- Количество слайдов: 27
Local context 2. Where from in Romania 3. Act here and there 1. 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
Idea of the project in December 2009 on the field : Romanian people with health problems want to go back in Romania Beginning of the project in March 2010 with two main priorities : v ØTrain human ressources ØSupport for social engineering response to calls for proposals 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA and
ROMÁ Network created in April 2010: Social and medico-social associations law 1901: Child protection, fight against poverty, emergency & social housing, social economy, health, education, etc. Intervene in slums, squatting buildings, emergency and social housing, etc. 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
I. Local context In Nord-Pas de Calais : Ø 2500 Romanian citizen Ø 250 Bulgarian Accompanied by the ROMÁ network 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
I. Local context q 76% in slums q 8% in squatting buildings q 3% in emergency housing q 5% in « villages d’insertion » q 5% in social hotels q Less than 1% in social housing q 3% in housing put at disposal Ø Shortage of emergency and social housing 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
I. Local context Communes Nombre de personnes Lille et communes associées 1123 Roubaix 446 Villeneuve d’Ascq 299 Lezennes 123 Tourcoing 72 Mons en Baroeul 56 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
II. Where from in Romania Main judets of orign of Roma migrants : q 15% from Maramures q 15% from Bacau q 10% from Arad q 9% from Salaj q 8% from Vaslui 3 geographic area : v Maramures and Salaj North-East in Romania v Bacau, Vaslui and Vrancea in the East of Romania v Arad and Timis in the West of Romania 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
Towns: 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
August 13 1991 at Vălenii Lăpuşului 18 houses burnt in the village of Vălenii Lăpuşului, village of the municipality, Maramureş Source : Council of Europe, « Third migration » , written by Mirjam Karoly http: //romafacts. unigraz. at/index. php/history/third-migrationemancipation-process/third-migration 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
III. Act here and there v Transnational agreement in June 2011 with Romanian partners : Local NGOS in Maramureş ASSOC, CARITAS Satu Mare And local authorities and other partners to realize a territorial diagnosis : City of Baia Mare, town of Coroieni, University of the North, Prefecture 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
v Transnational seminar in Nov. 2011 : - Strong interest from Nord Pas de Calais regional autorities : 300 participants Delegation of 25 Romanian stakeholders : President of the County of Maramures, Prefect of Maramures, National Agency for Roma, Mayor of Coroieni, etc. - Records of the seminar - Leaflet « Préjugés et Discriminations » 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
Creation of a the network platform in Romania in February 2013 : Coordinator sent in Romania : - Office in the town hall of the town of Coroieni from Feb to July 2013) - and then in ASSOC, NGO in Baia Mare from Sept. 2013 to June 2014) 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
Creation of a the network platform in Romania in February 2013 : Coordinator sent in Romania : - Office in the town hall of the town of Coroieni from Feb to July 2013) - and then in ASSOC, NGO in Baia Mare from Sept. 2013 to June 2014) 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
ROMA Plateforme in Romania: Project coordination : Mobilization of the local stakeholders, project application to the call of tenders: Win the project "Children and young people at risk, initiatives to reduce inequalities" Total budget: 280 000€/ EEA Norway Grant - Construction of a « multifunctional center » : 100. 000 euros, Educational activities : 30 000 Training for the young people : 40 000 euros Social catering (for children at school): 30. 000 euros 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
ROMA Plateforme in Romania: - Project coordination : In summary, the activities in the center for the children at school and the young people living in Ponorâta: - 80 hot meals on school days, - 80 children participate in educational and extracurricular activities (NGO ASSOC) - 50 young people will access to guidance counseling and training (CCF training center) 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
ROMA Plateforme in Romania: Cooperation : Between schools of Balzac in Tourcoing and of Ponorâta in Coroieni - Writing and illustrating of the tale « The Lost country » : http: //www. lasauvegardedunord. fr/au -pays-perdu-conte-franco-roumain/ - Franco-romanian mediation (desegregation activities by education activities) - 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
Act here and there Train social workers (Romanian and French) : - Training seminar on Mediation and school health. 6, 7 and 8 Nov. 2012, 60 participants three days in Coroieni (Romania), 15 French participants: - Training seminar on 11, 12 and 13 June 2013, 120 participants in Lille including 15 Romanian participants: Inclusion in France and Romania - 12 Romanian students in social work three-month internship in our structures - Erasmus program in partnership with University of North Baia Mare in Romania and the European School in Social Work (2011, 2012). Ø 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
Bilingual book : “Roma trajectories” Why Romanian Roma migrants do come in France ? What are their living conditions in Romania? What do they earn in coming to live in slums in France? What are their wishes? What are the obstacles they face in everyday life? Giving voice to those who never have it. . . Originating mainly from Romania, they come from different regions. Their situation and the reasons for their migrations are always different. We want to give them voice directly, so they deliver their own testimonies. The book is available online: : http: //www. lasauvegardedunord. fr/parole-aux-roms-bas/ 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
CAP EßT - - - Make it visible : 20 Minutes, « Roma aide aussi là-bas » , 8 avril 2015 : http: //www. 20 minutes. fr/lille/1580843 -20150407 -nord 200000 -euros-collectif-aide-roms-roumanie Croix du Nord « Pour une chance et une aide au retour des roms » , 1 janvier 2016 (mention faite du soutien de la DIHAL) : http: //roms 5962. fr/roms/documentaire/2016_01_La. Croix _Rom. pdf Voix du Nord « Les roms de Ponorata, à Lille et làbas » : http: //www. lavoixdunord. fr/france-monde/les-roms -de-ponorata-a-lille-et-la-bas-video-ia 0 b 0 n 3098167 UNCCAS, Dossier Europe « Etre né quelque part » (mention faite du soutien de la DIHAL ): http: //www. unccas. org/etre-ne-quelque-part-lescollectivites-francaises-impliquees-en-roumanie-512
Act here and there Ø Use local/ national grants : European structural funds P. O. C. U. OS 4. 1 : 4, 8 millions euros Target group : 501 persons, 264 children, 223 adults, and 14 young Period : 36 months Objectivs : • Improve living conditions (financing to beneficiaries) • Improve education and training • Create economical activities 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
Act here and there Activities : School after school (174 enfants) Training (Second chance program) : 154 adults to education level of « clasa 4 » , (Cours Moyen 1ère année (CM 1), Qualification (165 adults) Looking for a job coucelling, 70 adults Financial support to creation up to five social enterprise (25000€ per enterprise) -Medical and social assistance 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
Act here and there Ø Necessary preliminaries : Fight against poverty Financing to beneficiaries : Effectiv participation and progressiv imof living conditions : proving progressiv : Annual financing (1200 RON per year ) and three meals per day to the children participating to the Second chance school Financing of 5 RON per hour to adults participating to training classes and one meal per day Financing to firms which hire vulnerable people from Ponorâta : 900 RON per month during 12 month 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
Act here and there Financing to beneficiaries : Effective participation and progressive improvement of living conditions : Annual financing (1200 RON per year ) and three meals per day to the children participating to the Second chance school Financing of 5 RON per hour to adults participating to training classes and one meal per day Financing to firms which hire vulnerable people from Ponorâta : 900 RON per month during 12 month 3/19/2018 Source: Projet ROMA
FRANCO-ROMANIAN INNOVATION « Sustainable model of social development » BUSINESS PLAN Jobs creation ü Inclusion; ü Social enterprise; LOCAL ARCHITECTURE Number of jobs/ Number of houses “Unité d’ habitats d’insertion » ü Living conditions; ü Social work; 27