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SAINT-PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY of INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES and DESIGN 18, Bolshaya Morskaya Str. St. Petesrburg, Russia, 191186 Tel. : +7(812)315 -12 -10 international@sutd. ru www. sutd. ru
Historical note On the 28 th of November, 1828 St. Petersburg Practical Technological Institute was founded by the initiative of then-Minister of Finance, Egor F. Kankrin. For a long period of its existence the University has undergone many reorganisations and has been renamed several times. In 1992, Leningrad Institute of Textile and Light Industry gained a new status and a new name – St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. In 2015 the University had been renamed. The new name of the University is the St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.
Information The Saint-Petersburg State University of Indurtrial Technologies and Design (SPb. SUITD) is a leading multi-disciplinary educational institution in the Northwest of Russia, which trains students in 16 specialist areas at five educational levels from vocational high education to doctorate. Two centuries after the Educational Institution foundation the University numbers more than 16 thousand students. They are trained at University Colleges (following programmes of vocational high education), 17 Institutes and 2 Higher School (following Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes). Both students and university professors of almost all University departments – there are more than 50 of them – carry out research work, doctoral theses are prepared at the university departments. Being nationally accredited the University confirms the quality of graduates’ knowledge and awards state-recognized certificates at all levels of education, including professional development programmes
University structure • • • Institute of Fashion Design Institute of Design and Fine Arts Institute of Graphic Design Institute of Environmental Design Institute of Textiles and Fashion Institute of Applied Art Higher School of Printing and Media Technologies Institute of Business Communications Regional Institute of Continuous Professional Education Institute of Economics and Social Technologies Institute of Information Technologies and Automation • Higher School of Technology and Energy • Institute of Applied Chemistry and Ecology ______________ • College of Technology, Modelling and Management • Engineering School of Clothing (College)
Institute of Fashion Design Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes Fashion Design (Fashion Design, Knitwear Design, Costume Design)
Institute of Design and Fine Art Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes Interior Design History and Theory of Fine Art (History and Theory of Design) History and Theory of Fashion Specialist’s Degree programme Monumental and Decorative Art
Institute of Graphic Design Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes Graphic Design (Graphic Design in Art Space, Graphic Design in Multimedia Technologies, Graphic Design in Advertising, Computer Game Graphics and Animation)
Institute of Environmental Design Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes Environmental Design (Interior, Furniture and Equipment Design, Landscape Design)
Institute of Textile and Fashion Bachelor’s Degree programmes Footwear and Accessories Design Commerce Standardisation and Metrology Standardisation and Certification Light Industry Goods Technology (Clothing Technology, Fur and Leather Technologies, Leather Goods Technologies) Light Industry Goods Construction (Clothing Construction, Leather Goods Construction) Textile Goods Technology (Technology of Textile Materials, Textile Materials) Master’s Degree programmes Footwear and Accessories Design Light Industry Goods Technology (Clothing Technology, Fur and Leather Technologies, Leather Goods Technologies) Light Industry Goods Construction (Clothing Construction, Leather Goods Construction) Textile Goods Technology (Technology of Textile Materials, Textile Materials)
Institute of Applied Art Bachelor’s Degree programmes Technology of Artistic Processing of Materials (Technology of Art Objects , Jewellery Technology) Applied Art and Folk Crafts (Artistic Design of Decorative Accessories) Master’s Degree programme Applied Art and Folk Crafts (Artistic Design of Decorative Accessories)
Higher School of Printing and Media Technologies Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes Journalism Advertising and Public Relations (Advertising and Public Relations in Commerce) Graphics Industrial Management Technological Machines and Equipment (Publishing Machines and Automated Complexes) Informatics and Computer Engineering (Automated Systems of Data Processing and Control) Information Systems and Technologies (Information Technologies in Design, Information Technologies in Media Industry) Technologies of Printing and Packaging Production (Technology of Printing Production, Technology and Design of packaging Production)
Institute of Business Communications Bachelor’s Degree programmes Advertising and Public Relations Record Management and Archival Science (Records Management and Document Support of Management) Tourism (Technology and Organisation of Tour Operators and Travel Agents Services, Master’s Degree programmes Technology and Organisation of Hotel Advertising and Public Relations Services) Management (Strategic Management) Economics History and Theory of Art Management (Theory of Graphic Design)
Regional Institute of Continuous Professional Education Bachelor’s Degree programmes Economics (Insurance) Commerce Light Industry Goods Technology Light Industry Goods Construction
Institute of Economics and Social Technologies Bachelor’s Degree programmes Economics (World Economy , Labour Economics, Finances and Credit, Commerce, Company and Organization Economics) Management (Marketing, Human Resources Management, Corporate Social Management) Social Work (Social Youth Work) Organization of Youth Work Applied Information Science (Applied Information Science in Social Work) Master’s Degree programmes Economics Organization of Youth Work
Institute of Information Technologies and Automation Bachelor and Master Degree programmes Applied Information Technology (Applied Information Science in Design, Applied Information Science in Economics) Technological Machines and Equipment (Machines and Units in Textile and Light Industry , Elevators and Escalators, Information Technologies in Production) Automation of Technological Processes and Manufacturing (Textile and Light Industry Manufacturing Automation, Automation of Business Processes Management of Production and Companies)
Higher School of Technology and Energy Bachelor’s Degree programmes Chemical Engineering. Printing and Packaging Technologies. Energy- and Resource-Saving Processes in Chemical Engineering. Petrochemistry and Biotechnology. Heat-Power Engineering and Heat Technologies. Processing Machinery and Equipment. Process and Production Automation. Control in Engineering Systems. Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Technology. Applied Mathematics and Informatics. Industrial Design. Economics. Management. Master’s Degree programmes Chemical Engineering. Energy- and Resource-Saving Processes in Chemical Engineering. Petrochemistry and Biotechnology. Technosphere Safet. Heat-Power Engineering and Heat Technologies. Processing Machinery and Equipment. Master’s Degree: Process and Production automation. Management.
Institute of Applied Chemistry and Ecology Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes Industrial Design Chemical Technology (Technology and Equipment for Chemical Fibers and Composite Material Production, Chemical Technology and Equipment of Finishing Production, Chemical Technology of Organic and Inorganic Substances) Technosphere Safety (Engineering Protection of the Environmental) Energy- and Resource-saving Processes in Chemical Technology, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology ( Environmental Protection and Resource-saving)
Colleges College of Technology, Modeling and Management Engineering School of Clothing (college) • Landscape Design • Leather Goods Design • Interior Design • Leather Goods Modeling and Construction • Advertising • Commerce • Insurance • Fashion Design • Textile Design • Construction, Modeling and Technology of Garments • Economics and Accounting • Hotel Service
Programmes of Continuing Professional Development Besides the above mentioned educational programmes the University is also delivering a number of programmes of continuing professional development in various promising spheres and specialist areas. Continuing professional development courses have different formats: from a short-term training to a professional re-training programme (more than 1000 hours), from a master class in vocational professions to an original course of lectures delivered by a professional fashion designer. Teaching is provided in Russian and in English foreign students. Teachers and students of the university have an opportunity to participate in a different international scientific projects and educational programmes. The University annually hosts both students and professors from our foreign partner-universities with which we support the most friendly and warm relations.
International Academic Mobility programme Ø Integrated study : the recommended value is 30 ECTS credits, a set of subjects is identified by the student, teaching is provided in Russian in regular students’ groups, approximate training period is September – December or February – June. Application deadlines are December 1 and June 1, respectively. Ø International semester: the recommended value is 30 ECTS credits , subjects are provided at the request of the student and are to be approved by the SPb. SUITD 60 days before the programme starts. Teaching is delivered in English in special international groups or individually on the block system, the approximate periods are September–December or February– June. Application deadlines are December 1 or June 1. Ø Seasonal school: a short-term programme covering 2 -15 ECTS credits. According to the wish of the partner-university the programme can include lectures, workshops as well as visits to the events connected with attanding and studying work of companies and industries. One educational institution is allowed to send 5 -25 students to participate in one programme. Application deadline and programme negotiation are no later than 6 weeks prior to the programme beginning.
International Academic Mobility programmeme Besides, SPb. SUITD offers the following types of international cooperation: Ø double degree programmes Ø Master classes and open lectures (from 6 to 34 contact hours) delivered by guest lecturers at SPb. SUITD and SPb. SUITD academics at partner institutions. Ø Thematic courses of lectures (from 1 to 2 semesters) delivered by foreign teachers at SPb. SUITD and SPb. SUITD academics at partner institutions. Ø Postgraduate study at SPb. SUITD for students of partner higher education institutions. Ø Professional development programmes In the frame of all specialist areas covered by SPb. SUITD. Ø Joint research and creative projects, international competitions, conferences and seminars.
International Associations and Organization The University is an institutional member of the following international organizations : CUMULUS –International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media www. cumulusassociation. org IGIP – International Society of Engineering Pedagogy www. igip. org ETN - European Textile Network www. etn-net. org
Creative Competitions International creative competitions for young designers are held at the University annually International Contest for Young Fashion Designers ‘ADMIRALTY NEEDLE’ http: //igladesign. ru/ Russian Students’ Competition for Fashion Designers ‘BREATH OF SPRING’
the «ADMIRALTY NEEDLE» The purpose of the contest is to unite talented young fashion designers from all over the world and to give them the opportunity to show their individual vision of current fashion trends to the chosen audience, representatives of mass media and world famous couturiers. The contest jury members are prominent designers. During its nearly twenty-year history over 11, 000 contestants from Russia and 20 countries have participated in the Contest and over 8, 000 collections have been presented.
the «BREATH OF SPRING» ‘Breath of Spring’ is a regional stage of the International competition for young fashion designers ‘Exercise’(Moscow). The competition aims at discovering young gifted professionals for the fashion industry and promoting cultural and scientific exchanges between educational systems, creative unions and specialists involved in the industry. The judging panel includes leading Russian fashion designers, directors of clothing manufacturers, people of art and media representatives covering fashion and style issues. During the last twenty two years the competition has been attended by nearly 6, 000 participants from 15 regions of Russia who have presented more than 5, 000 collections.
Dormitories SPb. SUITD offers 2 dormitories for international students 16, Khudozhnikov Pr. ( 15 -25 - minute walk from Ozerki metro station) 7, Zvezdnaya Ul. (5 -minutes walk from Zvezdnaya metro station) Accomodation fee – 4, 250 rubles per month
Contact Details RUSSIA, 191186 Saint-Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya Str. , 18 Head for International Integration Alexey U. PASTUKHOV Tel. /Fax: +7(812)315 -05 -01 E-mail: pastukhov@sutd. ru Head of the International Projects and Educational Programmes Department Liudmila A. KARPOVA Tel. : +7(812)315 -05 -65 E-mail: kla@sutd. ru International Relations Department +7(812)315 -12 -10 E-mail: international@sutd. ru