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S 7 Airlines Anastasia Nagovicyna A 1 20. 04. 13
Owners and management Controlling stake, "airline" Siberia ", and it is 70% owned by a group of companies « S 7 Group » . Government owns 25. 5%. Remaining shares - the management « S 7 Airlines » . Capitalization of trades on RTS Board on May 2006 year - $ 297 million. May 12, 2009 Board of Directors appointed a new airline CEO airline "Siberia" by Vladimir Obedkova. Prior to this he held the post of Vladislav Filev.
Financial performance The company's revenue in 2008 (RAS) - 31. 9 billion rubles. (in 2007 - 31. 1 billion rubles. ), net profit - 157 140 000 rubles. (109. 8 million rubles). The company's revenue in 2006 - 25 billion rubles. (in 2005 - 19. 8 billion rubles. ), net profit - 61 mln. (2005: net loss of 98. 8 million rubles. ), EBITDA - 1, 1 billion rubles. February 5, 2009 "Siberia" has announced a technical default on the offer of the bond issue of 2. 3 billion rubles. At the time of publication of the latest report of "Siberia" (third quarter 2008), the company's debt was 11. 5 billion rubles. This amount includes 2. 3 billion rubles. bond issue, and the rest - Savings and Loans "Uralsib" with maturities expiring in 2009 -2010. March 4, 2009 "Siberia" made a real default on bonds for 2. 3 billion rubles. On the same day the claim was registered in the Novosibirsk Court of Arbitration of the bondholder "Siberia" - IS "KIT Finance". Later in March, the company managed to restructure the debt on the bonds in the amount of 1. 33 billion rubles.
Honors «S 7 Airlines» repeatedly became the winner of various competitions, exhibitions and awards. In 2001, the airline's CEO Vladislav Filev was voted Manager of the Year in the Russian air transport. In the international tourism fair MITT-2002 in Moscow, "Siberia" was voted the best airline in Russia. In 2003 «S 7 Airlines» first of the Russian airline was awarded the prize «Flight International Aerospace Awards» British magazine «Flight International» in the nomination "Corporate Strategy". In February 2004, received the award of the American magazine «Air Transport World magazine» in the nomination "The leaders of the market. " In 2007 the company won the annual national "People's Brand / Brand number 1 in Russia. " In 2011, the airline became the winner of the annual National Aviation Award "Wings of Russia" in the "Russian airline of the year - a leader in the development of Internet technology - the choice of passengers. "
Airline subsidiaries Airline "Globe". The route network Main article: The route network of S 7 Airlines Airline «S 7 Airlines» together with its subsidiaries carriers forms an extensive route network, which includes 83 areas (41 - Russian domestic) in 26 countries.
Attempts to privatize State-owned shares of "Siberia" (25. 5%) were repeatedly exposed for sale in the 2006 th and 2007 th years. The talks are underway with the sale of 2001, but buyers and was not found. At the end of 2009, the representatives of the country's main airline "Aeroflot" mentioned the possibility of acquisition of state-owned shares of "Siberia", but action is not spilled. In 2011, the state once again fielded three times his stake in the auction, but they did not take place due to lack of applicants for the purchase. Experts attributed the failure of privatization in the package so that portfolio investors are not interested in it because of the high initial price (1. 8 - 2. 9 billion rubles. ), And for strategic because of the size of the package, which do not allow real impact on the management of the airline.
References http: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/S 7_Airlines#. D 0. 9 F. D 0. BE. D 0. BF. D 1. 8 B. D 1. 82. D 0. BA. D 0. B 8_. D 0. BF. D 1. 80. D 0. B 8. D 0. B 2. D 0. B 0. D 1. 82. D 0. B 8. D 0. B 7. D 0. B 0. D 1. 86. D 0. B 8