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SAME DC Post Industry Day Contracting Opportunities & Major Design / Construction Projects NAVFAC SAME DC Post Industry Day Contracting Opportunities & Major Design / Construction Projects NAVFAC Washington Overview Kurt W. Kuhn, R. A. Capital Improvements Business Line Coordinator 14 November 2007

NAVFAC Washington - Overview AGENDA NAVFAC Washington’s AOR & Clients Acquisition Projected Workload Back-up NAVFAC Washington - Overview AGENDA NAVFAC Washington’s AOR & Clients Acquisition Projected Workload Back-up Slides 2 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

NAVAC WASHINGTON – AOR and Clients NAVFAC Washington Supports • Naval District Washington • NAVAC WASHINGTON – AOR and Clients NAVFAC Washington Supports • Naval District Washington • NSA Washington • NAS Patuxent • NSA North Potomac • NSA South Potomac • NSA Annapolis • Two Air Force Bases • Three USMC Sites • Other Do. D & Non-Do. D Clients 3 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

NAVFAC Acquisition NAVFAC’s Preferred Acquisition: • Design Build (DB) vs. Design Bid Build (DBB) NAVFAC Acquisition NAVFAC’s Preferred Acquisition: • Design Build (DB) vs. Design Bid Build (DBB) • Best Value Source Selection (BVSS) RFPs NAVFAC Washington’s Acquisition Tools: • A-E IDQ Contracts • Stand Alone A-E Contracts • Multiple Award Construction Contacts (MACC) • Job Order Contract (JOC) • Stand Alone Competitive Source Selection for Unique & Larger Construction Contracts 4 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

NAVFAC Washington A-E IDQ Contracts • Architectural: 6 contracts (developing 2) • MEP: 1 NAVFAC Washington A-E IDQ Contracts • Architectural: 6 contracts (developing 2) • MEP: 1 contract (developing 2) • Civil/Struct: 3 contracts • Cost Est. & Scheduling: 1 Contract • Misc. Eng Services: (developing 1 - SDVOSB) • Environ: 4 Compliance Contracts 1 Natural Resources Contract 2 NEPA Contracts • • 5 Planning: 1 contract (developing 4) Other Support from NAVFAC Atlantic Components NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

NAVFAC Washington Construction Contract Tools @ NAVFAC Washington • Large MACCs: 7 contracts, expires NAVFAC Washington Construction Contract Tools @ NAVFAC Washington • Large MACCs: 7 contracts, expires 05/09 • MID MACCs: 13 contracts, exp 06/09 (Incl Sm Bus) • 8 a MACCs: 4 contracts, expires 09/11 • JOC: 1 contract, Native Alaskan, expires 02/08 • JOCs: 2 (developing) • Paving IDQ • Roofing IDQ (developing) @ NAVFAC Atlantic: • Admin, Industrial & Other MACCs • Environmental MACCs, RACs, CLEANs 6 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

NAVFAC Projected Work FY 08 • MILCON 10 Projects $167 M PA • CNIC, NAVFAC Projected Work FY 08 • MILCON 10 Projects $167 M PA • CNIC, USNA & Other Special Projects > $500 K • Approx 35 projects totaling $40 M+ • Renovate B-200, WNY FY 09 & Beyond • MILCON Typically $150 -$250+M PA / Year FY 06 - FY 11 • BRAC ‘ 05 13 Projects $1. 4+B PA FYI - Air Force Projects $125+M PA FY 08 & Beyond Projects < $500 K 7 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

NAVFAC Washington FY-08 MILCON and Defense Program 8 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007 NAVFAC Washington FY-08 MILCON and Defense Program 8 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

NAVFAC Washington FY-09 MILCON and Defense Program 9 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007 NAVFAC Washington FY-09 MILCON and Defense Program 9 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

NAVFAC Washington BRAC ‘ 05 Program 10 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007 NAVFAC Washington BRAC ‘ 05 Program 10 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

BACKUP SLIDES • Summary Scopes of Work Based Upon 1391 s • Projects Included BACKUP SLIDES • Summary Scopes of Work Based Upon 1391 s • Projects Included Herein are Shown in Previous Spreadsheets 11 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

Questions 12 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007 Questions 12 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

MILCON SCOPES OF WORK The Following Scopes of Work are as Generally Described in MILCON SCOPES OF WORK The Following Scopes of Work are as Generally Described in Project 1391 s ØP-5003 Construct TLF @ Andrews AFB: (Const to be admin by AFCEE) Design Bid Build - Construct a new 2 -story, 50 unit Temporary Lodging Facility (TLF) to include central bulk storage room/admin office and 25 single family units with a 2 -bedroom configuration, full bathroom and kitchens. ØP-339 National Maritime Intel Center (NMIC) @ NSA Wash – Suitland: Design Build - Construct an 15 K+ GSM (150 K+ GSF) addition to the existing NMIC to house additional personnel in support of the increased mission of the Office of the Naval Intelligence and its sub-tenants. Renovate/upgrade some existing administrative offices. 13 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) ØP-306 Electro Magnetic Launch RDT&E Facility @ NSA MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) ØP-306 Electro Magnetic Launch RDT&E Facility @ NSA SP – Dahlgren: Design Build – Construct a 1, 276 SM (13, 742 SF) single-story preengineered building addition to existing building 1410. The project includes a 9600 SF high-bay area and 4000 SF technical support area. ØP-156 E-2 Advanced Hawkeye RDT&E Facility @ NAS Patuxent River: Design Build a 3, 017 SM (32, 473 SF) multi-story secure facility including engineering workspace, secure aircraft data laboratory, engineering analysis workstations, etc. Also, this project will include the demolition of small buildings and the disposal of MILVAN units. 14 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) ØP-558 Aircraft Prototype Facility, Phase 1 of 3 MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) ØP-558 Aircraft Prototype Facility, Phase 1 of 3 @ NAS Patuxent River: Design Build - This project provides a 3, 730 SM (40, 149 SF) secure multistory Aircraft Prototype Facility. Phase 1 will include type II hangers with parking apron and taxi way, a secured video teleconference center, a test control center and a SCIF laboratory, shop and other support spaces. ØP-977 Aircraft Navigation Equipment Laboratory @ NAS Patuxent River: Design Build - Construct a 1, 902 GSM (20, 472 GSF) single-story addition to existing buildings 2110 and 2122 to provide space to support new mission requirements for the Joint Precision Approach and Landing System (JPALS) testing, development and fleet support activities. 15 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) ØP-110 General Warehouse and ISB Facility @ MCB-Quantico: MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) ØP-110 General Warehouse and ISB Facility @ MCB-Quantico: Design Build a 325 GSM (3, 498 GSF) new warehouse facility at Camp Upshur and provide tactical parking for 41 combat vehicles. ØP-545 Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ), MSGBN @ MCB- Quantico: Design Build – Construct a 6, 004 GSM (64, 627 GSF) secure multi-story BEQ to house 280 Marines. Building will include 140 rooms in the standard 2+0 room configuration (70 Module) with semi-private bathrooms and walk-in closets and support spaces. 16 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) Ø P-010 Autonomous Systems Research Lab @ NSA MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) Ø P-010 Autonomous Systems Research Lab @ NSA Wash - NRL: Design Build – Construct a 4, 607 GSM (49, 585 GSF) Autonomous Systems Research Lab. Project includes some demolition. Ø P-200 Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade @ NSA SP - Indian Head: Upgrade NSF-IH’s existing sewage treatment plant to comply with Maryland Dept of Environment (MDE) water quality standards for nitrogen and phosphorus level and the “Chesapeake Bay Restoration” Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Do. D and the State of Maryland. 17 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) Ø P-306 Electromagnetic Launch (EML) RDT&T @ NSA MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) Ø P-306 Electromagnetic Launch (EML) RDT&T @ NSA SP- Dahlgren Design Build – Construct a 1, 277 GSM (13, 742 GSF) building to include an 892 SM (9, 600 SF) high bay area with a 13. 11 M (43 ft) eave height and a 372 SM (4, 000 SF) technical support facility. The project includes some demolition. Ø P-443 Mess Hall, OCS @ MCB - Quantico: Design Build – Construct a 2, 750 GSM (29, 600 GSF) Mess Hall to match existing architectural plan. The project includes some demolition. 18 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) Ø P-517 Green Side Hangar, Phase 2 @ MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) Ø P-517 Green Side Hangar, Phase 2 @ MCAF - Quantico: Design Build – Construct a 5, 626 GSM (60, 558 GSF) Air Craft Maintenance Hangar. Provide 1 module of standard type II hangar space with adjacent multi-story maintenance shop, administrative, medical, storage and other support areas. Ø P-547 Student Barracks, The Basic School, Ph 3 @ MBC- Quantico: Design Build – Construct an 8, 866 GSM (95, 433 GSF) multi-story building. Building provides for 410 rooms in 1 x 1 room configuration (205 modules) with semi-private bathrooms and walk-in closets. 19 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) Ø P-555 Instruction Facility, The Basic School (TBS), MILCON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. ) Ø P-555 Instruction Facility, The Basic School (TBS), Ph 1 @ MCB Quantico: Design Build – Construct a 5, 724 GSM (61, 613 GSF) multi-story Academic Instruction Facility for The Basic School. This facility will be designed to include classrooms, offices, lounges, locker rooms, video viewing rooms, storage rooms and other support spaces. Ø P-619 Instruction Facility Addition, TBS @ MCB - Quantico: Design Build – Construct a 1, 397 GSM (15, 037 GSF) addition to the Academic Instruction Facility for The Basic School. 20 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

MILCON/BRACON SCOPES OF WORK ØP-546 Student Officer Quarters, TBS Phase 2 @ MCB – MILCON/BRACON SCOPES OF WORK ØP-546 Student Officer Quarters, TBS Phase 2 @ MCB – Quantico: Design Build – Construct an 8, 661 GSM (93, 226 GSF) multi-story facility to provide housing for 250 officers undergoing initial training at The Basic School. Building provides 250 rooms in the 1+1 E room configuration (125 modules) with semi-private bathrooms and walk-in closets and support spaces. Project includes some demolition. ØP-001 V Crystal Park 5 to Arlington Service Center @ NSA NP – ASC: Design Build - Renovate Buildings 1, 2 and 12 at the Arlington Service Center totaling 18, 976 GSM (204, 264 GSF) to provide offices for over 1, 000 personnel and related support spaces. ØP-002 V Explosive Development Facility @ NSA SP - Indian Head: Design Build - Construct 8 facilities totaling 5, 285 GSM (56, 894 GSF) to include new explosive pressing facility, explosives hogout facility, category 2 magazine, change house and office space, and renovates facilities for melt casting, explosives machining facility, and laboratory space to support to relocation of the Explosive Engineering Detachment. 21 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

BRACON SCOPES OF WORK ØP-005 V Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) Addition BRACON SCOPES OF WORK ØP-005 V Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) Addition @ Bethesda: Design Build – Construct 50 K+ GSM (540 K+ GSF) additions and 17 K+ GSM (185 K+ GSF) alterations at the Medical Center. Also, construct 6. 7 K+ GSM (73, 000 GSF) alterations for administration space, parking facilities for 2, 500 vehicles, and associated site work. ØP-006 V NSMA - New Warehouse @ NSA Washington – Anacostia: Design Build – Construct a 2, 139 GSM (20, 000 GSF) climate-controlled, SCIF warehouse and associated 1, 858 GSM (3, 000 GSF) administrative open storage SCIF. 22 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

BRACON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. . ) P-011 V R, D&A, & T&E Consolidation BRACON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. . ) P-011 V R, D&A, & T&E Consolidation Facility @ NSA SP – Dahlgren: Design Build – Construct a 6, 094 GSM (65, 595 GSF) multi-story technical support/research facility, with raised access floor in computer rooms and laboratories, sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF), and associated site work. ØP-012 V Collocate MILDEP Investigative Agencies @ MCB – Quantico: Design Build - Construct 68 K+ GSM (700 K+ GSF) secure multi-story office facilities with Classrooms, Cafeteria, Visitor Center/Gatehouse, Warehouse, Utility Facility, and Technical Service spaces to house Military Investigative Agencies. These facilities will include SCIF areas, TV studios and control rooms, and video viewing rooms. Site improvements include parking spaces for 3, 900 vehicles, and other site work. 23 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007

BRACON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. . ) ØP-013 V Pre-Trial Detainee Facility (BRAC) @ BRACON SCOPES OF WORK (cont. . ) ØP-013 V Pre-Trial Detainee Facility (BRAC) @ MCB – Quantico: Design Build - 457 GSM (4, 925 GSF) Pre-Trail Detainee Facility. Ø P-015 V WRNMMC Support Facility @ Bethesda: Design Build - Support Facilities to include will include a 565 vehicle Parking Garage, a 64, 000 GSF Physical Fitness Center, a 21, 000 SF Messing Facility, a 204, 000 GSF new Billeting Facility and the renovation of a 27 GSF facility for billeting. The project will include some demolition. Ø P-TBD WRNMMC Support Facility @ Bethesda: Design Build - Support Facilities to include new 41, 000 SF and 114, 000 GSF administrative facilities. 24 NAVFAC Washington 14 November 2007