History • 2005: New, national youth workgroup • 2006: Collecting ingredients – Opinion of groups – History – Foreign countries • 2010: Renewal of all game modes • 2012: Roverscoutsgids
Changes • 18 – 21 year (old 17 – 23) – 90% of the groups already did 18 year • New tradition: closing ceremony (Partenza)
Three Phases • Prologue • Route • Epilogue
Drie fasen • Prologue – – Pick 3 challenges Mentor Approval by the tribe Installation • Route – Do the 3 challenges – In 3 scales • Epilogue – Closing ceremony : Partenza
3 Challenges 1. Something typical Scouting with choice of the activity fields of Challenging Scouting Techniques, Sports & Games and Outdoors. 2. Something seriously, which you contribute your share to the world around you. Choose from the activity fields of society, International, and Safe & Healthy. 3. Something personal what suit you well, your choice from the ctivity fields of Expression and identity.
3 scale levels 1. You do at least once international experience, Scouting related. 2. At least you (co) organizes a above local activity. Think of an activity for more tribes, a region activity or a national activity. 3. You participate in at least one local project in your own environment.
Overview something seriously Local Above Local International Something typical Scouting Something personal
Badge Per challenge you earn a part of the badge
To participate in the closing ceremony you must meet the following criteria: 1. You can explain the Scoutingmethode in your own words. 2. You agree with the values Scouting as it stands and can explain what they mean to you. 3. You have completed the three challenges. 4. You have found a new active role or function within Scouting. 5. You accept the change of your own role from youth member to adult member.
Partenza (closing ceremonie) • • South European concept: after youth membership you choose for Scouting permanently, or not. Falls at the end of your Epilogue: you have completed the three challenges and three scales. You will receive a woggle and if desired a certificate. Your badge is complete. People who are important to you organize for you a serious moment as ceremony.
Age-badges Leader stick/ Y • International symbol for roverscouts. • Symbool voor endingceremonie(Partenza): moment of choice. Globe • Progression through the game modes: the world is open for the rover scouts! Cord • Indicates that Scouting is a global organization.