ROYAL FAMILY QUIZ 900 igr. net Королева

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ROYAL FAMILY QUIZ 900 igr. net ROYAL FAMILY QUIZ 900 igr. net

Королева Елизавета II – королева Великобритании; принц Филипп – муж королевы Елизаветы; принц Чарльз – старшийКоролева Елизавета II – королева Великобритании; принц Филипп – муж королевы Елизаветы; принц Чарльз – старший сын королевы, наследник британского престола; принц Эндрю – второй сын королевы, герцог Йоркский; принц Эдвард – младший сын королевы, герцог Эдинбургский; принцесса Анна – дочь королевы Елизаветы; принцесса Кентская – жена принца Кентского Майкла; Сара Фергюсон – бывшая жена принца Эндрю; Уильям и Гарри – принцы, дети принца Чарльза и покойной принцессы Дианы; Камилла Паркер-Боулз – любовница и будущая жена принца Чарльза. THE ROYAL FAMILY

THE 1 STST GAME Make the right choice     1. Who is theTHE 1 STST GAME Make the right choice 1. Who is the head of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? a) The British Parliament. b) Margaret Thatcher. c) Elizabeth II. 2. When did she ascend to the throne? a) 1950 b) 1955 c)

4. What is the name of the Queen’s husband?  a) Prince Philip;  b) Prince4. What is the name of the Queen’s husband? a) Prince Philip; b) Prince George; c) Prince John 5. How many children have the Royal Couple? a) 5; b) 4; c) 23. Where was Princess Elizabeth educated? a) at home. b) in Oxford. c) in Cambridge.

THE 2 NDND GAME Who is this? THE 2 NDND GAME Who is this?

THE 3 RDRD GAME Likes and dislikes of the Queen The Queen likes: 1. 1. HorseTHE 3 RDRD GAME Likes and dislikes of the Queen The Queen likes: 1. 1. Horse racing. 2. 2. Scottish country dancing. 3. 3. Bright red dress. 4. 4. Champagne. 5. 5. Quiet evenings at home. 6. 6. Deerstalking. 7. 7. Jigsaw puzzles. 8. 8. Long –stemmed, deep-pink carnations. 9. 9. Sandringham. 10. The Beatles film.

The Queen dislikes: 1. 1. Tennis. 2. 2. Milk pudding. 3. 3. The cold. 4. 4.The Queen dislikes: 1. 1. Tennis. 2. 2. Milk pudding. 3. 3. The cold. 4. 4. Charles Dickens. 5. 5. Dictating letters. 6. 6. Cigar Smoke. 7. 7. Sailing. 8. 8. Listening to after-dinner speeches. 9. 9. IVY. 10. Snails.

THE 4 THTH GAME “CROSSWORD” An apparatus used to make photographs.  A cushion for theTHE 4 THTH GAME “CROSSWORD” An apparatus used to make photographs. A cushion for the head, especially. Dried leaves of a plant, cultivated in China, India. A metal vessel with a spout and a handle for boiling. A sweet crystalline vegetable substance. A compound of alkali and oil used in washing. Objects of precious metal often worn for personal adornment. A device for telling time which you wear on your wrist. Two pieces of special glass surrounded by plastic, metal etc. which you wear in front of your eyes in order to see better. WW ZZ VV CC OO EE HH RR NN AA EE PP AA SS UU GG EE RR TT KK II MM PP KK NN SS QQ CC FF LL EE RR EE DD OO LL HH MM LL RR DD TT EE AA MM PP SS OO AA KK TT BB PP FF JJ EE WW EE LL LL EE RR YY GG LL AA SS SS EE SS UU

THE 5 THTH GAME Traditions and customs THE 5 THTH GAME Traditions and customs

THE 5 THTH GAME Traditions and customs THE 5 THTH GAME Traditions and customs


THE END Remember 10 steps to success: 1. 1. Reserve – сдержанность 2. 2. Silence –THE END Remember 10 steps to success: 1. 1. Reserve – сдержанность 2. 2. Silence – молчание 3. 3. Order – порядок 4. 4. Resolution – решительность 5. 5. Moderation – умеренность 6. 6. Industry – трудолюбие 7. 7. Frugality – бережливость 8. 8. Sincerity – искренность 9. 9. Justice – справедливость 10. Cleanliness — чистоплотность