Скачать презентацию Romanticism vs Naturalism Hawthorne and Gilman Mr David Скачать презентацию Romanticism vs Naturalism Hawthorne and Gilman Mr David


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Romanticism vs. Naturalism (Hawthorne and Gilman) Mr. David Holdredge AP English Lecture WVHS Romanticism vs. Naturalism (Hawthorne and Gilman) Mr. David Holdredge AP English Lecture WVHS

American Romantic Literature (1810 -1865) n n n Cooper, Thoreau, Irving, Emerson, Hawthorne Feeling/emotion American Romantic Literature (1810 -1865) n n n Cooper, Thoreau, Irving, Emerson, Hawthorne Feeling/emotion over reason Individual expression is more important than law and custom Importance of imagination Anti-materialism Philosophical belief of the time: Transcendentalism

Five Elements of Romantic Literature n n n Writing is no longer didactic; purpose Five Elements of Romantic Literature n n n Writing is no longer didactic; purpose is to entertain. Literature glorifies the land; celebrated wilderness. It expressed the desire to escape from society and return to unspoiled nature. Characters are larger than life. Plots=heroic events, passionate love, &/or mysterious/supernatural events.

Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 -1864) n n Father (a sea captain) died when N. was Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 -1864) n n Father (a sea captain) died when N. was four Mom w/ family returned to her family’s home. Injured in a childhood accident & as a result, he was unable to take part in any outdoor activities. Result: Introverted, avid reader, fascinated in family heritage, and lonely.

Hawthorne continued n n n William Hawthorne Came from England (1630) and rose to Hawthorne continued n n n William Hawthorne Came from England (1630) and rose to political power in Salem; infamous John Hawthorne son of Wm. , judge during the Salem Witch Trials Family cursed? Attended Bowdon College Buddies with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Franklin Pierce, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau.

Common Themes in Hawthorne’s Writing n n Struggle between Puritan philosophy and basic human Common Themes in Hawthorne’s Writing n n Struggle between Puritan philosophy and basic human instincts. The problem of sin (psychological)

Other notes on Hawthorne n n n Spent 12 yrs. writing and revising tales Other notes on Hawthorne n n n Spent 12 yrs. writing and revising tales Never felt comfortable even with friends. Always silent in groups; only spoke with them on an individual basis. The Scarlet Letter (1850)—Hester Prynne, Roger Chillingworth, Pearl, & Arthur Dimmesdale The House of Seven Gables (1851) http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Oq. JJ 8 B 7 ox. Iw&feature=related “Young Goodman Brown” takes place during Samhain

Naturalism (1870 -1940) n n n n Newer, harsher version of Realism Avoids discussions Naturalism (1870 -1940) n n n n Newer, harsher version of Realism Avoids discussions on morality Calls for extreme objectivity & frankness Characters of low social and economical class Portrays lives dominated by environment & heredity Portrays an amoral & indifferent world; pessimism is common Frank treatment of gender issues & sexuality Nature viewed as a blind force.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860 -1935) n n Gilman is often studied by social historians Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860 -1935) n n Gilman is often studied by social historians interested in the advocacy of women’s rights…. . horror tales Harriet Beecher Stowe Father left after Charlotte’s birth Mom left alone to support two kids

Gilman continued n n Charlotte tried to gain her father’s favor, but she was Gilman continued n n Charlotte tried to gain her father’s favor, but she was continually rejected. Experienced poverty & instability as Mom searched constantly for a home they never found. 24 yrs. old spending time as an art teacher; married Charles Stetson (artist) Had a child (1885) entered into a depression

Gilman 3 n n Became a patient of S. Weir Mitchell (famous Philadelphia physician) Gilman 3 n n Became a patient of S. Weir Mitchell (famous Philadelphia physician) Treatment: total bed rest and enforced isolation from all activities—physical & mental. Result: almost drove Charlotte insane & created “The Yellow Wallpaper” for Dr. Mitchell. 1935 committed suicide in order to avoid the torments of inoperable cancer.