Скачать презентацию Rothe House Garden Early Conservation Works Скачать презентацию Rothe House Garden Early Conservation Works


  • Количество слайдов: 12

Rothe House & Garden Rothe House & Garden

Early Conservation Works on Rothe House ‘One of the finest of the Elizabethan buildings Early Conservation Works on Rothe House ‘One of the finest of the Elizabethan buildings remaining in Kilkenny, as two of the old houses in High Street have been recently taken down’. James Graves, Kilkenny Archaeological Society 1854 ‘unfit for human habitation’ 1884 O’Hanrahan’s Conservation Work 1897 -1899 Houses 1 and 2

Kilkenny Archaeological Society Conservation & Restoration works House 1, 1962 Kilkenny Archaeological Society Conservation & Restoration works House 1, 1962

Kilkenny Archaeological Society Re-construction of House 3, 1988 -1996 Officially opened by Mrs Mary Kilkenny Archaeological Society Re-construction of House 3, 1988 -1996 Officially opened by Mrs Mary Robinson, then President of Ireland

Conservations Policies adopted by the KAS in 2002 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Conservations Policies adopted by the KAS in 2002 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Conservation Philosophy General Conservation Policies To protect the Urban Setting – policies 1 -4 Architectural Significance – Structural Conservation & Maintenance – policies 5 – 8 Archaeology – the Buildings and the Garden – policies 9 -12 Museum and Archive Collections – policies 13 -20 Tourism, Education and Presentation – policies 21 -28 Management and Finance – policies 29 -34

Garden Re-construction Project 2006 -2008 Before Re-construction Following Re-construction Winner of Regional & National Garden Re-construction Project 2006 -2008 Before Re-construction Following Re-construction Winner of Regional & National Landscape Award 2008, Tidy Towns Competition

Rothe House Trust Limited Structural Conservation and Maintenance – October/November 2008 Garde-Robe uncovered Rothe House Trust Limited Structural Conservation and Maintenance – October/November 2008 Garde-Robe uncovered

2002: Heritage Conservation Plan Four main recommendations 1. Formation of Management Company – Complete 2002: Heritage Conservation Plan Four main recommendations 1. Formation of Management Company – Complete 2. Reconstruction of Garden – Complete 3. Structural Conservation and Maintenance - Complete 4. Re-presentation of the House 2009 -2011

The House Project 2009 -2011 The building • Extraordinary example of early 17 th The House Project 2009 -2011 The building • Extraordinary example of early 17 th century Irish merchant’s house • The only complete burgage plot complex of its type in Ireland • Structural evolution revealed • Represents how people lived and interacted in Kilkenny The Rothe family • People come to visit a house to meet the people who live there • People bring a house to life • People respond to people, discovering what they have in common • Complex stories and far away periods become real when personalised 16 th-17 th century Kilkenny • Provides a context for relating themes • A watershed in Irish history

House Project Programme 2008. Quarter 1 2008. Quarter 2 2008. Quarter 3 2008. Quarter House Project Programme 2008. Quarter 1 2008. Quarter 2 2008. Quarter 3 2008. Quarter 4 2009. Quarter 1 2009. Quarter 2 2009. Quarter 3 2009. Quarter 4 2010. Quarter 1 2010. Quarter 2 2010. Quarter 3 2010. Quarter 4 2011. Quarter 1 2011. Quarter 2 2011. Quarter 3 2011. Quarter 4 Activity Appointment of RHT project team Outline design/concept agreed. Consultations DOE/NMI/HCI/KBC. Planning submission and approval. DOE 2008 Conservation Grant Windows works House No. 1 Roof works House No. 2 Ceiling works House No. 2 Courtyard works No. 1 and 2. HCI. 2008 Conservation Grant Parapets capping on House No. 1 Cobblestone repairs Civil and Building Design Mech. and Elec. Design Tenders and contracts Evaluation of tenders Appointment of main contractor House No. 3 Works Civil works, stairs, wall opes. Mech. and Elec Services install Install Passenger lift 3 rd courtyard House Project Design Approval Outscale and kitchen in 3 rd courtyard Relocate Boiler Heating system Fit-out KAS Library/Archives Fit-out FAS and Genealogy rooms Fit-out Coffee and visitor shop Opening of House No. 3 x 2008. Quarter 3 2008. Quarter 4 2009. Quarter 1 2009. Quarter 2 2010. Quarter 1 2010. Quarter 2 2010. Quarter 3 2010. Quarter 4 x 2008. Quarter 1 2008. Quarter 2 2009. Quarter 3 2009. Quarter 4 2011. Quarter 1 2011. Quarter 2 2011. Quarter 3 2011. Quarter 4 Activity Houses Nos 1 and 2 Works Transfer admin staff to 3 rd House. Relocate shop and reception area Civil works, stairs, wall opes. Mech. and Elec Services install Install Passenger and wheelchair lifts. Fit out Shop and Visitor reception area. Fit-out House No. 1 Fit-out House No. 2 Fit-out Visitor Toilet/Restrooms. Install Link Building in 1 st Courtyard Opening of Houses No's 1 and 2 x Exhibition programme. Detail Design Appoint specialist consultants Research/Scripting Lighting Design Sound Design Projection Design A/V and Power systems Setwork Design Showcase design Graphic Design Detailed Design Approval Package Contractor Procurement Production Off Site Exhibition Installation Exhibition Commissioning/Soft opening Staff-maintenance team training Public Opening x Official Opening of House Project xx

Australia Austria Visitor Nationalities 2009 Belguim Canada China Croatia Czech Republic Australia Canada 4% Australia Austria Visitor Nationalities 2009 Belguim Canada China Croatia Czech Republic Australia Canada 4% 5% Dubai England Finland France USA 24% England 7% Germany France 3% Holland Hungary India Germany 4% Ireland Israel Spain 2% Italy Japan New Zealand Poland Ireland 38% Scotland Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland The Netherlands USA Wales

Images of Kilkenny and the Rothe Family, 1594 -1610 Images of Kilkenny and the Rothe Family, 1594 -1610