. Freeman and Company
Objectives (IPS Chapter 5. 1) Sampling distributions for counts and proportions p Binomial distributions for sample counts p Binomial distributions in statistical sampling p Binomial mean and standard deviation p Sample proportions p Normal approximation p Binomial formulas
Remember to catch out for the “Yeah, yeahs”! p Often we look at topics that seem like “common sense” and say to ourselves, ‘yeah, I get that’. BE CAREFUL! Often there are many ways in which we think you understand something, but there still remain (many!!) gaps in our knowledge and understanding. p p p This is not only true of statistics – happens in all kinds of places/studies. However, it is a particularly common pitfall in stats. Be sure to do lots of problems.
Binomial Data: Cases involving two outcomes p Eg. Survey Question: “Do parents put too much pressure on their children? ” 2000 people asked, 840 said yes. p Note: Only two possible outcomes (a common situation in the real world) p n = sample size (# of people asked) p X = count (you decide which of the two possible answers) p Symbol: = sample proportion = X / n p Identify n, X, p^: p In this example, n=2000, X=840, = (840 / 2000)
Other examples of 2 -outcome situations: p What percentage of people take public transportation to work? p Do you own your home? p What percentage of baseball pitchers have pitched a no-hitter?
Binomial distributions for sample counts Binomial distributions are models for some categorical variables, typically representing the number of “successes” symbolized by X over a number of “trials” symbolized by n. Eg: If we are interested in the number of De. Paul students who take public transportation to work, we would sample and count: n = # of people we sample, eg 200 X = # of people who tell us they take public transportation e. g. 147 = X / n = 147/200
Binomial distributions for sample counts Binomial distributions are models for some categorical variables, typically representing the number of “successes” symbolized by X over a number of “trials” symbolized by n. For a distribution to be considered binomial, the observations must meet all of the following requirements: p The total number of observations n is fixed in advance. p Each observation falls into just 1 of 2 categories: “success” and “failure”. p The outcomes of all n observations are statistically independent. All n observations have the same probability of “success, ” p (not ) We want to know how many babies are born on a Sunday. We record the p next 50 births at a local hospital.
Expressing the binomial distribution: We express a binomial distribution for the count X (successes) among n (observations) using the parameters n and p like so: B(n, p) p The parameter n is the total number of observations. p The parameter p is the probability of success on each observation. p Don’t confuse with !! p The count of successes X can be any whole number between 0 and n. A coin is weighted so that tails shows up 60% of the time. This coin is flipped 250 times. Express the distribution of heads in binomial terms: The variable X is the item we are counting, in this case, the number of heads. On each flip, the probability of success, “head, ” is 0. 4. The number X of heads among 250 flips has the binomial distribution B(n = 250, p = 0. 4).
Where do n and p come from? p The value for p comes from data/experimentation/theory p p E. g. p for heads on a toss of a (fair) coin is known to be 0. 5 p p Recall: Empirical vs Theoretical probabilities p for voting Republican in a recent election was 0. 39 The choice for n depends on the situation p May refer to our sample/experiment size (e. g. 100 coin flips, 2000 people asked a question in a survey) p X refers to the number of “successes” p Successes does NOT refer to ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Nor does it imply ‘yes’ to a yes/no question. It simply means the number of times you find what you are looking for. Are we counting heads or tails? Republican or Other? p X is always a whole number ranging from 0 to n p E. g. After asking 2000 people a yes/no survey question, 840 (ie. X) people said ‘yes’.
Applications for binomial distributions Binomial distributions describe the possible number of times that a particular event will occur in a sequence of observations. They are used when we want to know about the occurrence of an event, not its magnitude. p In a clinical trial, a patient’s condition improves. We study the number of patients who improved, not how much better they feel. (Improves or not? ) p Is a person ambitious? The binomial distribution describes the number of ambitious persons, not how ambitious they are. (Ambitious or not? ) p In quality control we assess the number of defective items in a lot of goods, irrespective of the type of defect. (Defective or not? )
Imagine that coins are spread out so that half of them are heads up, and half tails up. Close your eyes and pick one. The probability that this coin is heads up is 0. 5. However, if you don’t put the coin back in the pile, the probability of picking up another coin and having it be heads up is now less than 0. 5. The successive observations are not independent. Likewise, choosing a simple random sample (SRS) from any population is not quite a binomial setting. However, when the population is large, removing a few items has a very small effect on the composition of the remaining population: successive observations are very nearly independent.
Binomial distribution in statistical sampling If the population is much larger than the sample, the count X of successes in an SRS of size n has approximately the binomial distribution B(n, p). * The n observations will be nearly independent when the size of the population is much larger than the size of the sample. As a rule of thumb, the binomial sampling distribution for counts can be used when the population is at least 20 times as large as the sample.
Finding Binomial Probabilities p Often we want to determine the probability that a binomial random variable will have a certain value or range (e. g. X = 10 or X<=12, etc). p This can be very tedious to do by hand (particularly with ranges), but statistical packages can do it relatively easily. p Later we will see that there are other additional ways Example: p Suppose a business is being audited. The business has 10, 000 records. Based on previous experience, we know that about 8% of records tend to get misclassified. The auditor examines an SRS of 150 records. 1. Describe this distribution 2. What is the probability that exactly 10 misclassified records will be found? 3. 6 th ed: Also see examples 5. 8, 5. 9
Calculations The probabilities for the various X values of a Binomial distribution can be calculated by using software. Not a calculation typically done by hand. In Minitab, Menu/Calc/ Probability Distributions/Binomial p Choose “Probability” for the probability of a given number of successes P(X = x) p Or “Cumulative probability” for the density function P(X ≤ x)
Using binomial distributions Example - restated: p Suppose a business is being audited. The business has 10, 000 records. Based on previous experience, we know that about 8% of records tend to get misclassified. The auditor examines an SRS of 150 records. 1. Describe this distribution 2. What is the probability that exactly 10 misclassified records will be found? In fact, this isn’t all that helpful. More likely: “The business knows that if an IRS auditor comes in and finds 10 or more misclassified records, they may decide to do a complete audit. So rather than the probability of finding exactly 10 records, what is the probability of finding 10 or more records? This gives a completely different value!
Review: Mean and SD of a Normal Distrib’n p Recall that mean is calculated by summing all values and dividing by n. p SD:
Mean and SD of a Binomial Distribution The center and spread of a binomial distribution for a count X are defined by: Something to be thankful for: A much easier calculation than mean and sd for a normal distribution!
Mean and SD of a Binomial Distribution Example: So if we take many of samples of 150 records, on average, how many misclassified documents that be found? So: 150*p We could find the standard deviation using:
Color blindness The frequency of color blindness (dyschromatopsia) in the Caucasian American male population is estimated to be about 8%. We take a random sample of size 25 from this population. The population is definitely larger than 20 times the sample size, thus we can approximate the sampling distribution by B(n = 25, p = 0. 08). p What is the probability that five individuals or fewer in the sample are color blind? Use Excel’s “=BINOMDIST(number_s, trials, probability_s, cumulative)” P(x ≤ 5) = BINOMDIST(5, 25, . 08, 1) = 0. 9877 p What is the probability that more than five will be color blind? P(x > 5) = 1 P(x ≤ 5) =1 0. 9877 = 0. 0123 p What is the probability that exactly five will be color blind? P(x = 5) = 0. 0329
Online binomial prob calculator p http: //faculty. vassar. edu/lowry/binomial. X. html p The calculator is about halfway down the page. Probabilities are shown slightly below the form.
B(n = 25, p = 0. 08) Probability distribution and histogram for the number of color blind individuals among 25 Caucasian males.
Mean and SD of a Binomial Distribution What are the mean and standard deviation of the count of color blind individuals in the SRS of 25 Caucasian American males? µ = np = 25*0. 08 = 2 σ = √np(1 p) = √(25*0. 08*0. 92) = 1. 36 What if we take an SRS of size 10? Of size 75? µ = 10*0. 08 = 0. 8 µ = 75*0. 08 = 6 σ = √(10*0. 08*0. 92) = 0. 86 σ = √(75*0. 08*0. 92) = 3. 35 p =. 08 n = 10 p =. 08 n = 75
Sample proportions (p. 321) – skip for now… The proportion of successes can be more informative than the count. In statistical sampling the sample proportion of successes, , is used to estimate the proportion p of successes in a population (by using a sample). For any SRS of size n, the sample proportion of successes is: p What percentage of adults favor gun control? In an SRS of 50 adults, 38 are in favor: = (38)/(50) = 0. 76 (proportion of adults favoring gun control) p The 30 subjects in an SRS are asked to taste an unmarked brand of coffee and rate it “would buy” or “would not buy. ” Eighteen subjects rated the coffee “would buy. ” = (18)/(30) = 0. 6 (proportion of “would buy”)
p v. s. p A ‘hat’ means you are talking about a sample p p (without the hat) means you are talking about the population
Mean and SD of a sample proportion: If the population size is much larger than the sample size, then the mean and standard deviation of the sample is: are: p Because the mean is p, we say that the sample proportion in an SRS is an unbiased estimator of the population proportion p. p The variability decreases as the sample size increases. So larger samples usually give closer estimates of the population proportion p.
Paraphrase of example 5. 18 (p. 320) p Suppose 60% of all adults assert that “I support gun control”. A newly elected mayor wants to have a referendum on the next ballot to legally require gun control. However, her city’s bylaws require a support of at least 58% of voters to make it law. What is the probability that the mayor will receive that 58% of support? p Answer: 58% of 2500 is 1450. So we are asking about the probability of X >= 1450. p This means: P(X=1450) + P(X=1451) + P(X=1452) + P(X=1453) ………. . P(X=2500) p This calculation is very elaborate. In fact, many statistical calculators can’t even do calculations with an ‘n’ that is so high (e. g. over 1000). p Fortunately, we will now see that even though we need to use the calculations for a Binomial distribution, we can sometimes turn to our old friend, the Normal distribution for such calculations. p The Normal distribution is not the same thing as the binomial distribution and WILL give different results, However, they are often quite close… For this reason we call it the Normal approximation to the binomial distribution.
* Normal approximation of binomial data Useful Tip!: It turns out that you can use the old, familiar Normal calculations with binomial data! The results will not be 100% accurate, but they will be pretty close. So, if a super-high degree of accuracy is not imperative, then this is a very useful technique employed by statisticians. When can the Normal approximation be used? If n is large, and p is not too close to 0 or 1 the binomial distribution can be approximated by the normal distribution N(m = np, s 2 = np(1 p)). • What do you mean by “If n is large”? The Normal approximation can be used when np ≥ 10 and n(1 p) ≥ 10. • What value for p? Ideally close to 0. 5 If X is the count of successes in the sample and = X/n (i. e. the sample proportion of successes) then their sampling distributions for (large) n, are: p X approximately N(µ = np, σ2 = np(1 − p)) p is approximately N(µ = p, σ2 = p(1 − p)/n) KP: If n is sufficiently large, then X and will show an (approximately) normal distribution.
Color blindness The frequency of color blindness (dyschromatopsia) in the Caucasian American male population is about 8%. We take a random sample of size 125 from this population. What is the probability that six individuals or fewer in the sample are color blind? p Using Binomial Distribution: B(n = 125, p = 0. 08) np = 10 P(X ≤ 6) = 0. 1198 or about 12% p Using the Normal approximation: N(np = 10, √np(1 p) = 3. 033) P(X ≤ 6) = typical Normal distribution calculations = 0. 0936 or 9% Or z = (x µ)/σ = (6 10)/3. 033 = 1. 32 P(X ≤ 6) = 0. 0934 from Table A The normal approximation is reasonable, though not perfect. WHY? Because in this example, p = 0. 08 is not close to 0. 5, which is where the normal approximation works at its best. A sample size of 125 is the smallest sample size that can allow use of the normal approximation (np = 10 and n(1 p) = 115).
Sampling distributions for the color blindness example. n = 50 The larger the sample size, the better the normal approximation suits the binomial distribution. Avoid sample sizes too small for np or n(1 p) to reach at least 10 (e. g. , n = 50). n = 125 n =1000
A ‘big picture’ concept p Why do we learn about things like the Normal approximation to the binomial distribution in an introductory course? p In my opinion, it’s less about the specifics of this calculation and more about understanding how the study of statistics (and any science) must sometimes try to come up with clever and creative means of solving problems.
Sampling Distributions for Sample Means IPS Chapter 5. 2 © 2009 W. H. Freeman and Company
Objectives (IPS Chapter 5. 2) Sampling distribution of a sample mean p The mean and standard deviation of p For normally distributed populations p The central limit theorem p Weibull distributions (skip)
Reminder: What is a “sample distribution”? The sampling distribution of a statistic is the distribution of all possible values taken by the statistic when all possible samples of a fixed size n are taken from the population. It is a theoretical idea — we do not actually build it. (It is impossible to take every possible sample out there!) The sampling distribution of a statistic is the probability distribution of that statistic.
Call Lengths: Invidivual vs Samples Distribution of EVERY Call Distribution of 500 samples (80 calls in each sample)
Sampling distribution of the sample mean We take many random samples of a given size n from a population with mean m and standard deviation s. Some sample means will be above the population mean m and some will be below, making up the sampling distribution. Sampling distribution of “x bar” Histogram of some sample averages
Something interesting happens…. For any population with mean m and standard deviation s: p The mean, or center of the sampling distribution of , is equal to the population mean m : mx = m. p The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is s/√n, where n is the sample size : sx = s/√n. Sampling distribution of x bar s/√n m
p Mean of a sampling distribution of There is no tendency for a sample mean to fall systematically above or below m, even if the distribution of the raw data is skewed. Thus, the mean of the sampling distribution is an unbiased estimate of the population mean m — it will be “correct on average” in many samples. p Standard deviation of a sampling distribution of The standard deviation of the sampling distribution measures how much the sample statistic varies from sample to sample. * IMP: Note that this sd is smaller than the standard deviation of the population by a factor of √n. Averages are less variable than individual observations.
For normally distributed populations When a variable in a population is normally distributed, the sampling distribution of for all possible samples of size n is also normally distributed. Sampling distribution If the population is N(m, s) then the sample means distribution is N(m, s/√n). Population
IQ scores: population vs. sample In a large population of adults, the mean IQ is 112 with standard deviation 20. Suppose 200 adults are randomly selected for a market research campaign. p. The distribution of the sample mean IQ is: A) Exactly normal, mean 112, standard deviation 20 B) Approximately normal, mean 112, standard deviation 20 C) Approximately normal, mean 112 , standard deviation 1. 414 D) Approximately normal, mean 112, standard deviation 0. 1 C) Approximately normal, mean 112 , standard deviation 1. 414 Population distribution : N(m = 112; s = 20) Sampling distribution for n = 200 is N(m = 112; s /√n = 1. 414)
Application Hypokalemia is diagnosed when blood potassium levels are below 3. 5 m. Eq/dl. Let’s assume that we know a patient whose measured potassium levels vary daily according to a normal distribution N(m = 3. 8, s = 0. 2). If only one measurement is made, what is the probability that this patient will be misdiagnosed with Hypokalemia? z = − 1. 5, P(z < − 1. 5) = 0. 0668 ≈ 7% Suppose that measurements are taken on 4 separate days, what is the probability of a misdiagnosis? z = − 3, P(z < − 1. 5) = 0. 0013 ≈ 0. 1% Note: Make sure to standardize (z) using the standard deviation for the sampling distribution.
Practical note p Large samples are not always attainable. p p Sometimes the cost, difficulty, or preciousness of what is studied drastically limits any possible sample size. Blood samples/biopsies: No more than a handful of repetitions are acceptable. Oftentimes, we even make do with just one. Opinion polls have a limited sample size due to time and cost of operation. During election times, though, sample sizes are increased for better accuracy. Not all variables are normally distributed. p Income, for example, is typically strongly skewed. p Is still a good estimator of m if the original data is NOT Normal?
Central Limit Theorem
The central limit theorem Central Limit Theorem: When randomly sampling from any population with mean m and standard deviation s, when n is large enough, the sampling distribution of is approximately normal: ~ N(m, s/√n). Population with strongly skewed distribution Sampling distribution of for n = 10 observations Sampling distribution of for n = 2 observations Sampling distribution of for n = 25 observations
Income distribution Let’s consider the very large database of individual incomes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics as our population. We know that such a graph is strongly right skewed. p We take 1000 SRSs of 100 incomes, calculate the sample mean for each, and make a histogram of these 1000 means. p We also take 1000 SRSs of 25 incomes, calculate the sample mean for each, and make a histogram of these 1000 means. Which histogram corresponds to samples of size 100? 25?
Problem 5. 38 (p 339) 6 th ed: Take an SRS of n=100 from a population with mean 200 and sd 10. According to CLT (central limit theorem), what is the appropriate sampling distribution of the sample mean? Use the 95 part of the 68 -95 -99. 7 rule to describe the variability of this sample mean.
How large a sample size? i. e. How large a sample do you need to get a pretty close approximation to Normal? Answer: It depends on the population distribution. More observations are required if the population distribution is far from normal. p A sample size of 25 is generally enough to obtain a normal sampling distribution from a strong skewness or even mild outliers. p A sample size of 40 will typically be good enough to overcome extreme skewness and outliers. In many cases, n = 25 isn’t a huge sample. Thus, even for strange population distributions we can assume a normal sampling distribution of the mean and work with it to solve problems.
Sampling distributions Atlantic acorn sizes (in cm 3) — sample of 28 acorns: p Describe the histogram. What do you assume for the population distribution? p What would be the shape of the sampling distribution of the mean: p For samples of size 5? p For samples of size 15? p For samples of size 50?
Weibull distributions There are many probability distributions beyond the binomial and normal distributions used to model data in various circumstances. Weibull distributions are used to model time to failure/product lifetime and are common in engineering to study product reliability. Product lifetimes can be measured in units of time, distances, or number of cycles for example. Some applications include: q Quality control (breaking strength of products and parts, food shelf life) q Maintenance planning (scheduled car revision, airplane maintenance) q Cost analysis and control (number of returns under warranty, delivery time) q Research (materials properties, microbial resistance to treatment)
Density curves of three members of the Weibull family describing a different type of product time to failure in manufacturing: Infant mortality: Many products fail immediately and the remainders last a long time. Manufacturers only ship the products after inspection. Early failure: Products usually fail shortly after they are sold. The design or production must be fixed. Old-age wear out: Most products wear out over time, and many fail at about the same age. This should be disclosed to customers.