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Ryzhkov Daniel Form 8 A School #28 Teacher: Barekyan A. G. Pyatigorsk 2016
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage is the outstanding cultural and natural values that are the heritage of all mankind. In 1972, UNESCO Organization ( UNESCO) adopted the Convention of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. UNESCO World Heritage Convention ratified in early 1992, the 123 - member countries. The UNESCO World Heritage List 26 items listed in the Russian Federation ( 2015 ).
" Venice of the North ' , with its numerous canals and more than 400 bridges - is the result of great urban project begun in 1703 under Peter the Great. The city is closely related to the October Revolution of 1917, in 19241991 and years. he wore the name of Leningrad. Its architectural heritage combines such diverse styles as Baroque and Classicism , which can be seen in the Admiralty , the Winter Palace , the Marble Palace and the Hermitage. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1990.
Kizhi Pogost is located on one of the numerous islands of Lake Onega in Karelia. Here you can see two wooden churches of the XVIII century and the bell tower , built of wood in 1862. These unusual constructions , is the pinnacle of carpentry skills are a model of the ancient parish and in harmony with the surrounding natural landscape. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1990.
This place is linked with the most important historical and political events in the life of Russia since the XIII century. Moscow Kremlin created in the XIVth century by outstanding Russian and foreign architects , was the grand-ducal and then royal residence , as well as a religious center. In Red Square , stretched near the Kremlin , St. Basil's Cathedral stands - a true masterpiece of Russian Orthodox architecture. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1990.
Novgorod favorably settling on the ancient trade route between Central Asia and northern Europe , it was the first capital of Russia in the IX century , the center of Orthodox spirituality and Russian architecture. Its medieval monuments, churches and monasteries , as well as the frescoes of Theophanes the Greek (Andrei Rublev's teacher) dating from the XIV century. It Illustrate the level of outstanding architectural and artistic creativity. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1992.
Solovetsky archipelago, located in the western part of the White Sea consists of 6 islands with a total area of over 300 square km. They were settled in the V century BC , but the earliest evidence of human presence here refer to the 3 -2 -th millennium BC. Islands , since the XV century became a place of creation and active development of the largest monastery in the Russian North. There also several churches of XVI-XIX centuries. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1992.
These two ancient cultural centers of central Russia hold an important place in the history of the formation of the country's architecture. There a number of magnificient religious and public buildings of XII-XIII centuries. Among them there are the Uspensky and Dmitrievsky cathedrals (Vladimir ). In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1992.
It is located in the Moscow region. This is a prime example of the active Orthodox monastery , which has features of a fortress , which is in line with the spirit of the time of its formation - XV -XVIII centuries. In the main temple monastery - the Assumption Cathedral , in the created image of the same name Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin the tomb of Boris Godunov. Among the treasures laurels is the famous icon "The Trinity " by Andrei Rublev. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1993.
This church was built in 1532 in the royal estate of Kolomenskoye near Moscow to mark the appearance of an heir - the future Tsar Ivan IV Groznyh. Church of the Ascension which is one of the earliest examples of execution in stone the traditional wooden architecture of the tent is complete. It has had a great influence on the further development of Russian ecclesiastical architecture. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1994.
The structure of the object heritage , covering the territory of 3. 28 million hectares. Included flat tundra , alpine tundra of the Urals , as well as one of the largest arrays of pristine boreal forests , surviving in Europe. The vast territory with swamps , rivers and lakes , conifers , birch and aspen , studied and protected by more than 50 years. There may be evidence of the natural processes that determine the biodiversity of taiga ecosystems. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1995.
Located in the south- east Siberia, and covering an area of 3. 15 million hectares. Baikal is considered the most ancient ( 25 million. Years ) and deepest ( 1, 700 m) lake in the world. The pond holds approximately 20 % of the world's fresh water reserves. The lake , which is known as the 'Galapagos of Russia ' , thanks to the ancient age and isolation formed a unique even by international standards , freshwater ecosystems , the study of which is of paramount importance for understanding the evolution of life on Earth. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1996.
This is one of the most interesting volcanic regions in the world, where are concentrated a large number of active volcanoes. Heritage property consists of six separate areas, which together represent all the major features of Kamchatka as a region of active volcanism. Active volcanoes, combined with spectacular glaciers formed exclusively and constantly evolving landscape. The area stands out significant biodiversity, here marked the highest concentration of salmon, as well as large concentrations of sea otter, a large number of brown bears and Steller's sea eagles. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1996.
The Altai Mountains are a major mountain region in the south of Western Siberia, form the roots of the largest rivers of the region - the Ob and Irtysh. Heritage Site consists of three separate areas: Altai reserve with the water protection zone of Lake Teletskoye, the Katun reserve plus the natural park of Belukha, the Ukok Plateau. The total area is 1. 64 million. Ha. The area shows a wide range of Central Siberia in the range of altitudinal zones from steppe, forest-steppe and mixed forests to subalpine and alpine meadows and glaciers. The area is the habitat of endangered animals such as the snow leopard. The list was included by UNESCO in 1998.
This is one of the few large mountainous massifs in Europe , where nature has not yet been significant anthropogenic influence. Property area about 300 thousand. hectares , it is located in the west of the Greater Caucasus , 50 km north- east of the Black Sea coast. On the local alpine and subalpine meadows grazed only wild animals. V UNESCO was incorporated in 1999.
Emerged in the inhabited from very ancient times the territory of the Kazan Kremlin dates back to the Islamic period in the history of the Golden Horde and the Kazan Khanate. It was conquered in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible and became a stronghold of Orthodoxy in the Volga region. The Kremlin, largely preserved the old layout of the Tatar fortress and became an important center of pilgrimage , includes outstanding historical buildings XVIXIX centuries. , Built on the ruins of earlier buildings X-XVI centuries. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 2000.
Ferapontov Monastery is located in the Vologda region , in the north of the European part of Russia. This is an exceptionally well-preserved Orthodox monastery complex XV-XVII centuries. It had great importance for the formation of the Russian state and of its culture. The architecture of the monastery is original. Nativity of the Virgin in the Temple interior preserved magnificient murals of Dionysius - the greatest Russian artist of the end of the XV century. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 2000.
Long and narrow strip of land saber form , separating the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. Has a length of 98 km and a width of 400 m to 4 km, it began in prehistoric times. Kos is also subjected to the effects of natural forces - wind and sea waves. Preserving this unique cultural landscape to the present day has been made possible only because of the continuing human struggle with the processes of erosion ( dune fixation , afforestation ). In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 2000.
The area stretches from the highest peaks of Sikhote - Alin Primorsky Krai to the Sea of Japan coast , and it serves as a refuge for many endangered species , including the Amur tiger. In the mountains of the Sikhote - Alin grow Far coniferousdeciduous forests , which are recognized as one of the richest and most original species composition of any temperate forest belt of the Earth. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 2001.
Heritage Object (area of 1069 thousand km) is located within the boundaries of the most northern of all the drainage basins of Central Asia. Its name comes from the extensive shallow and very salty lake Ubsunur in which accumulated mass migration. At the steppes noted a wide variety of birds , and on the desert areas inhabited by rare species of small mammals. In the high part of the marked rare animals. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 2003.
Ancient Derbent was located on the northern borders of Sassanid Persia, stretching in those days to the east and west of the Caspian Sea. Ancient fortifications, built of stone , includes two walls , which run parallel to each other from the sea to the mountains. The town of Derbent was formed between the two walls , and kept up to date, its medieval character. He continued to be an important strategically place until the XIX century. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 2003.
Object Heritage, located above the Arctic Circle, includes the mountainous Wrangel Island (7. 6 thousand sq. Km. ) And the island of Herald (11 sq. Km) with the adjacent waters of the Chukchi and East Siberian seas. This area is important as a feeding ground for gray whales that migrate here from California and as a nesting place for more than 50 species of birds, many of which are classified as rare and endangered. The island has recorded more than 400 species and varieties of vascular plants, ie, more than any other Arctic island. Some found here living organisms - is a special form of the island plants and animals that are prevalent on the continent. UNESCO was included in the 2004 year.
Novodevichy Convent, located in the south-west of Moscow, was created during the XVI-XVII centuries. The monastery was closely linked to the political, cultural and religious life of Russia, as well as Moscow Kremlin. There were buried representatives of the royal family, noble boyars and noble families. Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent is one of the masterpieces of Russian architecture and its interiors, which stores valuable collections of paintings and works of arts and crafts, featuring rich interiors. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 2004.
The historic city of Yaroslavl, located about 250 km north- east of Moscow was founded in the eleventh century. Later it developed into a large shopping center. It is known for its many churches. It also preserved relating to the sixteenth century. Structures Spassky Monastery is one of the oldest in the Upper Volga region , emerged in the late twelfth century. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 2005.
This object coincides with its borders Putoransky State Natural Reserve, located in the northern part of Central Siberia, 100 km above the Arctic Circle. On the part of the plateau, included in the World Heritage List, save the full set - pristine taiga, forest tundra, the pristine lake with cold water and river systems. After the object lies the main migration path of deer, which is an exceptional, magnificent and increasingly a rare natural phenomenon. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 2010.
Natural Park " Lena Pillars " of rare beauty form the rock formations , which reach a height of about 100 meters and are located along the banks of the Lena River in the central part of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia ). Columns are separated by deep and steep ravines , partially filled with frosted rock fragments. The penetration of water from the surface accelerated the process of freezing and frost weathering promoted. This led to a deepening of the ravines between the pillars and their dispersal. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 1992.
"Struve Geodetic Arc" - a chain of survey triangulations stretching to 2820 km in ten European countries from Hammerfest in Norway to the Black Sea. These points of a survey, carried out between 1816 -1855 years astronomer Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve (Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve), which produced the first accurate measuring of a long segment of a meridian. This has allowed to establish precise size and shape of our planet and marked an important step in the development of Earth Sciences. In the list of UNESCO it was incorporated in 2010.
• http: //photoshtab. ru/2011/08/unesco 1/ • kotomka. com_moscow_2198_800 • https: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki