- Количество слайдов: 13
RSAU-MTAA named after K. A. Timiryazev Bonsai formation technology of Juniper Chinese in different styles By: Evtyuhova Anastasia Supervisors: Kruchkova V. A. ; Fomina T. N. Moscow 2011
Aim: to compare of the formation of bonsai in various styles of Chinese juniper Tasks: ü To study technology of formation bonsai juniper; ü To find the material and create a bonsai in various styles of Chinese juniper; ü To compare technologies of formation Mame and Shokhin bonsai juniper Chinese.
"In a small stuff to see the great one" –is the basic principle of bonsai. Kimura
Process of bonsai formation üPruning üFixing with wire üCreating Genie üReplanting
Location of work All-Russian Exhibition Centre, Pavilion № 23
Pruning Shokhin (25 cm) Mame (15 cm)
Wiring Mame (15 cm) Shokhin (25 cm)
Creating a Genie
Transplantation and choice of pots Mame Shokhin
As a result: üMame to 15 cm; ü üShokhin to 25 cm; ü
Conclusion: ü The main methods of formation of juniper bonsai Chinese are cutting, laying wire. ü From specimens of the Chinese juniper to create bonsai, sizes have been chosen Mome and Shokhin, styles have been chosen Moegi and Fukinagasi. ü Mame Shokhin difficult in the formation less complex in the formation more demanding in care less demanding in care occupies a small space very decorative
Relevance of the work "Once, an elderly Japanese man was asked how he managed to save himself? His face was smooth and almost devoid of wrinkles. To which he replied: "Passion has kept me bonsai eternal youth and good spirits. I can not grow old, as always in my mind the image of a blossoming apple tree "»
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