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  • Количество слайдов: 21

s’ in h tc u. H ss rs la ay M C t’s D s’ in h tc u. H ss rs la ay M C t’s D en int id po s re er P ow P

John Adams ~John Adams went to Harvard. ~John Adams was friends with Thomas Jefferson. John Adams ~John Adams went to Harvard. ~John Adams was friends with Thomas Jefferson. ~2 nd president brith 1735 death 1826

Franklin D. Roosevelt He was elected once. Franklin entered public service through politics but Franklin D. Roosevelt He was elected once. Franklin entered public service through politics but as a Democrat. Born: 1882 Died: 1945 32 nd President


Grover Stephen Cleveland ~On June 1886, he was the only one in the white Grover Stephen Cleveland ~On June 1886, he was the only one in the white house married at that time. ~He was the only president elected to two nonconsecutive terms. ~He was the 22 nd president of the United States Of America. ~Birth: March 18, 1837 Death: June 24, 1908

Zachary Taylor 1. Taylor was an Army General before he was president. 2. He Zachary Taylor 1. Taylor was an Army General before he was president. 2. He was the first president who never held a political office before the presidency. Birth date: Nov. 24, 1784 Death date: July 9, 1850 He was the 12 th

James Madison He helped frame the bill of right. He died with heart failure. James Madison He helped frame the bill of right. He died with heart failure. My president was the 4 president. He was born in 1751. He died in 1836 He was born in Virginia

George Washington • George Washington grew up in a planter family. When he grew George Washington • George Washington grew up in a planter family. When he grew up he pursued two interest: military arts and western expansion. • He was the first president of the U. S. His Birth date was 1732 & his death date was 1799.

George W. Bush He is Governor of where my dad was born in Texas George W. Bush He is Governor of where my dad was born in Texas George W Bush has 2 dogs just like me. He was the 43 th president. He was born July 6, 1946 but he is still alive.

John Calvin Coolidge He entered law and politics. He had an electronic horse installed John Calvin Coolidge He entered law and politics. He had an electronic horse installed in the White House. He was the 30 th president of the U. S. He was born on July 4, 1872 and he died on January 5, 1933.

William H. Taft He got stuck in the white houses bathtub And he was William H. Taft He got stuck in the white houses bathtub And he was the fattest president 27 th president Birth (1857 -1930)

Harry S. Truman He was a vice president for a few weeks. He went Harry S. Truman He was a vice president for a few weeks. He went to France during World War 1 as a captain in the Field Artillery. He was the 33 rd president.

Abraham Lincoln Even though he was strong, a talented wrestler, and professional with an Abraham Lincoln Even though he was strong, a talented wrestler, and professional with an ax. Lincoln disliked killing and harming animals even for food. Birth 1809 death 1865. 16 th president.

Martin Van Burn He had four sons. He had two tiger cubs. He was Martin Van Burn He had four sons. He had two tiger cubs. He was the 8 th president.

Rutherford B. Hayes 19 president of the U. S. Birth date 1822 -Death date Rutherford B. Hayes 19 president of the U. S. Birth date 1822 -Death date 1893 Rutherford B. Hayes was the first president to use the telephone. Rutherford B. Hayes was the first president to visit the west coast while in office.

Ronald Reagan Born: 1911 Died: 2004 40 th president He was known for his Ronald Reagan Born: 1911 Died: 2004 40 th president He was known for his love of jelly beans, He lived the longest of the presidents.

Richard M. Nixon He was the 37 th president of the U. S. He Richard M. Nixon He was the 37 th president of the U. S. He had a wife and two children. He was born on January 9, 1913. He died on April 22, 1994.

Chester A. Arthur He was the son of a baptist preacher. He was vice Chester A. Arthur He was the son of a baptist preacher. He was vice president. He was born in 1829 -1886.

Lyndon B. Johnson Favorite Hobbies: Fishing, Hunting, Riding. Cause of death: Heart attack. Birthdate: Lyndon B. Johnson Favorite Hobbies: Fishing, Hunting, Riding. Cause of death: Heart attack. Birthdate: 8/27/1908 Deathdate: 1/22/1993 Lyndon B. Johnson was the 36 th president. He was born in Central Texas. He worked as a congregational security. He got married to Claudia “Lady Bird” Taylor. He was 65 years old when he died.

Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson was the 7 th president. Birth date 1767 Death date Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson was the 7 th president. Birth date 1767 Death date June 1845 Born in Carolina. He was a general in 1812. He was the

James Monroe He had two girls and a wife named Elizabeth Kortright Monroe. He James Monroe He had two girls and a wife named Elizabeth Kortright Monroe. He was the 5 th president of the UNITED STATES. James was born APRIL 28, 1758 died on JULY 4, 1831 He liked hunting and playing sport's. He was 73 years old when he died.