- Количество слайдов: 11
Russian Ru. Tier 2 Cluster – status and plans V. A. Ilyin 1. Russia to the WLCG Mo. U 2. Russia in the World-Wide Grid 3. Ru. Tier 2 Cluster: planning, parameters 4. Networking Russia-CERN JWG on LHC Computing, 6 March, 2006, CERN
Ru. Tier 2 Cluster Conception: Cluster of institutional computing centers with Tier 2 functionality operating for all four experiments - ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Basic functions: analysis; simulations; users data support plus some Tier 1 functions Participating institutes: Moscow ITEP, SINP MSU, RRC KI, LPI, MEPh. I… Moscow region JINR, IHEP, INR RAS St. Petersburg PNPI, SPb. SU Novosibirsk BINP …
Ru. Tier 2 status – WLCG Mo. U Financing Agencies: Federal Agency on Science and Innovations (FASI) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) Tier 2 Facilities to install in Russia for ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Russia and JINR representatives in C-RRB: Yu. F. Kozlov (FASI) and V. I. Savrin (SINP MSU) for Russia A. N. Sisakian for JINR Representative in WLCG Collaboration Board: V. A. Ilyin (SINP MSU), alternative V. V. Korenkov (JINR) WLCG Mo. U has been delivered to FASI in February 2006. q its official approval in Russia is in progress q relevant Annexes are under consideration ü A 6. 4 (Computing Capacities – CPU, Disk, Tape, WAN), ü A 6. 5 (Russia as one of the WLCG Operations Centers), ü A 6. 6 (manpower contribution to common WLCG software)
Ru. Tier 2 Cluster: Basic requirements to storage Basic functions: • analysis; simulations; Tier 2 • users data support Russian teams in all four experiments participates in calibration/alignment/ reconstructon(algorithms/DB/production) Thus: Real AOD – full sets for four experiments (all passes) (plus local AOD sets) Ru. Tier 2 Real (RAW)/ESD ~10% Ru. Tier 2 Sim RAW/ESD/AOD for channels analyzed in Russia Tier 1 Ru. Tier 2 Tier 1
Ru. Tier 2 planning Preliminarysummary computing capacities year by year for Russian LHC computing facilities (worked out in 200 CPU +/year DISK (usable) in use +/year in use TAPE Active +/year in use TAPE shelved +/year in use KSI 2 K TB TB TB 2005 300 400 20 40 15 20 2006 1850 2230 744 780 411 430 410 430 2007 1990 4060 724 1480 548 974 547 974 2008 2785 6175 1049 2360 886 1787 883 1787 2009 4673 8600 2549 4020 1274 2797 1278 2797 2010 5947 12000 3264 6350 2106 4137 2104 4137
Ru. Tier 2 Time milestones for the equipment installation: to LCG start 2005 2006 2007 2005 planning: 3 -5% 75% 25% Understanding to the spring 2006: 2005 2006 2007 (3 -5%) 40% 60% 2006: § FASI budget for equipment about 1. 7 MEuro (not confirmed yet) about twice smaller than requested; § JINR budget is not known yet; § plus additional money from internal sources of participating institutes (SINP MSU, RRC KI, PNPI, ITEP and IHEP, …) ü ü to be fixed/known to May 2006 (5 x 5? ); equipment to install in autumn 2006 2007 -2011: budget planning – about 2 MEuro per year for equipment
Ru. Tier 2 in the World-Wide Grid Ru. Tier 2 Computing Facilities is operated by Russian Data-Intensive Grid (RDIG), we are creating as Russian segment of the European grid infrastructure EGEE http: //www. egee-rdig. ru Final draft of WLCG Mo. U: • • • Ru. Tier 2 sites (institutes) are RDIG-EGEE Resource Centers Basic grid services are provided by SINP MSU, RRC KI and JINR Operational functions are provided by IHEP, ITEP, PNPI and JINR Regional Certificate Authority and security are supported by RRC KI User support (Call Center, link to GGUS in FZK) - ITEP RDIG budget for 2005 -2006: by EU FP 6 EGEE and by FASI (two grid technological projects) and by Rosatom. EGEE-II Contract is to be signed in April by EU FP 6 for 2006 -2008.
Ru. Tier 2: contribution to LCG common software Contribution to the development of grid middleware and application software for common use by WLCG and Experiments. LCG 1 st Phase contribution by Russia and JINR: 3 FTE WLCG Mo. U: Russia 2 FTE, JINR 1 FTE. Tasks: 1. Contributions of Experiments to ARDA 2. Testing of new MW (SA 3 activity, partly by CERN-INTAS) 3. Development of new MW (basically within new CERN-INTAS) 4. CASTOR development 5. PH/GENSER 6. PH/MCDB 1. Visiting budget on 2006 -…: 2. approval. Russia 2 FTE approved, JINR 1 FTE under
International Connectivity International connectivity for Russian science are based today on 2. 5 Gigabit/s Moscow - St-Perersburg - Stockholm. Moscow Gigabit Network Access Point (G-NAP) for R&E networks has been put into operation in the middle of 2005. Connectivity with Europe: GEANT 2 Po. P (connected to Moscow G-NAP) has been opened in November 2005 with 2 x 622++ Mbps links to DK and DE GEANT Po. Ps. Connectivity with USA, China, Japan and Korea - GLORIAD project: 622 Mbps Chicago-Amsterdam-St-Petersburg-Moscow 155 Mbps Moscow – Novosibirsk Khabarovsk– Beijing – Plans: 2006 622 Mbps – 1 Gbps, 2007 1 -2. 5 -10 Gbps
GÉANT 2 Topology (Oct. 2005) November 2005: GEANT 2 Point-of-Presence opened in Moscow 2 x 622++ Mbps
REGIONAL CONNECTIVITY Moscow 1 Gbps (ITEP, RRC KI, SINP MSU, …LPI, MEPh. I), IHEP (Protvino) 100 Mbps fiber-optic (to have 1 Gigabit/s in 2006) JINR (Dubna) 1 Gbps f/o (in December 2005) BINP (Novosibirsk) 45 -100 Mbps (GLORIAD++) INR RAS (Troitsk) 10 Mbps commodity Internet, new f/o project to start! PNPI (Gatchina) 2 Mbps commodity Internet, new f/o link to St- SPb. SU (S-Peterburg) 1 Gbps (potentially is available now, but last mile problems) Peterburg with 100 Mbps started Our pragmatic goal to 2007: Ø all Ru. Tier 2 sites to have at least 100 Mbps f/o dedicated for network provision of RDIG users, Ø 1 Gbps dedicated connectivity between basic RDIG sites and 1 Gbps connectivity to EGEE via GEANT 2/GLORIAD.