- Количество слайдов: 41
Русяева Татьяна Николаевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 7
Funny train Весёлый паровозик
Team 1 Team 2
1 Фонетическая Phonetic
1 задание: кто правильно по английски, по звукам прочитает данные стихотворения, и конечно же, с правильной английской интонацией.
[wot iz _∂is] [it iz ә bo: l] [it iz nai∂ә__ big no: grei] [it iz pink _ әnd veri grei] [iz ∂is ә h ﻉ ә] [it iz grei] [it iz nais] [it iz gei] [ iz ∂is ә pig] [it iz big] [it iz pink] [its neim iz dik] [ iz ∂is ә kitәn] [it iz litl] [it iz priti] [its neim iz kiti] [pusi ænd musi] (черный котенок и белый котенок) [mai pusi iz blæk] [mai musi iz wait] [mai musi iz dei] [mai pusi iz nait]
2 -е задание: Прочитать правильно и быстро данные скороговорки.
a) She sells sea — shells on the sea — shore. The shells she sells are sea shells I am sure. b)How much wood would a woodchuck wood? If a woodchuck would chuck wood? с)Swan [swon] swam over the sea swim , swan , swim. Swan swam back again Well swam swan ! d)Little Lady lelly lost her lovely locket(медальон) Lucky little lucy found the lovely locket Lovely little locket lay in Lucу's pocket Lasy little Lucy lost the lovely locket
2 2 Лексическая Lexical
1 е задание : зачеркни лишнее слово в каждой строке
a)A hen , a fox , a sheep , a cav , a horse , a chicken a cockerel , a hen , a cow , a duck a camel , an elephant , an eagle , a monkey a whale , a dolphin , a penguin , a shark b)cucumber , tomato , pepper , bread potato , nectarine , kiwi , apple cheese , salt , banana , water chocolate , onion , yogurt , ice-cream juice , coffee , tea , ice — cream
Впиши в слова пропущенные буквы и в выделенных клетках ты прочитаешь два новых слова . . h o n e c l. c k. h i. l f a m. l y s i s. e r b r i d g. . r a n s l a t e p. o t o g r. n d m a. g r a. d p a. . w a l . m a n
2 е задание : Переведи эти слова на английский язык(устно)
собака, кошка, читать, хлеб, сыр, яблоко, чай, рыба, молоко, мясо, прыгать, бегать, петь, танцевать, конфеты, сок, капуста, кататься на коньках, на лыжах, играть в теннис, играть в компьютерные игры, доброе утро, говорить по- английски, плавать, летать, играть на пианино, сентябрь, компьютер, день рождения, ручка, карандаш, учебник, мама, папа, девочка, мальчик, бабушка, дедушка, имя, спасибо, сезон, улица, телевизор, нос, хороший, плохой, любить, лиса, верблюд, мышь, петушок, домашнее задание, учитель, друг, декабрь, лето, дом, маленький, большой.
Прочитай и переведи слова с английского на русский язык( устно).
Fox, cat, dog, camel, eat, drink, juice, milk, tea, coffee, red, green, grey, big, small, butter, apples, bananas, corn, cake, five, a house, crocodile, rabbit, cow, horse, pig, hens, bear, ducks, sheep, lion, tiger, forest, river, animals, slim, garden, zoo, happy, swim, run, jump, go, fly, read, count, speak, draw, yellow, i, boy, January, Monday, in the morning.
Составь и запиши предложения (сдать жюри): You can clean the flat Hobbit can`t invite friends Piglet must play the piano well Tiger must noteat a lot of sweets Miss chatter may wash his face and ears Roo speak and read English open the window.
Составь и запиши предложения (сдать жюри): You can clean the flat Hobbit can`t invite friends Piglet must play the piano well Tiger must noteat a lot of sweets Miss chatter may wash his face and ears Roo speak and read English open the window.
Кто быстрее и правильно переведет данные пословицы. 1. Live and learn. 2. East or west-home is best. 3. Tastes differ. 4. All is well that ends well.
Отгадай зашифрованное слово.
Подбери нужное слово и нарисуй картинку. для 1 команды для 2 команды [seven] - [frog] [tri: ] - [siks] [ti: vi: set] - [pig] [swi: ts] - [milk] [kǝt] - [fi_] [dog] - [keik] [rǝbit] - [boi] [g_: l] - [nain] [ka: ] - [bo: l] -
Написать формы глагола - to be - (am, is, are) ( на доске, сдать жюри) I- We. You- You. He- They. She. It-
Поставь обороты there is/there are (на доске, сдать жюри) 1. - a man at the door. 2. - a telephone in the room. 3. - many apples on the table. 4. - a dog in the yard. 5. - some books on the table. 6. - a rose in the vase. 7. - many boys in the class. 8. - 2 windows in the room. 9. - 10 books on the shelf. 10. - a TV in the room. 11. - a computer in the classroom. 12. - a dictionary on the table. 13. - a lovely woman in the kitchen. 14. - five shelves with books in his room. 15. - no mice in my house. 16. - no children in the bathroom.
Вставь like или likes. (ответы сдать жюри) I - my toy car. . He - his black cat. My sister - to run. We - to jump. She - her white dog. They - ice-cream.
Найдите значение следующих слов. 1. Winter а) тигр 2. autumn б) ягода 3. elephant. c) зима 4. tiger. d) длинный 5. night. e) маленький 6. day. f)гриб 7. small. g)ночь 8. long h)осень 9. berry i)день 10. mushroom J)слон
Почитай-ка Reading 4
А теперь проводим серьезное испытание нашим капитанам. Перед вами незнакомый текст на доске. Мы его читаем несколько раз, при этом ведущий будет стирать каждый раз 1 или 2 слова. В конце концов, нужно воспроизвести текст без опоры, по памяти
"APPLES" Ann is a little girl. She is 4. Ann has got a mother? a father? and a sister. The family lives in the flat in a big city. Ann has got a grandmother. Her granny lives in a little house. Ann's grandma has got a nice garden. She gives Ann apples, pears apricots from the garden. But Ann likes apples very much. The girl likes to look at the apples. She likes to play with them and she likes to eat the apples. Ann likes green, red and yellow apples. Shu can eat the apples in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.
Nelly is six. it is her birthday today/her mother, father and brother give Nelly presents. The father gives Nelly a red ball. The mother gave her a big doll. The doll is very nice. Her brother Sam gives Nelly a litlle kitten. It isn'it a toy. the kitten is black and white. It's very nice and funny. The kitten can run and jump. And it likes to play. Nelly takes the kitten into her hands. She likes her kitten and she is very happy.
Представьте, что в зале никто не знает английский язык. Я произношу текст, каждый участник вслед за мной, должен передать его содержание на русский язык
"The best time for apples" "there are 4 seasons in the year"- said the teacher. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring it is warm and trees are green. In summer it is hot and there a lot of flowers in the parks and in the gardens. In autumm there a lot of apples. They are red, sweet , tasty and good to eat. It usully rains in autumn. I winter it is cold and it usually snows. Then the teacher stopped and looked. At one of the pupils. "stop talking, Johny , he said. Now, answer my guestion. , can you tell us when it is the best time for apples? “ "Yes I can -said Johny, it is when the farmer is not at home and there is no dog in the garden"
"the lion and the mouse" Once there was a big forest. The lion was the king of the forest. One day he slept after dinner. A little young mouse played near him. She jumped on his back and the lion woke up. He caught the mouse in his paw. The mause said to him "Oh, please let me go and I will help you if you ever need help". The lion let her go and said "You are too small to help me. Go away". One day the lion was caught in a hunter's net. He began to cry. The mouse heard him and came to help. She cut the net with hersharp litlle teeth. The to lion was free and full of joy. He said : "Thank you , my little friend ; you saved my life. ". The tiniest friend can be the mightiest help.
Поиграй-ка… Угадай-ка… Play and Guess 5
1 задание. Кто лучше знает ABC?
2 задание. Написать прописные английские буквы напротив заглавных B- S- D- Y K- T M- F L- E C- A H- G Q- I V- J Z- K N- R P- U O- W-
Кто лучше знает счет до 20. Кто быстрее(на время) посчитает. 1. 20. 10. 8. 4. 3. 6. 15. 12. 14. 9. 11. 5. 2. 18. 16. 7. 13. 17. 16. 19.
Сколько лет этому весёлому человечку?
Команда 1. Задание с помощью шифра прочтите, что здесь написано 1. A 2. E 3. W 4. Y 5. H 6. N 7. R 8. P 5 1 8 8 4 6 2 3 4 2 1 7
Задание для 2 команды. Найди и обведи не меньше 6 слов, связанных со спортом. t e n s s d i v e r t e q b i k e e r a o n p a s e a r u n b n a l t w e t l t o i r l a r i d e r g s k i p e a m n y g j u m p o t a t o q r b a d m i n t o n b a s k e t b a l l