Скачать презентацию Russian Universities Ufa State Aviation Technical University Скачать презентацию Russian Universities Ufa State Aviation Technical University

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Russian Universities Russian Universities

Ufa State Aviation Technical University (USATU) is located in the city of Ufa. The Ufa State Aviation Technical University (USATU) is located in the city of Ufa. The University trains specialists in the following specialties: Faculty of aircraft engines Faculty of Aviation Systems tehnologichsskih Faculty of Aviation Instrument Department of Computer Science and Robotics Institute of Economics and Management General scientific faculty Faculty of defense in emergency situations Faculty of Military Education Natural Sciences and Mathematics Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Humanitarian and socio-economic sciences Management Economy Commerce Information systems in economics Technical sciences Automation and Control Electronics and Microelectronics Thermal Engineering Aircraft and rocket Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics and Electrotechnology Instrumentation Materials Science and Technology of New Materials Electricity Manufacturing machinery and equipment Power-plant engineering Computer Science and Engineering Technology, equipment and automation engineering industries System Analysis and Control

Bashkir State University (BSU) is located in the city of Ufa. The University trains Bashkir State University (BSU) is located in the city of Ufa. The University trains specialists in the following specialties: Matematichesky faculty Bashkir Academy of Integrated Business Security Faculty of Biology Faculty of Geography Institute of Law Faculty of History Faculty of Philology and Journalism of the Bashkir Department of Psychology Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology Faculty of Physics Faculty of Philology Faculty of Chemical Technology Faculty of Chemistry Faculty of Economics

Bashkir State Medical University (BMGU) is located in the city of Ufa. The University Bashkir State Medical University (BMGU) is located in the city of Ufa. The University trains specialists in the following specialties: Medical Faculty Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Dentistry Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of medical and nursing care with the office of Social Work Department of Microbiology Medikoprofilaktichesky with

Bashkir State Agrarian University (BSAU) is located in the city of Ufa. The University Bashkir State Agrarian University (BSAU) is located in the city of Ufa. The University trains specialists in the following specialties: agronomic Biology and Technology veterinary Medicine Lands and Forestry power food Technology economic Distance Learning

Ufa State Aviation Technical University (USATU) is located in the city of Ufa. The Ufa State Aviation Technical University (USATU) is located in the city of Ufa. The University trains specialists in the following specialties: Faculty of aircraft engines Faculty of Aviation Systems tehnologichsskih Faculty of Aviation Instrument Department of Computer Science and Robotics Institute of Economics and Management general scientific faculty Faculty of defense in emergency situations Faculty of Military Education

Ufa State Oil Technical University (UGNTU) is located in the city of Ufa. The Ufa State Oil Technical University (UGNTU) is located in the city of Ufa. The University trains specialists in the following specialties: Institute of Economics Mining, petroleum faculty Faculty Pipeline Faculty of computer-aided manufacturing Architectural and Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Technology Office of the Dean of Foreign Students Correspondence Department Faculty of Humanities mechanical Department

Kazan State Architecture and Civil Engineering (KGASU) is located in the city of. Kazan. Kazan State Architecture and Civil Engineering (KGASU) is located in the city of. Kazan. The University trains specialists in the following specialties: Department of General architectural and artistic training Faculty of Architecture School of Design Engineering and Architecture Faculty Highway Department of General Engineering Training Faculty of Economics Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Systems Construction and Engineering Department Center for Humanitarian Education

Kazan State Medical University (KSMU) Kazan State Medical University (CSMU) is located in the Kazan State Medical University (KSMU) Kazan State Medical University (CSMU) is located in the city of Kazan. The University trains specialists in the following specialties: therapeutic medical and preventive pediatric stomatological pharmaceutical social Work Management and Higher Nursing Education

Kazan State Technical University. AN Tupolev is located in Kazan. The University trains specialists Kazan State Technical University. AN Tupolev is located in Kazan. The University trains specialists in the following specialties: Institute of Aviation, Land Transport and Energy Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Automation and Electronic Instrumentation Faculty of Technical Cybernetics and Informatics Institute of Radio and Telecommunications (IRET) Engineering-Economic Institute of Social Technologies Institute of Business and innovation