Скачать презентацию ROMANIAN AUTHORITY FOR NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES Romanian Authority Скачать презентацию ROMANIAN AUTHORITY FOR NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES Romanian Authority


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Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities, established under Government Decision No. 365/02. 07. 1998, is Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities, established under Government Decision No. 365/02. 07. 1998, is a Government Business Enterprise with activity profile as: Heavy Water and Deuterium Depleted Water; Heat and Electricity; Nuclear Research; Designing and Engineering for Nuclear Projects. Drobeta Turnu – Severin Nicolae Iorga Street no. 1 tel: +40 0252/ 323. 848 fax: +40 0252/ 323. 685 E-mail: office@raan. ro http: //www. raan. ro

Main Organizations Involved in Nuclear Power Production ROMANIA PRIME MINISTER CNCAN National Commission for Main Organizations Involved in Nuclear Power Production ROMANIA PRIME MINISTER CNCAN National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND FINANCE NA Nuclear Agency ANDRAD Waste Management Agency SNN (Nuclearelectrica National Society) Cernavoda NPP (U 1&U 2) FCN Nuclear Fuel Factory RAAN Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant SITON Center of Design and Engineering for Nuclear Projects – Bucharest INR (Institute for Nuclear Research – Pitesti)

Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities Business Profile At present RAAN have a broad range Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities Business Profile At present RAAN have a broad range of activities which includes: Ø Research and development studies in the field of Nuclear Power Generation ØDesign and engineering works for Nuclear Projects ØProduction of heavy water ØRepair and maintenance services for power installations and equipments ØSurveillance and power installations impact on the environment ØPersonnel training and education by its own training systems ØImport / export activities, including fuel, spare parts, operation and maintenance materials

Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities’ Organization Chart Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities’ Organization Chart

ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant’s profile: Heavy Water, Deuterium Depleted Water and High Grade Heavy ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant’s profile: Heavy Water, Deuterium Depleted Water and High Grade Heavy Water. ROMAG-PROD ROMANIA, 227297 Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Calea Tg. Jiului, Km 7 Tel: +40 -(0)252 -311. 250; +40 -(0)252 -311. 950; Fax: +40 -(0)252 -317. 908 E-mail: apagrea@romag. ro Site: www. romag. ro

ROMAG - PROD Heavy Water Plant ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant, one of the RAAN’s ROMAG - PROD Heavy Water Plant ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant, one of the RAAN’s subsidiary companies, is located at approx. 7 km North-West away from Drobeta Turnu Severin, on 67 DN national route – the route connecting Drobeta Turnu Severin and Targu Jiu towns. ROMAG-PROD produces nuclear grade heavy water and has the largest capacity in the world. Based on an efficient research, a strict AQ program for components designing and manufacturing was applied equally to component producers, constructors and Heavy Water Plant operators. The construction Project had been successfully implemented at Drobeta Turnu Severin during 1980 to 1988. First production line begun its process trials on September 1987, and in July 1988 its commercial heavy water production started. ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant is running under the approvals and authorizations by competent National and Local Authorities. ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. ROMAG-PROD ROMANIA, Postal Code 227297, Drobeta-Turnu Severin Km 7, Calea Tg. Jiului, Tel: +40 -(0)252 -311. 250; +40 -(0)252 -311. 950; Fax: +40 -(0)52 -317. 908 E-mail: apagrea@romag. ro

Heavy Water Process Technology ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant produces: Heavy Water Deuterium Depleted Water Heavy Water Process Technology ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant produces: Heavy Water Deuterium Depleted Water High Grade Heavy Water All the activities related to heavy water production process: designing, manufacturing, operation have been elaborated under a Quality Assurance regime intended to provide a safe and reliable plant operation. The manufacturing process control is automated, being provided with alarming and quick emergency answer systems that are activated in case working parameters exceed the allowed limits. Heavy water is processed from Danube River waters, which, as all surface continental waters, naturally contains a heavy water quantity of 0. 0145%. This heavy water existing in natural water, is separated and enriched within ROMAG-PROD Plant up to a nuclear grade concentration of minimum 99. 78%. The process of heavy water generation is based on isotopic exchange between water and Hydrogen Sulphide in bi-therm systems, inside of Girdler-Sulphide plants, where a primary 4 -12% enrichment in Deuterium is reached based on the following reaction: The filtered and treated Danube water reacts with Hydrogen Sulphide inside a production line with 2 stages of bi-therms (stage I and stage II), at two different temperatures, with an enrichment in first stage from 0. 0143% to 0. 14% followed by a final concentration within a distillation under vacuum installation where nuclear grade concentration of heavy water is reached.

Heavy Water Specifications Quality Parameter Value Measurement Unit Isotopic concentration min. 99. 78* % Heavy Water Specifications Quality Parameter Value Measurement Unit Isotopic concentration min. 99. 78* % wt. D 2 O Conductivity max. 5 micro S/cm Turbidity max. 1 NTU (ppm. Si. O 2) Organics (Kmn. O 4 demand) max. 10 mg/Kg Chlorides max. 0. 5 mg/Kg Tritium absent micro Ci/kg

Deuterium Depleted Water - DDW Inside the heavy water extraction systems at ROMAG-PROD, a Deuterium Depleted Water - DDW Inside the heavy water extraction systems at ROMAG-PROD, a highly advanced isotopic separation is performed and, finally, besides heavy water, another type of water is obtained. This is a very low Deuterium content water named Deuterium Depleted Water - DDW. The DDW generation process is realized through vacuum distillation of natural water or, even better, of effluent water coming continuously from heavy water systems as a constant extraction flow.

Deuterium Depleted Water Specifications Quality Parameter Value Measurement Unit Isotopic concentration max. 80* D Deuterium Depleted Water Specifications Quality Parameter Value Measurement Unit Isotopic concentration max. 80* D 2 O ppm Conductivity max. 5 micro S/cm Turbidity max. 1 NTU (ppm. Si. O 2) Organics (Kmn. O 4 demand) max. 10 mg/Kg Chlorides max. 0. 5 ppm Biologic Purity absent No germs

High Grade Heavy Water ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant also produces high grade heavy water High Grade Heavy Water ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant also produces high grade heavy water of a concentration greater than 99. 96%. Quality Parameter Value Measurement Unit Isotopic concentration min. 99. 90* % wt. D 2 O Conductivity max. 5 micro. S/cm Turbidity max. 1 NTU(ppm. Si. O 2) Organics (Kmn. O 4 demand) max. 10 mg/Kg Chlorides max. 0. 04 ppm Tritium absent micro. Ci/kg

Heavy Water Classification Depending on Deuterium concentration, ROMAG-PROD High Grade Heavy Water is classified Heavy Water Classification Depending on Deuterium concentration, ROMAG-PROD High Grade Heavy Water is classified as: Code %wt. D 2 O HG (High Grade) 99. 90 VHG (Very High Grade) 99. 96 EHG (Extremely High Grade) 99. 9996

Environment Safety All the activities connected to heavy water production, which is designing, manufacturing, Environment Safety All the activities connected to heavy water production, which is designing, manufacturing, operation activities, have been elaborated and are done under a Quality Assurance Program to provide a safe operation of the systems. Process control is automated being provided with alarming systems and fast emergency response system, which enters into operation in case the process parameters are out of the operation limits. ROMAGPROD Heavy Water Plant has been certified ISO 9001/2000 and ISO 14001/2000 since May 2000. ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant is equipped with alarming system and computerized emergency response management system produced by ICARE France, in co-operation with AEIC Company from Romania. This system monitors 24 hours a day the entire Heavy Water Plant surface. Surveillance system is made up of a H 2 S & propane sensors network; H 2 S in water analyzers; automated meteorological stations. All the data are collected and processed by computers to evaluate the impact of exceeding H 2 S emissions on environment. ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant is operated under the approvals by Local Authorities in respect to waters and environment protection.

ROMAG-TERMO Power Plant, the most important support for Heavy Water Plant, is located at ROMAG-TERMO Power Plant, the most important support for Heavy Water Plant, is located at 5 km North-East away from Drobeta Turnu Severin town, on 67 DN national route connecting Drobeta Turnu Severin and Tg. Jiu cities. According to its actual profile, ROMAG-TERMO Power Plant provides process steam for ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant (280 t/h and 31 MW) and also heating agent for Drobeta Turnu Severin Municipality (100 Gcal). In the same time, an electric power amount of over 160 MW is delivered to National Grid System. ROMAG-TERMO ROMANIA, 227295 Dr. Tr. Severin Calea Tg. Jiului, Km 5 Tel: +40 -(0)52 -323. 666; Fax: +40 -(0)52 -323. 066 E-mail: dir@termo. expert. ro;

The Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti (SCN) is intended for applicative research in nuclear The Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti (SCN) is intended for applicative research in nuclear field and it is the owner of a 14 MW TRIGA reactor destined to nuclear research work in steady and pulse regimes. SCN Pitesti, 115400, Pitesti-Mioveni, Arges District Telefon/Fax: +40 -(0)248 -264. 849 Fax: +40 -(0)248 -262. 449 Site: www. scn. ro, www. nuclear. ro

INR Mission Scientific and technical support for Cernavoda unit 1 and unit 2 safe INR Mission Scientific and technical support for Cernavoda unit 1 and unit 2 safe operation during plant lifetime. Scientific and technical support for Cernavoda unit 3 and 4, under construction. Scientific and technical support for the next NPP in Romania. Contribution to the international R&D effort to develop advanced NPP (Gen III) and Generation IV nuclear power reactors. Education, training and knowledge management. Specific R&D infrastructure operation, maintenance and upgrading. International Cooperation Provide specific nuclear services, products and equipment for NPP Support for non-power nuclear energy application

INR Activity Outline Nuclear Power Research as a scientific and technical support for the INR Activity Outline Nuclear Power Research as a scientific and technical support for the Romanian nuclear power program – Mainly dedicated to the existing NPP in the country (CANDU) – Focused with priority on: • Nuclear Safety: – behavior of plant materials, components, installations during accident conditions – integrity investigations – evaluation tools (computer codes and methodologies) • Radioactive Waste Management • Radioprotection Product and services supply for NPP and support for industry and medicine applications

Staff Breakdown by qualification Mar 07 Nov 07 Nuclear Scientists/Engineers 237 296 277 Nov-07 Staff Breakdown by qualification Mar 07 Nov 07 Nuclear Scientists/Engineers 237 296 277 Nov-07 117 185 Ph. D 31 33 Ph. D students 27 28 MSc students 51 37 244 Technical staff Mar-07 Researchers Administration and Services 125 137 Total 658

TRIGA Reactors High-Inherent Nuclear Safety, intended to Fuel and Materials Testing in Steady – TRIGA Reactors High-Inherent Nuclear Safety, intended to Fuel and Materials Testing in Steady – State and Pulse Modes Post-Irradiation Examination Laboratories Evaluation of Nuclear Fuel and Structural Materials Behavior Laboratories specialized Physical, Chemical and Materials / Equipment Testing and Diagnosis Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant based on Qualified and High Activity Gamma Irradiation Station (SIGMA) INR ASSETS Authorized Technologies and Staff Laboratories for Fuel Elements Manufacturing and Experimental Development of Technologies for Advanced Fuel Fabrication Mechanical Workshops Precision Mechanics, Pressure Equipment, Lifting Devices sustained by Special Authorized Processes and Distinct Laboratories for Material and Quality Control

Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety Reactor Physics Analysis Thermo-hydraulic Analysis Reactor Physics Computer Methods Reactor Physics and Nuclear Safety Reactor Physics Analysis Thermo-hydraulic Analysis Reactor Physics Computer Methods and Codes Development Nuclear Safety Analysis for NPP Safety Assessment for Radioactive Wastes Repositories Neutronic Design of In-Pile Irradiation of Romanian CANDU Type Fuel PSA for Cernavoda NPP, research reactors, conventional installations Development of experimental methods for reactor physics

Radiation Protection, Environmental Protection and Civil Protection Department Implementation of radiation and environment protection Radiation Protection, Environmental Protection and Civil Protection Department Implementation of radiation and environment protection plan for ICN nuclear facilities R&D program focused to increase proficiency in human and environment protection against radiationassociated risks.

Radioactive Wastes Management Department treatment and conditioning of radioactive wastes resulted from the TRIGA Radioactive Wastes Management Department treatment and conditioning of radioactive wastes resulted from the TRIGA reactor and other research laboratories of the site, the Nuclear Fuel Factory (FCN), the Cernavoda NPP, Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering (IFIN-HH). design and manufacturing of equipment and tools for the assay and measurement of radioactive samples from the environment and from working areas, which imply radioactive sources.

INR International Agreements and Partnerships AECL - Canada CEA – France GRS –Germany, DBE INR International Agreements and Partnerships AECL - Canada CEA – France GRS –Germany, DBE – Germany, ITU- Germany KAERI- Korea IRSN-France JRC IE Petten JSI – Slovenia SCK-CEN – Belgie URS – USA Ansaldo Nucleare- Italy, ENEA-Italy AREVA LANL – Los Alamos National Laboratory ORNL- Oak Ridge National Laboratory ANL- Argonne National Laboratory BNL – Brookhaven National Laboratory SNL - Sandia National Laboratory

Assistance and Co-operation: IAEA Regular Projects with INR as the main recipient: - Development Assistance and Co-operation: IAEA Regular Projects with INR as the main recipient: - Development and testing of locally made fuel elements - Building Nuclear Safety capabilities - Development of the Cernavoda Probabilistic Safety Evaluation Studies - Plant commissioning requirements and training - Radiological protection - Licensing of test facilities for CANDU 600 fuelling machine - Full conversion of TRIGA 14 -Mw Core from HEU to LEU Regional projects Training courses, scientific visits, expert missions, etc. Ex: RER/9/076 Strengthening Safety and Reliability of Nuclear Fuel and Materials in Nuclear Power Plants: Upgrading the Hot Cells at INR Pitesti and development of the CANDU spent fuel examination and surveillance programme. Others co-operation forms: Research contracts INR contribution to the IAEA activities (development of standards, experts)

EU R&D Framework Programs FP 5 EURATOM: PHEBEN 2, Validating Severe Accident Codes Against EU R&D Framework Programs FP 5 EURATOM: PHEBEN 2, Validating Severe Accident Codes Against Phebus FP for Plant Applications - integral codes for LWR and guidelines for optimum code use for the various applications (2002 – 2005) FP 6 EURATOM: SARNET, No. E in Nuclear Reactors Severe Accidents COWAM 2, Community waste management: Improving the governance of nuclear waste management and disposal in Europe HOTLAB: European Hot Laboratories Research Capacities and Needs - to set up a hot European Hot Laboratories Research Capacities and Needs laboratories network in support of the nuclear energy safety optimization and long-term management of radioactive waste NULIFE, NOE on Nuclear Plant Life Prediction - framework for continuing professional development of its personnel via targeted internal training, exchange of best practices and where appropriate mobility/exchanges CIP, COWAM in Practice - to assist local communities directly with their engagement on their particular siting programmes - and to gather the knowledge from that experience and to prepare EU-level guidance for implementation and improvement of inclusive radioactive waste management approaches MTR+I 3, Materials Testing Reactors Innovations – strengthening the European experimental potential in materials and nuclear fuel testing ELSY, Generation IV Reactors- European Lead System – to develop a lead-cooled fast – reactor concept

Center of Designing and Engineering for Nuclear Projects (SITON) Bucharest is the institute for Center of Designing and Engineering for Nuclear Projects (SITON) Bucharest is the institute for designing and engineering, intended for nuclear projects applied in Romania, the owner of knowhow technologies for Cernavoda NPP and SCN Pitesti. SITON, 077125, Bucuresti. Magurele, 1, Atomistilor street, Ilfov District Telefon/Fax: +40 -(0)21457. 44. 31 Fax: +40 -(0)21 -457. 44. 29 Site: www. citon. ro

CITON’s scope of services CITON performs design and engineering work and assures technical assistance CITON’s scope of services CITON performs design and engineering work and assures technical assistance and engineering support for construction – installation, commissioning and operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities. CITON as a full-service engineering company can assist the customers with all phases of projects implementation including development support and EPC interconnection. CITON can provide the entire range of design and engineering products for the fulfillment of power objectives: Research and development studies Technical and Economic Feasibility studies Conceptual technical designs Detail designs (documentation and drawings) Licensing and environmental impact engineering support Equipment manufacturing designs Special Analyses Reports (Nuclear Safety and Performance, Environmental Impact, Stress Analyses, Accident Analyses, Risk Assessments, Seismic Hazard Assessments, etc) Engineering services for operating nuclear power plants and facilities: Ø Operation and maintenance support Ø Start-up and commissioning support Ø Plant life extension, upgrading, power up rating, retrofitting and performance enhancement Expertise and Consulting Reports Quality Assurance and Control Services Technical Training Services Technical Assisstance and Field Engineering.

CITON Structure CITON is typically structured as a design and engineering institute for nuclear CITON Structure CITON is typically structured as a design and engineering institute for nuclear projects. Elaboration of technical conceptual and detail design for structures and systems evolved into discipline sections/compartments arranged as two technical departments: Ø Projects and Programs Management Department (Projects Management, Technical and Economical Assessments, Feasibility Studies, Planning and Scheduling, Nuclear Safety Analyses and Licensing Documents, Environmental Impact Assessments) and Ø Engineering Department (Process Systems, Electric and Instrumentation and Control Systems, Health Physics, Civil Structures, Architecture and installations associated to buildings, Mechanical components and systems related to reactor and fuel handling, Sizing calculation). Manufacturing documentation for thermal mechanical equipment is performed by the Mechanical, Reactor and Fuel handling Section. The institute has 350 highly skilled technical employees with broad experience and expertise in the field of the design and engineering for NPPs and other nuclear facilities

Offered services Design and Engineering Services Studies and Documentation supporting the client’s decision-marketing: Prefeasibility Offered services Design and Engineering Services Studies and Documentation supporting the client’s decision-marketing: Prefeasibility and Feasibility studies; Environmental impact studies; ROMAG D 2 O PLANT Technical-Economical evaluation studies; Production profile optimization CERNAVODA NPP FUEL FACTORY PITESTI Site selection studies; Modernization and safety enhancement conceptual studies; Risk evaluation reports ICN PITESTI Wastes management programs Bids requirements and bids evaluation reports. Basic Design Documentation: Detail design documentation: Technical conceptual design as base for technical-economical evaluation of the investment and as support for regulatory bodies approvals/permits. – – Documents and drawings required for construction and systems installation; Basic requirements and design analyses documents (thermal and hydraulic computation, stress reports, radiological consequences of abnormal and accident states); – Manufacturing drawings/documents for selected equipment/components; – Procurement engineering documentation. As-built design documentation for configuration control.

CITON Experience CITON provided Design and Engineering services as main contractor or General Design CITON Experience CITON provided Design and Engineering services as main contractor or General Design Authority for the following major projects and customers: 1. Design and engineering services for the Institute of Atomic Physics (nuclear research center) located in Bucharest-Magurele for the following facilities: - 2 MWth nuclear research reactor (VVR-S), tank type; - Linear Van der Graf accelerator; - Center of radioactive isotopes production; - Radioactive wastes treatment station (RWTS); - Spent nuclear fuel storage pool; - Nuclear instrumentation factory; - Various research laboratories; - Gamma irradiator facility.

CITON Experience 2. Design and engineering services for the Institute of Nuclear Research in CITON Experience 2. Design and engineering services for the Institute of Nuclear Research in Pitesti-Mioveni (former Institute for Nuclear Power Reactors, a nuclear research and production center) for the following: - 14 MWth TRIGA pool type research and material testing nuclear reactor; - Post irradiation hot cells and laboratories; - Computer center; - Nuclear equipment test stands; - Zero power multizone research reactor; - Radioactive wastes treatment plant. 3. Design and technical assistance services for the Nuclear Fuel Factory for CANDU-6 type nuclear fuel production unit (former Institute for Nuclear Power Reactors). 4. Design, technical assistance and consulting services for the National Society "Nuclearelectrica" for the implementation in all phases of the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant 5 units x 700 MWe equipped with CANDU-6 nuclear power reactors. 5. Design, technical assistance and expertise services for ROMAG - Drobeta Turnu Severin for the heavy water fabrication plant.

CITON Experience 6. Design and engineering services for the National Society CITON Experience 6. Design and engineering services for the National Society "Nuclearelectrica" for the following facilities: Cernavoda NPP Personnel Training Center equipped with full scope NPP simulator; Cervnavoda NPP Spent Fuel Intermediate Dry Storage Plant; 7. Design and consulting services for National Uranium Company related to uranium ore processing and concentration units up-grading. 8. Design and technical assistance for the Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering "Horia Hulubei" (Bucharest-Magurele) for the retrofitting and upgrading of the low and intermediate level radioactive wastes storage repository located in Baita-Bihor. 9. Development studies for the former Ministry of Electrical Power and State Committee for Nuclear Energy for the implementation of second romanian NPP. 10. Design and manufacturing drawings of elaboration for some thermal-mechanical equipment supplied by romanian companies for Cernavoda NPP and other nuclear facilities. 11. As-built documentation issue of the Cernavoda NPP-Unit 1. 12. Research and Development Studies for the Ministry of Economy and Trade / RAAN within yearly approved Research Program as support for National Nuclear Program (new technology adaptation and development, nuclear safety and radiation protection improvement, radioactive wastes management, operational reliability enhancement, extension of service life, etc).

CITON International Co-operations AECL (Canada) , Ansaldo Impianti (Italy) and General Electric (USA) for CITON International Co-operations AECL (Canada) , Ansaldo Impianti (Italy) and General Electric (USA) for Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 General Atomic (USA) for The Institute of Nuclear Research Pitesti concerning Triga Research Reactor Ateliers et Chantiers de Bretagne (France) for The Institute of Nuclear Research, Hot Cells and Post – Irradiation Lab (LEPI) PEC (France) for The Institute of Nuclear Research, Radwaste Treatment Plant Agreement with General Society for New Technology - SGN (France) - for radwaste treatment CAE Canada for "full scope" simulator - for Cernavoda NPP personnel training AECL ( Canada) for Spent Fuel Intermediate Dry Storage for Cernavoda NPP – Units 1 and 2 Agreement with SKB (Sweden) in the radwaste storage field. Cooperation within Europe Union’s research programs (FP 5, FP 6, Phare) and IAEA (Vienna)technical assistance projects

CITON Experts Ø Name and surname: Maria Radu Ø – expertise domains: radioactive waste CITON Experts Ø Name and surname: Maria Radu Ø – expertise domains: radioactive waste management and spent fuel storage. – licenses, certificates, qualification diplomas : IAEA training courses in above mentioned domains ( Argon/u. s + Whitshell/Canada, Enresa/Spain, Siemens/Germany); – participations: technical commeetees organized by IAEA on the extension of spent fuel storage life-span; IAEA TEC DOC issuing, IAEA international expert for spent fuel intermediate storage, PHARE projects. Name and surname : Dancanet Dorin Ioan – expertise domains: pressurized metal pipes and equipment; – licenses, certificates, qualification diplomas: – ISCIR license for pressurized metal pipes and equipment design documentation certification, i. e for the expertise on their technical condition for evaluation the remained operation life-span and assessment of further operation conditions beyond the design life or after prolonged shut-off; – Qualifications in : – fabrication of steam generators for CANDU type NPPs - Babcock Wilcox – Canada; – pressure vessels for CANDU type NPPs – RENEL Personnel Training Center – Bucharest; – implementation of quality assurance system in nuclear activities developed in CANDU type NPPs - IFA Special Personnel Training Center – Bucharest; – Management of investment activities – RENEL Personnel Training Center. Bucharest.

CITON Experts Certified in: – computer-aid design by AUTOCAD computer code application; – TURBO CITON Experts Certified in: – computer-aid design by AUTOCAD computer code application; – TURBO PASCAL computer code programming; – AUTOLISP computer code programming. Ø Name and surname : ALESSANDRESCU AUREL Expertise domains: Pressurized metal pipes and equipment; Licenses, certificates, qualification diplomas: – ISCIR license for compliance certification of pressurized metal pipes and equipment design documentation, i. e the expertise on their technical condition for the assessment of their remained operation life-span and for setting-up of their further operation conditions beyond the design life or after a prolonged shut-off. – qualified in computer-aid design by AUTOCAD 12 computer code. Achievements: – design of piping systems in Heavy Water Plant and of other installations in the chemical and oil processing industry; – compliance certification of pressurized pipe system designs as per ISCIR provisions.