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RPCA Annual Conference 2018 Umler RPCA Annual Conference 2018 Umler

RPCA Annual Conference 2018 Umler Welcome to a “brave new world”……aaahhhhh, getting really complicated RPCA Annual Conference 2018 Umler Welcome to a “brave new world”……aaahhhhh, getting really complicated

RPCA Annual Conference 2018 Umler this presentation is on the RPCNB web site until RPCA Annual Conference 2018 Umler this presentation is on the RPCNB web site until mid -February!

Umler REVIEW Umler is an INDUSTRY tool covering US, Canada & Mexico It is Umler REVIEW Umler is an INDUSTRY tool covering US, Canada & Mexico It is protected in the US by Homeland Security Mess up in Umler, and the Railroads WILL know Adversely affect a RR, DHS WILL know If you aren’t sure you can do it right, get a PRO!

Example of what happens when you don’t answer emails! Some of the “Blue Card” Example of what happens when you don’t answer emails! Some of the “Blue Card” fields went immediately mandatory when released on September 14. On September 19, emails were sent out to our customers warning them of the changes and need to update. On November 8, the first batch of 48 locos for a commercial customer were put “in conflict” which means they can’t move in interchange. On November 24, 54 more from different marks went into conflict!

Example of what happens when you don’t answer emails! Another system update completed on Example of what happens when you don’t answer emails! Another system update completed on 7 Dec 12 more locos went into conflict on Dec 24 No new fields on PSGR, but some did go mandatory VTI field added to Loco Freight cars got new fields And more to come!

Example of what happens when you don’t answer emails! Example of what happens when you don’t answer emails!

Umler Access If you are attempting to set up user access at Railinc, and Umler Access If you are attempting to set up user access at Railinc, and you don’t have an email address that includes the company name that owns the cars or locos (ex: pammm@greatlakesrailcar. com), you may incur delays from Railinc while they make you jump through hoops to prove you are who you claim you are. Your name is important, don’t use things like steamerjimmy or dd 40 x, use your name. Don’t forget, big brother is watching, and the entire industry must be able to prove who owns the car(s)/loco(s) under any reporting mark and who has access to the system. Be careful of your choice of Internet Service Provider, one that has a propensity to allow spam to be sent to Railinc will not make you more welcome. RPCNB just recently had to change ISP because it was bought by a company that generated huge amounts of spam and we were blocked from some customer emails by the customer’s ISP. It took weeks to get cleared and corrected. Email providers like aol, gmail, EIG owned ISPs, etc. are not looked kindly upon.

Umler Access Railinc quite often updates their products to work with different browsers updates. Umler Access Railinc quite often updates their products to work with different browsers updates. If you let your browser get old, it may not work well, or even work, with some of the newer Railinc applications including Umler, FUR, DDCT, etc. Current: Explorer 11; Firefox 50; Chrome 55 If you sent RPCNB an email, and did not get an answer in what you think is a reasonable time, CALL! Your spam blocker may have trashed our reply! Same for Railinc. Welcome to our brave new world where the crooks have free rein.

Definitions for this presentation and general use: Umler: Rail industry repository for ALL car/loco Definitions for this presentation and general use: Umler: Rail industry repository for ALL car/loco data accessible by all railroads for cars and locos moving on own wheels on the GRS: General Railway System of North America {yes, this includes Canada and Mexico} PSGR: Umler code for “passenger” car, all passenger Equipment Type Codes start with “P” DSTM: Umler code for steam loco, all loco type codes start with “D” including DSW, DFGT, DPAS ETC: Equipment Type Code: The code used in Umler to ID the type of equipment. Not etc. “et cetera” LOA: Letter of Agreement: required for a contractor to work in your Umler data. EINN: Equipment Identification Number: computer generated number sequential by when input to Umler used to identify the car as it changes reporting marks and numbers

Definitions for this presentation and general use: DIT: Dead In Tow: term for locos Definitions for this presentation and general use: DIT: Dead In Tow: term for locos moving dead, usually immediately behind the power RFI fault: “Restricted from Interchange” computer fault/error message due to noncompliance with a mandatory data field. Sometimes also ‘restricted in interchange’. Umler process will complete, but until this incorrect data is corrected, the railroads won’t move it. Different than “Error”. Error: an incorrect entry that will not allow the Umler process to finish. Different than RFI fault. Must Match Amtrak: if car is Amtrak approved, Umler and Amtrak system data MUST MATCH! Otherwise there WILL be not nice issues on the GRS. Amtrak is the industry recognized expert on passenger cars. 800# car data IS coordinated and confirmed with Amtrak that car is current and data is correct. Amtrak’s assigned max speed will be used. Umler must match Amtrak! Mandatory: Compliant data MUST be entered or Error

Definitions for this presentation and general use: PTC: Positive Train Control. Legislated by Congress, Definitions for this presentation and general use: PTC: Positive Train Control. Legislated by Congress, regulated by FRA, data on ALL rolling stock is required and Umler chosen as repository to make it work because most of the data is already there and is easily accessed by all railroads. AAR S-4047 Positive Train Control—Locomotive Air Brake Interface Requirements 2017 sec E S-9053 thru 9057 inclusive section K S-9361 Positive Train Control Office-Locomotive Segment— Interface Control Document (ICD) 2016 section K-IV S-4045: A new standard under the AAR S&RP promulgated by the industry RSAC with FRA overview that is now THE rail industry standard for passenger cars in excursion (not Amtrak nor commuter) passenger service. This is the MINIMUM standard we must comply with unless car is Amtrak certified, then must comply with Amtrak and 49 CFR 238 requirements. From AAR. com: Index of Manual of Standard and Recommended Practices Index effective 5/5/17 S-4045 Passenger Equipment Maintenance Requirements (formerly S-045) 2013 E (S-4045 last revised in 2013 and is in Section E of the MSRP) (https: //www. aar. com/standards/MSRP-A 1. pdf page A-I-23 of numerical index) RP-900 Passenger Car 2002 section L

Definitions for this presentation and general use: RPCNB CAT: A RPCA member trained and Definitions for this presentation and general use: RPCNB CAT: A RPCA member trained and tested under Federal requirements air brake technician in 232 freight, 238 passenger, or both systems, that has signed an agreement with RPCNB to upload air brake tests under the RPCNB Shop Code. Rolling stock: ANY type or kind of locomotive or car that moves on its own wheels. Reporting Mark: 2, 3 or 4 letters before the car number that identify the “owner”. Numbers may NOT be repeated under the same reporting mark even if a different ETC. Shop Code: 3 letter code identifying a shop that performs rolling stock repairs.

RPCNB Reminders and Info for Newbies Who can participate in RPCNB? • only for RPCNB Reminders and Info for Newbies Who can participate in RPCNB? • only for RPCA members (individual and/or company/group) in good standing • reporting mark is a subscription, renewable each year. If you sell your car, you can NOT just allow the buyer to use the RPCNB reporting mark! • shop code is on a pay per use basis by RPCA member shops and certified technicians Why do we have a reporting mark use agreement? It proves you own the car, makes it very hard for RPCNB or anyone else to try to steal it. Cars running under the RPCNB reporting mark are considered by the industry per AAR rules to be owned by RPCNB. Therefore, anything and everything you do and your car does reflects on RPCNB, the subscribers, the RPCNB management team and Board and RPCA. It identifies that responsibility for the car and how it functions is on you. AND, it is a federal requirement that the ownership of every car moving into large cities must be known.

RPCNB Reminders and Info for Newbies Changes to contact information! Persons or groups that RPCNB Reminders and Info for Newbies Changes to contact information! Persons or groups that have a car(s) or loco(s) registered through RPCNB MUST ensure we have your correct CURRENT contact information! Individuals: if you move, change phone numbers, send an email with newest contact information for you and your alternate contact. Groups: As your Board changes, people change positions, send an email with latest contact information for the responsible person and the appropriate alternate contact. If you don’t, and we can’t contact you, we could delete your car(s) from Umler! Why are reporting marks so hard to get? We have to share the total number of potential combinations of four letters minus some segregated because of use (e. g. ending in X, U, Z for private, container and trailer) or “norms” (e. g. SIXX is OK, SEXX is not), with all the truckers of North America for trailer, chassis and container. There are many more truckers than railroads. That doesn’t leave us a lot to work with.

RPCNB Reminders and Info for Newbies Who makes RPCNB run? The RPCNB Office staff RPCNB Reminders and Info for Newbies Who makes RPCNB run? The RPCNB Office staff are VOLUNTEERS from Great Lakes Railcar, who work under the guidance of the RPCNB President and the RPCA Board of Directors. Why is RPCNB so expensive? RPCNB is self supporting, therefore the RPCA general membership does not subsidize the car owners like other organizations. Therefore the car owners have to carry the entire cost instead of spreading it out across the entire RPCA membership. RPCNB has bills to pay, from business licenses to state taxes because your car ran through a state, to Railinc fees for use of the system. At this time, all such costs are overhead functions paid for by the subscription. We do competitive comparisons quite often, and believe that for the small private car and loco owners, RPCA/RPCNB is THE lowest cost, best game in the North America unless you can get a ‘free ride’ with a historical group. RPCNB also offers Umler support for RPCA members with their own reporting marks.

RPCNB Reminders and Info for Newbies Why are the rules so strict? Class 1 RPCNB Reminders and Info for Newbies Why are the rules so strict? Class 1 RRs are a highly regulated environment that RPCNB must function seamlessly in, therefore RPCNB requirements must match or better the general industry to remain acceptable. One of those rules is we have to know who the owner is and who the contact people are and how to contact them all the time. Another is the Umler registrations must be complete and accurate. Can subscribers make comments/suggestions? Your comments/suggestions are welcome, will be heard and considered. Comments/suggestions can be directed to the Office Staff or the President. Good ideas WILL cause change. But, because of this environment RPCNB must live in, if you do not agree with the rules set forth for subscription to the reporting mark, feel free to find a different reporting mark.

Who Requires Umler registration? Class 1 RRs: all plus National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) Who Requires Umler registration? Class 1 RRs: all plus National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) Class 2 RRs: most Class 3 RRs: some Banks: some Insurers: some If your car or loco is on a short line that doesn’t require Umler registration, you don’t need it. But if the management changes to people that don’t like passenger cars, you have to scramble to get the car registered to move. Some banks and some insurers are beginning to require registration for identification purposes. You need to decide if you need to register a car or keep it registered based on your needs.

This is what you need to do it yourself Need to clearly determine who This is what you need to do it yourself Need to clearly determine who is going to be allowed access! Orgs that change personnel often need to keep up on access rights! Remove people that lose access right ASAP!!

This is what you need to do it yourself All Umler Systems (below) SHOULD/MUST This is what you need to do it yourself All Umler Systems (below) SHOULD/MUST be registered for or you may get stuck holding the stinky bag!!! Umler FUR (Find Us Rail) DDCT (Damaged & Defective Car Tracking) CRB (Car Repair Billing) “Ticklers” (email notifications) Umler is NOT getting easier. If you don’t want to do this, find a company/group that does it for you!! Allows you to say “I have people”

Umler Access Updating Sign-In to Launch Pad and Umler at least on password renewal Umler Access Updating Sign-In to Launch Pad and Umler at least on password renewal notice FUR: every 6 months LOA: annual renewal, 3 year max before new one required Check other access changes periodically Check your entries periodically for drop outs or unintended modifications

FYI Umler Data Spec Manual is 333 pages long, with 16 appendices. Latest version FYI Umler Data Spec Manual is 333 pages long, with 16 appendices. Latest version dated 12/7/17. PSGR cars are 13 pages, locos 19. It is reflective of the AAR Standards & Recommended Practices. The AAR Field Manual and Office Manual are also. To be effective in this topic, you must be conversant on all. For us to operate, we must be compliant with all. In the 17 months from late 2015 to early 2017, RPCNB/GLR has submitted 13 Umler change requests, some of which Amtrak was a co-sponsor. Some have been approved, some still in process expected to be implemented. And there are more coming. In Sept 2017 the total number of changes reached 69. Some of these changes were relatively ‘cheap’, a couple thousand dollars. A few of these changes ran into 8 digits + cost to Railinc, and that does not include costs for the RRs to change their programming.

FYI (continued) The class one freight RRs are paying for the Umler changes, not FYI (continued) The class one freight RRs are paying for the Umler changes, not RPCNB! Therefore we need to be considerate of their support for us! Remember, passenger cars are NOT in free interchange. A RR is not compelled to move them. Lets make it easy and low cost for them, so they might cut us some slack on mileage rate. But we also don’t have to take crap from them! We are a paying customer, and some of us are also stock holders! Major issues of some things they do WRONG are hard to over come because of the politics. RPCNB currently rosters 103 cars. We have had a total of 549 since we started. A lot of one time moves! Last year cars bearing the RPCNB reporting mark ran over 20, 000 miles on Class 1 RRs that reported mileage. Estimate over 35, 000 miles total when including not reported. We estimate that RPCNB contributed over $300, 000 to the class ones income.

Umler, PTC, what is here and what is coming at us Following are the Umler, PTC, what is here and what is coming at us Following are the MAJOR changes that affect us, still even more minor changes, and MORE COMING. New and modified data fields Following is list of new data fields and modified data fields that are part of the PTC compliance requirements. Most are or will be MANDATORY. Mandatory means no or incorrect data: RFI fault or Error. There is no getting around this, put in the correct data or don’t move on the GRS. Update data fields Need to update Umler whenever mods to car or loco that are Umler data fields are done, plus maintenance data fields e. g. air brake test, Tare, LL, GRL, ABMD, Plate Code, plus data inputs to fields that changed from optional to mandatory. Mandatory means no or incorrect data: RFI fault or Error

Comparison of Umler & Amtrak data needs Umler Mandatory Fields 32 10 Field Loco Comparison of Umler & Amtrak data needs Umler Mandatory Fields 32 10 Field Loco PSGR Status Code x x Equipment Descriptor x Mechanical Designation x Built Date x x Owner x x Weight on Drivers x OSL x x OS Extreme W x x OS Extreme H Axle Count x x DB Modem Equipped x DBI x Locomotive Model Number x Horsepower x Remote Control Equipped x Powered Axles Count x Loco Truck Configuration x PCKnockdown delay (4 groups) x Cab Signal Configuration x Cab Signal Type x PTC System Control x Ditch Light Equipped x Camera Front x Camera Cab x Camera Rear x Air Flow Meter x Annual Test x Propelled By x Type Service x Max Piston x Periodic Insp Interval x LBP Reduction x Power Cut-Off Switch x Alignment Control Equpd x Wheel Bearing Type x Brake Shoe Type x Operating Brakes x Tare Weight Load Limit Gross Rail Load Air Brake Model Relay Model Amtrak Needs? ? 30 15 Loco PSGR x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Difference between mandatory & optional fields Be very careful of edit check linked fields Difference between mandatory & optional fields Be very careful of edit check linked fields Data fields that MUST be input Data fields that should NOT be input NOTE: Many RRs demand a “complete” record regardless of fields shown as not mandatory That’s why we ask for a lot of data!

Difference between mandatory & optional Difference between mandatory & optional

Truck Count Umler Changes Cars and Locos Not marked Mandatory… but wait The total Truck Count Umler Changes Cars and Locos Not marked Mandatory… but wait The total number of trucks on the equipment Range of Values for B 256 Minimum 2 Maximum 4 When you input this field, it sets up the truck axle count number of trucks further down the on -line data form! So it IS MANDATORY because it is required to complete axle count. Not inputting the data results in an Error. If you input for a standard Geep, put 2 in the truck count field, the computer gives you 2 truck axle count fields further down the form, F and R. If you input 4 trucks for a U 50 B, the computer provides 4 truck axle count fields down the form, F, A, B and R.

Axle Count Cars Umler Changes Mandatory Watch Out for the Edit Check Linkages! The Axle Count Cars Umler Changes Mandatory Watch Out for the Edit Check Linkages! The total number of axles on the equipment Range of Values for A 024 Minimum Maximum 2 40 {{how to get 2 axles in 2 trucks with min 2 axles per truck? ? ? 40 axles in 4 trucks, wow}} Validation Rule for A 024 -Axle Count must be greater than or equal to 4 -Axle Count for an articulated car must be greater than or equal to ((Connected Unit Count (A 020) x 2) + 2) -Axle Count for a draw bar connected car must be greater than or equal to (Connected Unit Count (A 020) x 4) -Total Axle Count must match sum of truck axle counts

Axle Count Loco Umler Changes Mandatory Watch Out for the Edit Check Linkages! The Axle Count Loco Umler Changes Mandatory Watch Out for the Edit Check Linkages! The total number of axles on the equipment Range of Values for A 024 Minimum Maximum 2 16 In the LOCO group: Validation Rule for A 024 -Total Axle Count must match sum of truck axle counts

Truck Axle Count LOCO Umler Changes Not Shown as Mandatory…but it is! The total Truck Axle Count LOCO Umler Changes Not Shown as Mandatory…but it is! The total number of axles in each truck of the equipment Range of Values Minimum Maximum 2 4 for locos # axles in # of trucks sum total must match Axle Count!

Axle Count issue for locos Umler Changes (continued) The total number of axles in Axle Count issue for locos Umler Changes (continued) The total number of axles in each truck of the equipment Range of Values Minimum Maximum 2 4 The total number of trucks of the equipment Range of Values Minimum Maximum 2 4 1. 2 x 2 = 4, OK for a B-B like a Geep. But what about that “C” loco (see next slide)? 2. 4 x 4 = 16, OK for now. But a Challenger has 17, Big Boy 19. Good thing UP doesn’t let them loose! 3. With only 4 trucks how does one do a steam loco? ! Most DSTM are 5 “trucks”! Articulated are 6! 4. Is an issue for draw bar or articulated cars also.

 Umler Changes Umler Changes

Umler Changes Axle and Truck Count issue for DSTM Spent hours trying to match Umler Changes Axle and Truck Count issue for DSTM Spent hours trying to match the Umler limitations to the real physical construction of a steam loco. Failed. First (of only 2) steam loco owners to respond to our emails was VMTX. Response included Scott Lindsay. We discussed the issue, Scott agreed with our proposed solution: For steam, just start at the F truck with 4 axles. The A truck, B truck, and R truck become what is needed for the sum to match the remaining axles without using 1 or 0. Most 4 -8 -4 w/ 6 wheel tender trucks: 14 axles; 4 Trucks; Truck axle count: 4 -4 -4 -2 ATSF with big tender: 16 axles; 4 Trucks; Truck axle count: 4 -4 -4 -4 UP 844: 15 axles; 4 Trucks; Truck axle count: 4 -4 -4 -3 Berk or Mountain w/ 6 wheel tender trucks: 13 axles; 4 Trucks; Truck axle count: 4 -4 -3 -2 Mike or Pacific w/ std AAR 4 wheel tender trucks: 10 axles; 3 Trucks; Truck axle count: 4 -4 -2 or 4 Trucks 4 -2 -2 -2

Umler Changes Air Brake Model (Locos) MANDATORY MUST MATCH AMTRAK! ABMD Required field, “other” Umler Changes Air Brake Model (Locos) MANDATORY MUST MATCH AMTRAK! ABMD Required field, “other” no longer allowed due to PTC, RFI fault Loco models not included in table added to allow “other” to be removed, but unknown why they would not put in the #8 systems Permissible Values for ABMD (Locos) 14 EL 24 RL 26 C 26 D 26 FNL 26 LN 26 LUM 26 NL 30 CDW 3102 6 BLM 6 L 6 SL CCB 1 CCB 26 EPIC 2 FSTBK OTHER

Umler Changes MANDATORY MUST MATCH AMTRAK! Operating Brakes (cars) Operating Brakes Mandatory A 182 Umler Changes MANDATORY MUST MATCH AMTRAK! Operating Brakes (cars) Operating Brakes Mandatory A 182 The number of brakes on an equipment (Excludes hand brakes) Permissible Values for A 182 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 How many complete service & emergency sets on the car set? Examples: x-SP artic coach: one body has serv & emerg + relay, other body just relay: 1 brake Tokyu Car draw bar coaches: both bodies have independent serv & emerg 26 C systems: 2 brakes

ABMD Umler Changes Air Brake Model (PSGR) not mandatory…but! MUST MATCH AMTRAK! Required field, ABMD Umler Changes Air Brake Model (PSGR) not mandatory…but! MUST MATCH AMTRAK! Required field, “other” no longer allowed due to PTC, RFI fault Passenger car models not included in table added to allow “other” to be removed Permissible Values for ABMD (PSGR) 26 C 8 26 CDW 26 L 27 A AB ABC ABDWP ABDX D 22 AR D 22 BR KE 5 L 3 (obsolete) LN 3 (obsolete) U 12 BC U 12 BD other The Umler computer calculates the next due date for brake system single car test. It is based on AAR FM Rule 3. IT IS WRONG FOR PASSENGER CARS! Passenger cars not in regular passenger service (Amtrak and commuter) are subject to AAR S-4045, not Rule 3, nor 49 CFR 238. The car toads in the field don’t know this, don’t understand this, are told by management DO NOT ACCEPT CARS Umler XB! Umler change request made to correct this, has not been acted on in 10 years. We need some backing on this.

Umler Changes Umler Changes

Umler Changes Brake Cylinder Mount Type B 540 Identifies the location of the brake Umler Changes Brake Cylinder Mount Type B 540 Identifies the location of the brake cylinder Permissible Values for B 540 B Body Mounted T Truck Mounted Validation Rule for B 540 - Brake Cylinder Mount Type is mandatory for all equipment built or rebuilt on or after January 1, 2016 May need this data for coming new PTC fields!

Umler Changes 4 Port Receiver Equipped (Air Brake Test Manifold) 4 -Port ABT Receiver Umler Changes 4 Port Receiver Equipped (Air Brake Test Manifold) 4 -Port ABT Receiver Eqpd B 539 Identifies if the equipment is equipped with a 4 port air brake test receiver Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Permissible Values for B 539 E Equipped N Not Equipped

Umler Changes must match Amtrak Brake Shoe Type Mandatory B 026 Indicates the type Umler Changes must match Amtrak Brake Shoe Type Mandatory B 026 Indicates the type of brake shoe on the equipment Permissible Values for B 026 C Tread Conditioning H High Friction Composite L Low Friction Composite/Cast Iron P DISC PADS T DISC AND TREADS WILL be needed for new PTC fields coming!

Brake Shoe Type Umler Changes Brake Shoe Type Umler Changes

Add PTC control Umler Changes Mandatory Must match Amtrak Required for Loco to lead Add PTC control Umler Changes Mandatory Must match Amtrak Required for Loco to lead in PTC territory! PTC System Control Mandatory A 006 Advance Train Control System (A. T. C. S. ) Permissible Values for A 006 A D E I N P T V ACSES Dual (ACSES and IETMS) ETMS IETMS Not Equipped Partially Equipped ATCS IETMS Edit Check Link! Must match PTC L 024 in “Blue Card” section!

Umler Changes Plate Code must match Amtrak >Plate B new plate codes under industry Umler Changes Plate Code must match Amtrak >Plate B new plate codes under industry comment go to “M”, careful on choice, most passenger cars we work with are still B, C, E or F. Amtrak plate A is AAR plate B. Plate Code A 046 Indicates the extreme height and width clearance of the equipment Permissible Values for A 046 A Clearance Equals Plate B and Extreme Width is Greater Than 10'08 inches and Does Not Exceed 10'10 inches B C E F G H I L Plate Code B Plate Code C Plate Code E Plate Code F Plate Code G Plate Code H Plate Code I Plate Code L

Umler Changes must match Amtrak >Plate B Amtrak plate A is AAR plate B. Umler Changes must match Amtrak >Plate B Amtrak plate A is AAR plate B. Plate Code Validation Rule for A 046 -Plate Code A is only applicable to Freight cars -Plate Code A is applicable to Gondolas only with a Built/Rebuilt (Birth) Date on or before December 31, 1975 For a description of Plate Codes, please see Appendix J at the back of this manual. • _For connected unit cars report the most restrictive plate code. • _Report B: If clearance does not exceed Plate B o Report C: If clearance is greater than Plate B. but does not exceed Plate C o Report E: If clearance is greater than Plates B and C, but does not exceed Plate E. o Report F: If clearance is greater than Plates B, C and E, but does not exceed Plate F o Report G: If clearance exceeds Plates B, C, E and F. • _C, E, and F must agree with similar stenciling on the side of equipment. • _G must agree with stenciling on the side of equipment that exceeds Plate F. • _For ARTICULATED/MULTI-UNIT SET report the most restrictive clearance plate of UNIT in the set.

Umler Changes must match Amtrak> Plate B Amtrak plate A is AAR plate B. Umler Changes must match Amtrak> Plate B Amtrak plate A is AAR plate B. Plate Code Watch out! Some equipment is wider than a plate B, like some canteens

Umler Changes Length <98’ DSTM only All current main line excursion locos longer than Umler Changes Length <98’ DSTM only All current main line excursion locos longer than allowed, requested 135 Outside Length Mandatory OSLG The outside length over pulling faces of couplers in normal position Displayed in feet and inches on the Web. Stored in inches. Range of Values for OSLG Minimum 37 ft 0 inches Maximum 98 ft 0 inches NOTES: • _For connected unit cars report the maximum coupled length of the set. • _Round fraction to the higher inch, e. g. , 05 1/4" = 06” Decade old request not acted on, need to notify Railinc of mark and number, and true length for ‘Exception File’

Umler Changes CG empty mandatory as noted New AAR requirement Vertical CG empty for Umler Changes CG empty mandatory as noted New AAR requirement Vertical CG empty for all freight, Mo. W cars (vans, aux tenders) over plate C except PSGR, and specific gondolas RFI fault Center of Gravity Empty A 045 When empty, indicates the height from Top of Rail to the Center of Gravity Range of Values for A 045 Minimum 22 Maximum 80 Validation Rule for A 045 -All cars that exceed Plate Code (A 046) C built on or after January 1, 2012 must report Center of Gravity (Empty Car) Max allowable varies by car type, be careful to use correct range.

Dynamic Brake Interlock Mandatory A 077 Dynamic Brake Interlock (DBI) Permissible Values for A Dynamic Brake Interlock Mandatory A 077 Dynamic Brake Interlock (DBI) Permissible Values for A 077 N Not Equipped Y Equipped Edit Check Link! Must match !! Dynamic Brake Interlock L 027 in Blue Card section

Umler Changes mandatory Reflectorization Phase in period over, now requires “inspection” event type input, Umler Changes mandatory Reflectorization Phase in period over, now requires “inspection” event type input, RFI fault. PSGR is currently waived, but Umler must show it.

Umler Changes Build Date M/D/Y mandatory All dates now must be month/day/year in mm/dd/yyyy Umler Changes Build Date M/D/Y mandatory All dates now must be month/day/year in mm/dd/yyyy format Built Date Mandatory BLDT The date the construction of the equipment is complete Data is Confidential. Used for Transportation Codes. Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Range of Values for BLDT Minimum 1/1/1900 Maximum 12/31/9999 Age (based on Bld Dt) >98 AAR drop dead DSTM & PSGR AAR arbitrary rolling 99 year drop dead was making older cars & locos RFI. No such regulatory provision on DSTM and S 4045 cars, accepted and implemented because S 4045 is an industry standard and Amtrak has 100 year old certified PVs. Build date backed up to fixed date 1/1/ 1900 approved. Now we don’t have to lie about the build date.

Umler Changes Build Date M/D/Y mandatory All dates now must be month/day/year in mm/dd/yyyy Umler Changes Build Date M/D/Y mandatory All dates now must be month/day/year in mm/dd/yyyy format Built Date Mandatory BLDT The date the construction of the equipment is complete Data is Confidential. Used for Transportation Codes. Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Range of Values for BLDT Minimum 1/1/1900 This early build date puts us into the transition period of wood to steel. Applies to all steel cars only! Wood structure cars are still NOT legal to operate on the GRS! Do NOT ask us to register wood structured cars even if steel sheathed!

Umler Changes Equipment Builder Validation Rule for A 035 -Equipment built or rebuilt on Umler Changes Equipment Builder Validation Rule for A 035 -Equipment built or rebuilt on or after July 1, 2010 cannot have a Equipment Builder of Unknown -Equipment with a Built Date (BLDT) on or after July 1, 2010 cannot have an Equipment Builder Code of OWNER RAILROAD. -Equipment Builder can have a value of MULT only if the equipment has multiple units. Pull down menu of builders must be used. If builder not there, need to request added to list by Railinc.

Umler Changes Coupler Model 129 Options!! MUST be the complete model ID from the Umler Changes Coupler Model 129 Options!! MUST be the complete model ID from the pull down list or it is in error, can not complete record in error. Difference PUNK & TUNK: Was: PUNK, Passenger unique not otherwise included in this list that mates to and operates with AAR standard profile; TUNK, transit unique requires adapter e. g. WABCO transit coupler. Now: PUNK, any passenger unique coupler not included in this coupler list; TUNK, compliant with FRA Tier 2 Crash Management Standards (Push Back Couplers). If car TUNK equipped and not identified in Umler, is false representation of car capability and therefore not legally carrier’s responsibility for damage.

Coupler Model Umler Changes NOTES: • _Obsolete: All Type D couplers are obsolete and Coupler Model Umler Changes NOTES: • _Obsolete: All Type D couplers are obsolete and should report code DOBS; cars with this coupler code will be restricted in interchange as discussed below. • _Unknown: If the coupler code is unknown or if the code stamped on the coupler is illegible, the code BUNK FUNK, EFUNK, or LOCOUNK should be reported. • _Special: Codes ESPEC, FSPEC, and EFSPEC have been created to decline coupler bodies that have been manufactured specifically for the equipment owner and are not listed in the attached table. • _The codes FROTARY and EFROTARY cannot be reported for equipment Built or Rebuilt since August 12, 2014. If you don’t know which couplers you have, get competent help!

Coupler Model Umler Changes Coupler Model Umler Changes

Coupler Model Umler Changes Also need to ensure cars with diaphragms check “Coupler Restriction” Coupler Model Umler Changes Also need to ensure cars with diaphragms check “Coupler Restriction” in Train Service Codes. Means ‘do not couple to top shelf couplers’.

Umler Changes Weights and Weight affected or affecting fields Freight RRs were not particularly Umler Changes Weights and Weight affected or affecting fields Freight RRs were not particularly concerned about the Tare weight of a passenger car because most freight cars today are heavier and because the transportation fee is based on distance not weight. Because weight is a major component in the calculation of stopping distance for PTC, the true weight of a passenger car is now a critical data item.

Umler Changes Tare Weight A 259 PSGR must match Amtrak The equipment weight on Umler Changes Tare Weight A 259 PSGR must match Amtrak The equipment weight on rail when empty, sometimes referred to as Light Weight, reported in pounds Range of Values for A 259 Minimum 16000 Maximum 320000 NOTES: • _Do not report an average Tare Weight for car series, except for Pre-Registered cars • _When cars are made active, the actual Tare Weight must be recorded Range changes with ETC! We have seen estimated to actual Tare weights change from a couple hundred pounds to over 30, 000 pounds! If you are less than 98% confident about how much your car weighs, plan on getting it weighed! Currently only 3 organizations have reported they can perform certified weighing of passenger cars: Amtrak Chicago, Morristown & Erie RR, and Gateway Railcar Services.

Umler Changes Add Load Limit must match Amtrak See below for details for computation, Umler Changes Add Load Limit must match Amtrak See below for details for computation, RFI fault if not in range Must match Amtrak – but you can’t. Railinc has NOT put the Load Limit field back into the PSGR section!!! It was removed from the 20 Dec Data Quality Task Force agenda.

Umler Changes Building the Load Limit (LL) for PSGR cars Seat Count (passengers): # Umler Changes Building the Load Limit (LL) for PSGR cars Seat Count (passengers): # seats times Amtrak standard person weight Potable Water capacity: Hardware part of car Tare, capacity part of Load Limit times Amtrak standard potable water weight Fuel capacity: Hardware part of car Tare, capacity part of Load Limit times Amtrak standard fuel weight Crew Count: Chefs, stewards, car hosts assigned to car not transient, times Amtrak standard person weight Black Water capacity: Hardware part of car Tare, capacity part of Load Limit times Amtrak standard fluid weight New LL Calculation: Using Amtrak common base standards, all above is part of. Must match Amtrak. See worksheet below.

Umler Changes must match Amtrak Add Tare + Load Limit = Gross Rail Load Umler Changes must match Amtrak Add Tare + Load Limit = Gross Rail Load Also see discussion on axle loading Must match Amtrak – but you can’t. Railinc has NOT put the Gross Rail Load field back into the PSGR section!!! It was removed from the 20 Dec Data Quality Task Force agenda. We built an Excel workbook to make it easy! The Amtrak standard weights are already built in, just input the quantities and it does the math for you.

Umler Changes Umler Changes

Umler Changes Umler Changes

Umler Changes Umler Changes

Umler Changes The weight worksheet is on the RPCNB and GLR web sites. Warning, Umler Changes The weight worksheet is on the RPCNB and GLR web sites. Warning, Be careful what you do to your car, because weight changes can affect car’s speed rating and train stopping distance. If the weight does change more than 5%, you should update Umler, and Amtrak if an 800 car!!!

Umler Changes Need to stay in bearing load rating for higher speed! Umler does Umler Changes Need to stay in bearing load rating for higher speed! Umler does NOT check for bearing load speed derate that is applied to passenger cars faster than typical freight train speeds. Example below: from AAR Umler Journal Load table: maximum GRL nominal 65 mph max speed class dia length 4 axles 6 axles % increase over next smaller comments obsolete, identified but not rated A 3 -3/4 7 B 4 -1/4 8 103, 000 154, 000 obsolete weight per axle From APTA design spec table: 85>mph 4 axles % of frt C 5 9 142, 000 213, 000 smallest currently produced 37. 9% D 5 -1/2 10 177, 000 265, 000 24. 6% E 6 11 220, 000 330, 000 not 28 inch wheels 24. 3% F 6 -1/2 12 286, 000 429, 000 30. 0% G 7 12 315, 000 470, 000 10. 1% H 7 14 315, 000 472, 000 0. 0% I 6 6 -1/2 11 12 articulated or draw bar cars only J 6 7 11 12 articulated or draw bar cars only K 6 -1/2 9 286, 000 394, 000 vs. class E 6 x 11 30. 0% M 7 9 315, 000 472, 000 vs. class F 6 -1/2 x 12 10. 1% 35, 500 44, 250 55, 000 71, 500 78, 750 6 axles % of frt 4 axles % of frt 115 >100< 6 axles % of frt 4 axles 25, 750 100>85mph 4 axles 100>85115 mph! Rule of thumb, 1 bearing size larger or 5% axle load reduction yet for every 15 mph over 100! 66 ton car on 6 axles % of frt blt Timken K roller 90. 1%

Umler Changes Axle load Star Code -Journal Sizes having Star Code of S must Umler Changes Axle load Star Code -Journal Sizes having Star Code of S must have a Gross Weight that is less than the calculated Gross Weight with rounding applied All PSGR cars should have larger bearings than AAR requires for freight speed, requires bearing Star Code or is in Error C Bearing class A-C outlawed AAR no longer allows A, B or C bearings in freight service, S 4045 allows C roller in PSGR. Obsolete sizes added back in. Journal Size A 147 The size of the journal bearing Permissible Values for A 147 A 3 -3/4 X 7 B 4 -1/4 X 8 C 5 X 9 D 5 -1/2 X 10 E 6 X 11 F 6 -1/2 X 12 G 7 X 12 H 7 X 14 K 6 -1/ 2 X 9 M 7 X 9

Umler Changes Umler Changes

Umler Changes Wheel Bearing Type Mandatory B 191 Indicates the wheel bearing code for Umler Changes Wheel Bearing Type Mandatory B 191 Indicates the wheel bearing code for the equipment Affects Rating. Permissible Values for B 191 P Plain R Roller Note that S 4045 does NOT allow plain bearings! All passenger cars moving in excursion and/or freight train service must be all roller bearing! RRs don’t look kindly on locos with plain bearings, but will move them. They prefer all steam axles to be roller, want all non-powered axles to be roller. RRs overlook rods not being roller. Has been mandatory all freight cars be roller bearing for over a decade. There are NO class A or B roller bearings!

Umler Changes increase range must match Amtrak Max Speed Because Siemens Charger and EMD Umler Changes increase range must match Amtrak Max Speed Because Siemens Charger and EMD F 125 have 125 mph rating plus growth margin. Most DSTM can also go faster than 95. Loco Maximum Speed A 165 Maximum Speed Range of Values for A 165 Minimum 25 Maximum 150 Diesels are based on the gear ratio and wheel diameter. DSTM is what we tell it. Be realistic about what you put in. OLDE rule of thumb, 1. 1 mph per inch driver diameter. Modern locos, especially roller, with 73” or larger drivers can easily go faster than 100. If you want to be scientific, less than 2500 feet per minute mean piston speed is good, 2800 max.

Umler Changes DSTM add to Psgr range DSTM had no range coverage, add DSTM Umler Changes DSTM add to Psgr range DSTM had no range coverage, add DSTM into the Psgr locos regardless how originally classified Maximum Speed A 165 Validation Rule for A 165 -Locomotives (Equipment Descriptor of DFGT, DSW, DNCF, or DA) can only report a Maximum Speed less than or equal to 86 mph -Locomotives (Equipment Descriptor of DPAS, DNCP, or DE) must report a Maximum Speed greater than or equal to 41 mph Not acted upon.

Umler Changes PSGR cars must match Amtrak Restricted Speed This is an OWNER input. Umler Changes PSGR cars must match Amtrak Restricted Speed This is an OWNER input. Has nothing to do with Track Speed!!! Originally meant to identify a speed slower than normal freight train fastest track speed (nominally 65 mph standard loco gearing) due to some mechanical or dynamic performance condition. Ex: MHC empty restricted to 50 mph, not restricted loaded. Issue: No place in PSGR to put the MAX SPEED a car is allowed on perfect track to match the new higher speed locos on freight RR track. Ex: 125 mph rated locos running on 110 mph freight RR owned track but cars have no speed rating. Would the computer slow the train? We weren’t blessed with an answer and we did ask many times. To make an “easy” fix without adding a new data field in Umler, the ‘Restricted Speed’ should now reflects the maximum speed a car is allowed on perfect track regardless whether higher or lower than standard maximum freight train speed.

Restricted Speed Umler Changes PSGR cars must match Amtrak 2 Fields, Empty and Loaded Restricted Speed Umler Changes PSGR cars must match Amtrak 2 Fields, Empty and Loaded Request to increase the range maximum for both from 95 mph maximum to match locos already in service REJECTED! Reason: “There are no passenger trains operating faster than 90 mph in the US on any freight trackage. ” Empty field still holds MHC’s empty at 50! Loaded field is blank! Almost all PSGR cars both fields are blank! What will the computer do? ? ?

Umler Changes Restrictions Mech Restriction Reason TCMR (for PSGR) The explanation of the Mechanical Umler Changes Restrictions Mech Restriction Reason TCMR (for PSGR) The explanation of the Mechanical Restriction (TCME) Used for Transportation Codes. Permissible Values for TCMR A Restricted Due to Age (Over 40 -AAR, Over 50 -FRA) {{PSGR older than Jan 1 1900 build}} B Restricted Due to Air Brakes {{Air Out of Date: OOD or identification of faulty valve production}} C Restricted Due to Axles D Restricted Due to Couplers and Couplers Parts F Restricted Due to Couplers Yokes G Restricted Due to Draft Gears J Restricted Due to Journal Bearing and Journal Lubrication {{plain bearings}} N Restricted Due to Trucks P Restricted Due to Truck Side Frames T Restricted Due to Trucks Bolsters U Restricted by AAR or Owner W Restricted Due to Wheels X Restricted Due to Scrap or Early Warning Z Restricted Due to Umler Conflict (Not Valid for User Input) NOTES: • _For further explanation reference Appendix D. 2. • _The assignment of the Transportation Codes S_, SX, XA, XZ and YA generate the Rate Indicator Code 6 to the CHARM file to zero (0) rate the car hire and mileage rate.

Umler Changes Delete Reason Code B 064 A code that designates the reason the Umler Changes Delete Reason Code B 064 A code that designates the reason the equipment has been deleted Value does not carry forward for Add Back. Permissible Values for B 064 A Restenciled D Destroyed or wrecked L Lease terminated, removed from fleet P Retired unserviceable beyond economic repair R Rebuilt S Sold Serviceable W Over age retired for dismantling Y Error, reporting did not exist Z Other

Umler Changes Regulatory Emissions Tier Do tier # below, do NOT do gaseous measured Umler Changes Regulatory Emissions Tier Do tier # below, do NOT do gaseous measured fields. B 081 is used to determine if loco and reefer units can operate in California. They haven’t gotten to Railgens…………. . yet. And California has petitioned EPA for stricter loco standards than Tier 4!! EPA Emissions Tier Level B 081 Indicates the EPA emissions Tier level for the diesel engine on a Locomotive. Permissible Values for B 081 A Tier 0 {1973 -2001} B Tier 0+ {upgrade of Tier 0 at engine replacement} C Tier 1 {2002 -2004} D Tier 1+ {upgrade of Tier 1 at major overhaul} E Tier 2 {2005 -2011} F Tier 2+ {upgrade of Tier 2 at major overhaul} G Tier 3 {2012 -2014} H Tier 4 {2015 – Current} N None - Post 1973 Locomotives that are currently non Tier but will become Tier at first Engine change.

Umler Changes Regulatory Emissions Tier Do tier # above, do NOT do gaseous measured Umler Changes Regulatory Emissions Tier Do tier # above, do NOT do gaseous measured fields. B 081 is used to determine if loco and reefer units can operate in California. They haven’t gotten to Railgens…………. . yet. What to use for locos built prior to 1973? ? ? Leave blank, not a mandatory field

In Service Emissions Test Data in this field could commit owner to multi-million dollar In Service Emissions Test Data in this field could commit owner to multi-million dollar per year in service emissions testing! Do NOT put anything in it! Use the Tier Level field.

New VTI Vehicle/Track Interaction Equipped B 550 not madatory YET, part of PTC Identifies New VTI Vehicle/Track Interaction Equipped B 550 not madatory YET, part of PTC Identifies if locomotive is equipped with Vehicle/Track Interaction (VTI) Monitor Permissible Values for B 550 S E Standard GPS System Enhanced System (Extra Sensors or DGPS Antenna)

“Blue Card” Don’t forget the 20 fields in the electronic blue card section! Many “Blue Card” Don’t forget the 20 fields in the electronic blue card section! Many are now required! We will discuss the most important ones.

“Blue Card” Propelled By Mandatory L 013 Identifies how the locomotive is propelled Permissible “Blue Card” Propelled By Mandatory L 013 Identifies how the locomotive is propelled Permissible Values for L 013 DE Diesel-Electric DMU Diesel Multiple Unit E Electric MU Electric Multiple Unit MUC MU Control Cab NMUC Non-MU Control Cab O Other T Turbine TC Torque Converter

“Blue Card” “Propelled By” Issue Is a RDC or Cabbage or Track Geometry car: “Blue Card” “Propelled By” Issue Is a RDC or Cabbage or Track Geometry car: MUC MU Control Cab NMUC Non-MU Control Cab Other All currently registered as “passenger cars” because when shipped in freight train service, all controls are cut out and all drive systems are rendered in-operable. The freight trains see them the same as any “dumb” standard passenger car. Now they have to get re-registered as locos? ?

“Blue Card” “Propelled By” Issue Passenger Car ETC: Maint of Way Service Type B “Blue Card” “Propelled By” Issue Passenger Car ETC: Maint of Way Service Type B 403 New - Maintenance Of Way Service Type Value does not carry forward for Equipment Group Change. Permissible Values for B 403 C 2 Crane / Boom Support Car F 4 Flat-Wheel Sets T 4 Training Car T 8 Track Geometry Car Still doesn’t answer Cabbage

“Blue Card” Type of Service Mandatory L 018 Identifies the type of service for “Blue Card” Type of Service Mandatory L 018 Identifies the type of service for the locomotive Permissible Values for L 018 O Other P Passenger R Road Y Yard

“Blue Card” Max Piston Mandatory L 001 Maximum distance travel Range of Values for “Blue Card” Max Piston Mandatory L 001 Maximum distance travel Range of Values for L 001 Minimum Maximum 1 10 Expressed in full inches DSTM, use tender cylinders! Don’t need an inspector trying to get into your engine frame.

“Blue Card” Periodic Insp Interval Mandatory L 020 Indicates the number of days between “Blue Card” Periodic Insp Interval Mandatory L 020 Indicates the number of days between Locomotive inspections Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Permissible Values for L 020 184 Days 92 92 Days

“Blue Card” LBP Reduction Mandatory L 025 Limiting Brake Pressure Reduction indicates whether or “Blue Card” LBP Reduction Mandatory L 025 Limiting Brake Pressure Reduction indicates whether or not a locomotive is equipped with software or hardware controls to limit a penalty brake pipe pressure reduction to no more than 2/7 of the feed valve pressure Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Permissible Values for L 025 Y Yes N No

Add PTC Status “Blue Card” Mandatory Must match Amtrak PTC Operating Status L 024 Add PTC Status “Blue Card” Mandatory Must match Amtrak PTC Operating Status L 024 Indicates whether or not a locomotive is in a PTC operable state Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Permissible Values for L 024 Y N Yes No Required for Loco to lead in PTC territory! Edit Check Link! Must correlate: PTC System Control Mandatory A 006

“Blue Card” Power Cut-Off Switch Mandatory L 026 Device / circuit on a locomotive, “Blue Card” Power Cut-Off Switch Mandatory L 026 Device / circuit on a locomotive, that when opened, disables tractive effort Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Permissible Values for L 026 Y Yes N No

“Blue Card” Dynamic Brake Interlock Mandatory L 027 Indicates what type of dynamic brake “Blue Card” Dynamic Brake Interlock Mandatory L 027 Indicates what type of dynamic brake interlock is currently configured on the locomotive Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Permissible Values for L 027 1 Automatic brake application is restored (reapplies) when dynamic brake is released 2 Automatic brake application does not restore (does not reapply) when dynamic brake is released N Not equipped with Dynamic Brake Interlock (DBI)

“Blue Card” Dynamic Brake Interlock L 027 Indicates what type of dynamic brake interlock “Blue Card” Dynamic Brake Interlock L 027 Indicates what type of dynamic brake interlock is currently configured on the locomotive Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Edit Check Link! Must match DBI A 077 in Specifications. Which to select for “Blended” brakes? “N”

Umler Changes Component Registry! Separate Program Subsystem, displays in Umler Any component that requires Umler Changes Component Registry! Separate Program Subsystem, displays in Umler Any component that requires serial number from manufacturer or repair facility will be registered in the Component Registry section of Umler. Passenger unique components currently exempt, but freight standard components (e. g. axles, wheels, bearings, brake valves, relay valves, brake cylinders…) should be now. If your repair/replacement parts come with CID (Component ID) tags, note the ID string for your records, and input to the Component ID section of Umler.

Umler Changes Component Registry! Separate Program Subsystem, displays in Umler Service & Emergency valve Umler Changes Component Registry! Separate Program Subsystem, displays in Umler Service & Emergency valve ID freight & loco valves only currently Emergency Brake Valve CID B 354 Component ID from Component Registry Data is Confidential. This element is not eligible for Input. Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Service Brake Valve CID B 357 Component ID from Component Registry Data is Confidential. This element is not eligible for Input. Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone.

Umler Changes Component Registry! Separate Program Subsystem, displays in Umler Non-Compliant Wheelsets B 544 Umler Changes Component Registry! Separate Program Subsystem, displays in Umler Non-Compliant Wheelsets B 544 Equipment record is incomplete and has a missing wheelset component ID association. Refer to AAR Field Manual Rule 44 for industry requirements System Generated Field. This element is not eligible for Input. Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Validation Rule for B 544 A Wheelset Component ID is required for each applicable location on equipment built or rebuilt on or after January 1, 2016 NOTES: • A “Y” will be system generated if the equipment is active and the number of Wheelset CID's required is not equal to the Axle Count (A 024) on the equipment • Validation rule applies to equipment that has been in Active status for 60 days

Umler Changes Component Registry! Separate Program Subsystem, displays in Umler Coupler Component ID B Umler Changes Component Registry! Separate Program Subsystem, displays in Umler Coupler Component ID B 353 Coupler Component ID from Component Registry Data is Confidential. This element is not eligible for Input. Value does not carry forward for Single Clone / Multi-Clone. Truck Components Include: Side Frame Bolster

Umler Changes Component Registry! Data Includes: Date Component ID (CID) New or Recon Facility Umler Changes Component Registry! Data Includes: Date Component ID (CID) New or Recon Facility Code Manufacturer’s Serial Number Manufacturer’s Part Number Configuration Control Number Component Type (model number, e. g. ABDXL) Cast Date Conversion Date AAR Design Feature Code Manufacturer’s Drawing Number Manufacturer’s Pattern Number Manufacturer’s Heat Number and more!

Umler Changes COMING! HERE {{and we didn’t ask for this!}} Brake Ratio!!! Already in Umler Changes COMING! HERE {{and we didn’t ask for this!}} Brake Ratio!!! Already in works for all freight cars based on AAR Standard for calculating freight car brake ratio. Supposed to come on line Jan ’ 18 Released 7 December! Told they will ‘come back for passenger cars’, most likely late first half of 2018. There may be a “fall back” for older cars that is just a “reasonable” brake ratio applied by the computer prior to a designated build date. But what is reasonable for freight service is not necessarily reasonable for passenger. Freight cars now have both computer generated an owner input field for both empty and loaded. If we must calculate, will need ACCURATE ID of service and emergency portions, relay, cylinder diameter and stroke. And, all lever functional lengths. And then the math begins.

Brake Ratio Umler Changes An excellent discussion of brake ratio evolution and the AAR Brake Ratio Umler Changes An excellent discussion of brake ratio evolution and the AAR standard 401 in the 2016 Proceedings of the Air Brake Association starting on page 40.

Other FYI! Originating RR Inspections Don’t use this inspection as a way to find Other FYI! Originating RR Inspections Don’t use this inspection as a way to find out what needs to be done in order to move the car or loco! Have car/loco ready for movement when you send in the waybill. It really irritates the RR when the car or loco is not ready to move at the inspection and it could cost you a lot of money. Make sure the Umler record is complete and correct For RPCNB and GLR customers, Call or email to request a quick check and copy of the current record by email attachment. Diesel Locos Dead In Tow Some RRs require Alignment Control Couplers -- they will check Umler before coming out for inspection. This is NOT welded in swing stops! We have seen locos claiming ACC refused because they were only swing stops!

Other FYI! UP doesn’t allow diesels DIT with over 250 gal fuel!!!! If tanks Other FYI! UP doesn’t allow diesels DIT with over 250 gal fuel!!!! If tanks have more than 250, UP will hold until fuel properly pumped out.

x-Ringling flat cars: Other FYI! Were Umler registered as passenger cars to keep them x-Ringling flat cars: Other FYI! Were Umler registered as passenger cars to keep them from being hijacked Are approaching the AAR free interchange end of life Can not just be put back into free interchange freight service Can get extended life in free interchange with proper engineering work and documentation to AAR and re-registration as FM flat cars Or – re-registration in the flat car ETC with MWF selected if for moving hardware/cars under contract, Or - re-registration as MWF and selection of one of the sub-classes of “F” for “T” Issue is how to re-register as a flat changing the ETC without losing the EINN?

Other FYI! Tank Cars must be equipped with long travel constant contact side bearings Other FYI! Tank Cars must be equipped with long travel constant contact side bearings by 1 June 2018 and Umler properly identify.

Umler Wrap UP REMEMBER!! Passenger cars are NOT in free interchange. NO RR MUST Umler Wrap UP REMEMBER!! Passenger cars are NOT in free interchange. NO RR MUST MOVE A PSGR CAR! They move under contract. It therefore is to our benefit to make the move process as pleasant and easy for the RRs as we can make it so that we can keep moving, and maybe at a lower mileage rate. That includes accurate Umler records, and car(s)/loco(s) ready for movement when waybill submitted. Many class 1’s check the Umler record before they will schedule an origination inspection. Umler brake test next due IS WRONG! We have to live with it until we can get it changed. We can use all the help we can get, been fighting this for a decade!!

Umler Q & A Umler Q & A