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Salient Features Northern Regional Power System Reforms Within The State, Trading And Other Issues Welcome by ALOK ROY General Manager (NRLDC) POWERGRID, New Delhi ü Largest sized hydro unit (180 MW at Chamera) in the country
CS - 2 CS - 1 MPP RLDC Coordinates Regional Grid State A State B State C Control Areas
STATE IPP STATE GENR. TRADE CENTRAL SHARE SLDC Coordinates Directs SEB’s Grid Trading Discom - A Trading Discom - C Consumer Discom - B Control Areas
I E G C Central Govt. CEA RPC CERC State Govt. SEB/STU CTU G 1 RLDC Intra State System ISGS Load L - G SERC G 2 ISTS X= SLDC G L 1 L 2 IEGC to Operate on the periphery
Orissa Model G G BC G T D G G RC G : Genco T : Transco D : Discom BC : Bulk Consumer RC : Retail Consumer
Recommended Model NG NG OG BC D OG OG RC OG : Old Genco NG : New Genco D : Discom BC : Bulk Consumer RC : Retail Consumer
How do you buy or sell a commodity Ø which can not be seen, counted in numbers, or measured in kg, litres or metres, Ø which can not be put in a container with a forwarding address, on a particular truck taking a particular route, but flows as per laws of physics, Ø which can not be stored, and whose availability and cost keep changing widely,
Ø which intermingles with all other supplies in an inevitable pool, and can not have an owner’s name tag ? Ø There is another peculiarity: the buyer has no control over what the seller supplies, and the seller has no control over what the buyer draws from the pool, and the two may not match ! It is crucial to have mechanism for commercial handling of mismatches
1) 2) Power trading has to be notional : buyer to pay the agreed amount to the supplier for scheduled quantum of power. Payment for variations from the schedule through a common mechanism, e. g. U. I. TO AVOID DISPUTES
TRADER 10 MW A @ Rs. 2. 00/ u 10 MW @ Rs. 2. 20/ u B AGREEMENTS ACTUAL FLOW A B 12 MW 8 MW GRID
Rs. 2. 00/ u for 10 MW TRADER Rs. 2. 20/ u for 10 MW PAYMENTS A UI for 2 MW B UI for 2 MW UI POOL A/C
• An Example: Suppose TATA POWER want to sell 100 MW to Discom- A in Andhra Pradesh STEPS : 1) TPC and Discom-A to agree on terms and conditions of sale 2) TPC to get the consent of MSEB and “noobjection” of MSERC 3) Discom-A to get the consent of APTransco and “no- objection” of APSERC
4) MSLDC and APSLDC to ascertain transmission adequacy, and agree to arrange necessary metering, scheduling, energy accounting and UI settlement 5) WRLDC and SRLDC to ascertain transmission adequacy in their regional transmission systems 6) All concerned to have a common understanding about treatment / sharing of transmission losses, and levy of transmission/ wheeling charges for the use of intra-State and inter-State systems
“Open Access’ means Ø Nondiscriminatory provision for use of transmission line or distribution system or associated facilities with such line or system by any licensee or consumer or a person engaged in generation in accordance with the regulations specified by the Appropriate Commission. Ø Under sub-section (2) of Section 38, CTU is obliged to provide nondiscriminatory open access to its transmission system for use by (i) any licensee or generating transmission charges; or company on payment of (ii) any consumer as and when such open access is provided by the State Commission under sub-section (2) of Section 42, on payment of transmission charges and a surcharge thereon as may be specified by the Central Commission
A MORE GENERAL DEFINITION OF “OPEN ACCESS” “Enabling of non-discriminatory sale/ purchase of electric power/energy between two parties utilizing the system of an in- between (third party), and not blocking it on unreasonable grounds”