Английский магистратура Сталоверова.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 11
Saint-Petersburg State University of Service and Economy l. INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SERVICE ENTERPRISES Department of Economics and Business Organizations Master thesis Тема: «The analysis of the innovation development in St. Petersburg» Преподаватель А. В. Шубина Магистрант В. А. Сталоверова Saint-Petersburg 2011
Relevance and purpose of the research master's thesis Relevance of this topic is defined of the significant role of innovation enterpreneurship in modern market economy. R&D works and implementation of innovations determine the rates of economic growth The purpose of this research is studing of innovation business, an analysis of its condition in St. Petersburg, revealing the problems of its development and finding solutions to solve these problems.
To give a definition of the innovation business To analyze the dynamics of the innovation business in Russia To develop To define the role of innovation business in economics To analyze the dynamics of the innovation business in Saint-Petersburg To characterize governmental support of the innovation business recommendations in order to solve identified problems To point out main problems of the hitechnology business development find out more about the activities of main supportive structures
Object of the investigation : The subject of the investigation: Innovation Entrepreneurship Individuals who are engaged in support of the innovation entrepreneurship development in St. Petersburg
In theoretical part of work there was considered: • The essence of the innovation business: (models, factors, stage) • Major sources of the innovation ideas: (consumers, scientists, competitors, dealers and brokers, employees of the company) • Questions about the protection of the products of the intellectual property: (patent and registration rights allow commercialize intellectual property) • The choice of the legal form and procedure of the state registration of an innovation entrepreneurial organizations: (creation of an innovative enterprise is possible under Russian law legal forms)
Main institutions and instruments of the innovation development in Russia and their budgets Federal Program "Research and development in priority areas of nanotubes complex of Russia " 12, 3 billion rub. Russian Fund of Fundamental researches 6, 6 billion rub. Assistance fond of Small Innovation business in the ST area development (Bortnik Fund) Federal Program "Research and scientific-pedagogical cadres of Innovative Russia“ 2, 5 billion rub. 6, 4 billion rub. Federal Program «Development of nanotechnology infrastructure in Russia» State corporation «Rosnano» 1, 4 billion rub. 5, 3 billion rub. Federal Program «National Technological Base» Russian Venture Company 4, 5 billion rub. 4, 1 billion rub.
Objectives of the innovation policy in St. Petersburg The increase of the innovation activities competitiveness the formation of the innovation development mechanism The concentration and diversification of innovation activities The growth of the innovation products sales The tasks of the innovation policy The improvement of legislation the development of the information support system The improvement of the financial security Development of the cooperation
The government of SPb Cluster policy Supporting strustures Innovation Forum Speial Economical Zone Nojdorf Technopark «Ingria» Business Incubator «Ingria» Informational and consulting centre «Innovation» Centre of venture investment Speial Economical Zone Novo-Orlovskaya
Short conclusions about the analysis of innovation entrepreneurship in Saint. Petersburg • St. Petersburg has all the prerequisites for the successful development of innovation entrepreneurship (10% of the country's intellectual potential) • City has elements of innovation infrastructure and also a number of competitive industries; • St. Petersburg has a third place in a rating of investment potential • м конкурентоспособных отраслей; • Санкт-Петербург занимает 3 -е место в рейтинге по инвестиционному потенциалу
Main problems which hamper the development of innovation business of the city: • underdeveloped system of the monitoring the results of the organizations innovation activities; • problems associated with providing innovation managers for the promotion of innovative projects; • A lack of continuity in the scientific, technical and production areas;
Thank you for attention!
Английский магистратура Сталоверова.ppt