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SAC Aging “ 2” Project “Definition Stage” Ready to go to “Implementation Stage” Joe Smetana November 8, 2010
Background • There is some evidence that the ATC performance of SAC solders tests is degraded by thermal preconditioning or aging – Multiple HDPUG Tests: SAC Acceleration Factors, Mild Acceleration Test, and SAC Aging Test – CALCE Data (limited public) • Auburn work using bulk solder samples shows a correlation • • between SAC solder properties and microstructures with aging. Alcatel-Lucent work using commercial components confirms microstructural changes with aging. Alcatel-Lucent (ALU) ATC testing shows that the magnitude of the aging effects are dependent strongly on the component type, CTE mismatch, nominal strain level, and ATC test parameters. The ALU work shows that in some cases, the effects due to in situ aging during thermal cycling control the failure process, not the effects due to the initial thermal aging, In some cases the ALU work showed aging effects with Sn. Pb as well. The ALU work also indicates that it is necessary to track the microstructural evolution of the solder in order to understand the effects of thermal preconditioning.
Background • The analysis of the current HDPUG SAC Aging Test is complicated by various factors including: – Early fails (left censored data) during non-monitored section of ATC – Potential voiding issues – Very high strain components – Inadequate microstructural characterization and failure analysis. The existing aging correlations are based strictly on statistical analysis of ATC data and are not supported by failure analysis or microstructural correlations. The bottom line is that this has taken very long (project initiated ~2 years ago) and it is yielding ambiguous data. At best, this test produced only qualitative comparisons that will require additional follow-up testing.
Project Overview • Use an existing test board design and component(s) to facilitate the • • launch of a new SAC Aging Project. The component(s) will be selected from ones that have shown signs of being impacted by aging in the Mild Acceleration Test – The test board design already exists and the components can be procured easily. – The exact test board is completely compatible with the ALU ATC chamber and rack system because it has already been cycled in previous test programs. – The ATC program should be low cost and relatively easy to execute. – This testing can address some of the existing gaps in the current SAC Aging project Perform baseline microstructural characterization on ambient (no age) and aged samples. Perform failure mode analysis and characterization on ATC samples to determine extent of microstructural evolution and impact on final failure. Build additional samples (5 boards for each component type) for microstructural analysis at different aging times/temperatures – complete plan to be worked out.
Test Vehicle (AT-1 Board) • 16 each of 2 component • • • types per board Test Board Size: 6. 5” x 7”x. 093” thick Connector not populated – for wiring only Extra ground lug point Only 2 boards required for sample size of 32 components Populate only one component type at a time
Test Board Stackup • • • Most routing on Layer 2 Layers 3 and 4 are planes Open areas on L 2 and 5 are thieved
Components • 0. 8 mm pitch 192 CABGA • • – Available from Practical Components (Amkor) – Can be procured with “large” die (special order code) - Die size 475 x 475 mils – Ball size: 0. 46 mm – Need to buy a minimum of 240 – SAC 305 solder balls Same component used on the VIP test and on the Mild Acceleration Test – ATC performance known to be affected by preconditioning/aging Also test the BGA 84 – but: – Will do this on a separate board set – in other words, we will build ½ of the boards with BGA 192 components (only) and ½ of the boards with BGA 84 components only • Fails much later than the BGA 192 and we want to pull boards for FA without • • “excessive” extra cycles on them Will probably not increase the bare board costs (since the number of additional boards will likely still fall into a single lot build) – we only need a total of 30 – 15 for each component build. No extra component cost (we already have 284 of these) Test would ATC longer to get failures on the BGA 84. Doubles slots in the ATC test chamber, Doubles wiring (but the total numbers are still rather low)
DOE/Test Overview Factor A B C Row # Time (Hrs) Temp (°C) Dwell (Mins) 1 480 25 10 2 480 25 60 3 240 125 10 4 240 125 60 5 480 125 10 6 480 125 60 2 boards required per test leg 32 components per test leg Similar to SAC Aging 1 – but eliminates Alloy and Strain as Variables, uses only a single elevated temperature, two different ATC dwells, different component ATC Profile: 0 -100ºC, 10 and 60 minute dwells
Assembly • Assemble 30 total boards, 15 each with only the BGA 192 component, 15 each with only the BGA 84 component – 12 boards for testing + 2 boards for profiling + 1 board for witness samples at each aging condition (3 x 2 component types) + boards (10) for aging/microstructure analysis at different times/temperatures – Flextronics is already tooled for this assembly – – Solder Paste – SAC 305
Microstructure Analysis • A key part of this is microstructure analysis. We will build 5 extra each board type for aging/pulling at different ATC cycles and/or different preconditioning (for example – 75 C for TBD time to match similar microstructures seen etc. )
Cutting the board for Long Term Aging Samples (non-monitored) Allows for 4 different “pulls” per board – total of 20 options with 50 boards Cut lines
Draft Pull Schedule for Long Term Aging – subject to change Draft Aging/Evaluation Schedule 5 total boards of each type for aging/cross-sectioning. No monitoring 4 "sections" per board (20 total) 4 components per section for each type (BGA 192 on one board type, BGA 84 on the other board Aging Condition Number of boards Number of Sections (4 components each) 75ºC 1 4 50ºC 1. 75 125ºC, 240 hours, + ATC Pull Interval First Pull 2 nd Pull 3 rd Pull 4 th pull 5 th pull 6 th pull 7 th pull 6 months 12 months 18 months 24 months 7 6 months 12 months 18 months 24 months 30 months 36 months 42 months 48 months 1 4 500 cycles First Fail FF+500 cyc FF+1000 cyc FF+1500 cyc 125ºC, 480 hours, + ATC 1 4 500 cycles First Fail FF+500 cyc FF+1000 cyc FF+1500 cyc None (Orig Witness sample) 0. 25 1 NA ATC Samples - in the 10 minute or the 60 minute dwell chambers? Could split them 50/50?
Project Key Steps • • • Project Lead (ALU) Design TV – Complete (ALU) Build/Purchase Bare Boards: Meadville Purchase BGA 192 Components: Oracle Assembly : Flextronics SJ Precondition Boards: ALU Wiring and ATC (0 -100ºC, - 2 dwells (ALU) Weibull Analysis (ALU) Long Term Aging for Microstructure Analysis (ALU) FA and Microstructure Analysis (ALU, Celestica, IBM and others? ) Final Report (Team)
Schedule -Draft Design TV Receive Components Receive Boards Assembly Complete Precondition Boards Begin LT aging Wire Boards ATC start ATC complete 10 min dwell ATC complete 60 min dwell Begin Microstructure Studies Complete LT Microstucture Eval Weibull Analysis Interim report Final Report Est completion Complete 12/2010 2/2011 3/2011 4/2011 11/2011 7/2012 4/2011 3/2015 Ongoing with ATC 9/2012 2015? Actual
TEAM • • • Alcatel-Lucent Celestica Oracle IBM Flextronics Others…