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RUSVENT We build together with you!
Leaders of “Serpukhov electromechanical factory” were the originators of “RUSVENT” in the year 2005. History of our work is closely connected with our creator.
OUR PARTNERS ОАО «Серпуховскй Электромехани ческий завод» Компания РУСВЕНТ
OUR PRODUCTS Equipment for general ventilation systems In-line fan VK Square Duct fans VRPP 600 -10000 m 3/hour Square duct fans VRPV- N 1500 -12000 m 3/hour
Roof fan Centrifugal fan Low pressure radial ventilator VR 80 -75 Roof ventilator VKR Air Curtain Wide-jet air curtain ”KLIM” Air Valve Aluminium screens Air Throttle ZV-00 Ventilation screen
AIR-HANDLING UNIT Depuration Humidification; Heat recovery Heating/Cooling Recuperation / Recirculation Automatic control system of air-handling unit: • With water heating and regulating cock (SUPV-1); • With water heating and stop cock (SUPV-2); • With resistance heating (SUPV-3); • With power cabinet (SUPV-4); • With frequency speed regulator (SUPV-5)
COMPACT AIR-HANDLING UNITS WRG Advantages: • Packaged design; • Possibility of horizontal and vertical installation; • Possibility of incoming air supply regulation; • Heat saving with the help of lamellar recuperator; • Filtration of outer air from dust; • Good sound-proofing which provides low noise level. Used for ventilation systems in offices, flats and small cottages
Equipment for smoke ventilation systems Fire damper KP-1 EI 60 Combined fire dampers KP-1 (EI 90) Smoke exhaust fan KDF-1 with falling shutter
Smoke exhaust fans Axial fans VO-21 -210 DU Roof fans VKRN-F DU Wall-mounted fans VRP DU
Doors, gates, hatches Horizontal hatches Metal fireproof door Air-tight doors and hatches
Основные группы товаров Общеобменная вентиляция: Противодымная вентиляция: Промышленная автоматика: Запорная арматура: Двери, ворота, люки Приточные установки Противопожарные клапаны Приводы Затворы Канальные вентиляторы Клапаны дымоудаления Системы автоматического управления Краны Радиальные вентиляторы Вентиляторы дымоудаления Крышные вентиляторы Воздушные завесы Воздушные клапаны Вентиляционные решетки Гибкие воздуховоды
It is easier to breath with us! The equipment to solve n To provide meteorological conditions permissible within working area or service zone n Smoke removal & fire control in ventilation n Open space and inside fire blocking
Development, assembly, production, delivery
Основные услуги n n n n n Manufacture and sales Development Assembly Door-to-door delivery Instant selection of the equipment under design documentation requirements Terms and quality control Information support on installation and equipment operation Complex maintenance of the site with the ventilation and fire-prevention doors systems Chief-installation
Our experience at your service!
RUSVENT experience is presented in the successful work at the following facilities: Nuclear Energy State Corporation «Rosatom» Moscow University of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Igarka Airport International Airport in Krasnodar Plastic Geosintetika Health resort for children «Yunost’»
Россия, Беларусь, Казахстан, Молдова
RUSVENT’s professionalism was notified at the government level: The Year 2009: «Government contract-2009» «The best supplier in the sphere of ventilation and air-conditioning for governmental and public needs» and «The best enterprise among small and medium-sized enterprises in Tula in the category “Wholesale”. The Year 2010 «The best supplier of construction and installation equipment for governmental and public needs» and «The best enterprise among small and medium-sized enterprises in Tula in the category “Wholesale”
RUSVENT IS BUSINESS BUILT ON PROFESSIONALISM Principles of our work: n n n Strict compliance with requirements to production quality and terms of delivery; Long-term co-operation; Observance of our Clients’ commercial interests; Quick selection of equipment and parts following the requirements of design documentation; Technical support in installation and operation of equipment ; Design, installation and commissioning of ventilation equipment.
CONTACT DETAILS Office and exposition address: 1 V, ul. Oruzheinaya, Tula Tel: (4872) 26 -04 -54(4872) 26 -26 -77 E-mail: info@vent-rus. ru We build together with You! Welcome to RUSVENT!