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ROMANIAN INTERMODAL ASSOCIATION – R. I. A. Role of the Romanian Intermodal Association in Promotion of IWT Connecting through intermodality! Join us! Member of
WHAT IS R. I. A. ? The ROMANIAN INTERMODAL ASSOCIATION (R. I. A. ) was founded in December 2006, upon the initiative of the Romanian Ministry of Transports, together with public authorities and private companies acting in the field of transports. The center is a professional, non-governmental and non-profit entity addressing to companies which are willing to promote the field of intermodality and its auxiliary activities.
R. I. A. OBJECTIVES • to promote the intermodal/Short Sea Shipping (SSS)/Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) facilities available in Romania; • to facilitate better communication between different transport companies within the intermodal chain through seminars, conferences, workshops, • to identify and attract national funds for intermodal transport projects; • to promote development of logistic centres and uniform training schedule for personnel involved in intermodal transports; • to integrate Romanian maritime and river transport companies in the intermodal European chain; • to attract relevant investments and E. U. funds for intermodal transport projects developed in Romania; • to integrate Romania in the European/international network of intermodal promotion centres; • to promote the Danube as one of the main “water highway” to transit goods to and from central Europe;
R. I. A. MEMBERS The National Company Maritime Ports Administration, Constanta; The National Company Administration of Navigable Canals, Constanta; The Romanian Association of Inland Owners and Ports Operators, Galati; Romanian Naval Authority, Constanta; Romanian Maritime Training Center, Constanta; Navlomar Maritime, Constanta; Focus Group Romania, Bucharest; Constanta South Container Terminal Romania Nord Marine Shipping, Constanta; The Administration of Free Zone, Giurgiu; Mainrom Line, Bucharest.
2007 Activities • Setting up the office, attracting new members; • Establishing contacts within EU promotion centers network (EIA, INE, Austria, France, Germany. Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria, etc) • Cooperation protocol with European Intermodal Association (signed in May 2007) and Via Donau (to be signed); • Starting a web-page – www. ria. org. ro; • Involvement in EU and national funded projects related to intermodality; • Organisation of promotion events (The national seminar on the “Logistics of intermodal transports –challenges, problems and solutions”, 12 Decembrie 2007); • Distribution of RIA presentation flyer.
OTHERS on 2007…. . and further • National funded project – with CERONAV – “Safety in intermodal transport through continuous”- training course for handling of dangerous cargoes in intermodal transport; • One EU grant (DG-TREN) for a promotion project – DACIA = DAnube Corridor of Intermodal Afreightment ; • 4 EU funded projects with international consortiums: PLATINA = Platform for the Implementation of NAIADES (promotion of inland navigation); EWITA II = European Webplatforms and Training Concepts for Intermodal Inland Waterway Tr. Ansport; RISING = RIS Services for Improving the Integration of Inland Waterway Transports into Intermodal Chains; CIPROC = Development and extension of SPC’s to Intermodal services
Safety in intermodal transport through continuous training- with CERONAV • Duration : 1 year • Financed by Phare 2005 OBJECTIVE: Development and delivery of professional programs for personnel working in intermodal activities in order to promote new professional competencies; ACTIVITIES: – Define the specific professional competencies and training objectives; – Elaboration of training packages (including trainer’s manual, trainee’s manual, additional training materials); – Evaluation of customers’ satisfaction and results (feedback) monitoring; – Organization of training programs according to the new course syllabi; – Development and administration of a webpage regarding the life-long learning and training in the field of intermodal transport.
PLATINA = Platform for the Implementation of NAIADES Communication regarding the promotion of transport on inland waterways. • Starting august 2008 – 4 years • Project financed under FP 7 program OBJECTIVES – Promotion of transport on inland waterways. ACTIVITIES - Dissemination of information to the industry on the evolution - of IWT market; Focal point for IWT issues; Collecting and dissemination of best practices in IWT; Extension of IWT promotion centers; Elaboration of strategic agenda for implementation of IWT promotion policy.
EWITA European Web Platforms and Training Concepts for Intermodal Inland Waterway. • • Duration – 2 years Project financed by Marco Polo II OBJECTIVE: Dissemination professional training concepts and knowledge on IWT and intermodal transport through a common learning platform ACTIVITIES: – Provision of relevant information on Romania intermodal training programs; – Translation of INe. S into Romanian language to facilitate a larger access on interested students/personnel; – Creation and handling of region-specific content for INe. S; – Realisation of test phase for regional content; – Project dissemination.
RISING RIS Services for Improving the Integration of Inland Waterway Transports into Intermodal Chains • Duration – 3 years • Project financed by FP 7 OBJECTIVE: To achieve a common RIS platform for all actors involved into IWT ACTIVITIES: – identification and integration of data and River Information Services (RIS) that can support IWT-based transport and logistic operations along Danube river; – Identification of processes, internal and external requirements, problems, challenges, validation criteria as well as existing technological solutions; – Demonstration, evaluation and validation of RIS services along Danube; – Dissemination of the RISING concept and services.
CIPROC • Duration - 6 month • Financed by FP 7 OBJECTIVE: development and promotion of Short Sea Shipping Promotion centers and extension of SSS services to intermodal transport ACTIVITIES: – – General brochure on IMT in national and English language; Extend newsletters; Extending of existing RIA website; Organisation of workshops with target groups and government analysing problems & bottlenecks; – Fact-sheets on individual countries (e. g. external trades, ports, hinterland terminals, . . ); – Distribution of external documents to stakeholders (e. g. documents on market developments)/information on national and EU programmes; – Establishing and maintaining a database on IMT services
DACIA • • Danube Corridor for Intermodal Afreightment Financed by a EC program "Call for proposals concerning projects of common interest in the field of trans-European energy networks- Call TEN Energy 2007". Duration - 12 months OBJECTIVE: development of IWT promotion centers and promotion of intermodal transport on Danube and inland waterways ACTIVITIES: – Integration of RIA within the network the European Intermodal / IWT Promotion Centers; – Supporting Romanian authorities in implementing the European policy on transports and rising the awareness of bottlenecks in the field of Intermodal and IW transport; – Promotion of VIIth Corridor – Danube as the EC transport gate and intermodal connexions; – Evaluation of training needs for personnel involved in river intermodal transport – Validation and evaluation of pilot training
Bottlenecks in RIA activity • Lack of involvement from the industry: • Lack of necessary funds to support the co-financing of the projects: DACIA not signed, EWITA took over by CERONAV, RISING pending, CIPROC going forward with impediments; • Reluctance to initiative; • • No cooperation between the parties involved in the transport chain No cooperation between various transport Associations (road, rail, river); • Therefore Romanian transport industry is loosing : – The opportunity of being in close contact with transport and shipping industry across Europe and Worldwide; – The opportunity to promote their services; – The opportunity to beneficiate from the EU financing programs and others
Still, why Joining RIA? § access to professional information through the intermodal and SSS database; § Part of an European forum; § High standards in organizing promotion events; § Permanent dissemination of information on European and national projects with concern to intermodality and SSS; § Contact point for European and national financing projects and programs; § Support in promotion of their activity.
Constanta Port, Gate 2 Building “Bursa Noua” Floor 1, Room 125, Constanta, 900900, Romania Tel: +40. 241. 601502, Fax: +40. 241. 601503 E-mail: office@ria. org. ro www. ria. org. ro THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Nicoleta Apostol – RIA , Danube Summit – June 2008