RUN UP Project Rock for mutual UNderstanding and Universal Peace RUN UP
RUN UP Project
RUN UP Project
RUN UP Project
RUN UP Project the intern will deliver pratical cases of conflicts resolution to students in schools. Presentation of the country and its culture is part of the work .But with a focus on conflict awareness and how to handle it within youths. He/she will share his/her experience from home with the students. Interacting with them on your home methods of conflicts settling through innovation, creative games, play or educative exercises Educate students on his/her own country reality. Share and train student at this field within 2 days of the week in the high schools. Most important, the intern will be working in an Institution, or an NGO which is working in the same field. there he/she will be involved in their daily activities. this will be in 4 days
RUN UP Project The intern is expect to meet this result: Manage an increasing number of people who are taking the training sessions in conflict resolutions and get the confidence of 90% of the trained. Be able to share his/her experiences with students. At first, The intern will be able to learn more from our culture, know how NGOs involved in conflict handle the fight against it here .The opportunity to live an amazing reality. Secondly, the intern will have the possibilities to work in many fields of Conflict Management, human rights, non-violence, fight against arms in west africa to permit him/her to increase his/her experience.
RUN UP Project ONE MORE LAST THING!!!!!!!!! The Project Run-Up is delivered in french and english . So the intern would at the same time promoting english to students and enable them to learn and speak it. As we said, The training should be more of games, exercises, and through plays so the students get the message beyond it. PERIODS: DECEMBER 2011 – DECEMBER 2012