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Role-Teacher Partnership Project Vocational Education Adam Smith College, Scotland Study Visit to Warsaw, Poland November 2009 15 March 2018
Location in Scotland
Role of Scotland’s Colleges in Vocational Education Scotland’s Colleges are fundamental to the current and future success of the Scottish economy. n Over 500, 000 students accessing learning opportunities in 43 colleges across Scotland, supported by over 20, 000 dedicated staff. n Adam Smith College is the third largest college in Scotland n - 5 main campuses + community-based locations £ 34 m turnover 30, 000+ students: FT 4, 000+ PT 25, 000+ HE FT 1540 (100 Degrees; 20 Professional) HE PT 2090 (45 Degrees; 80 Professional) 52% Female / 48% Male Average of students - 28.
Adam Smith College Corporate Aims and Purpose The provision of 21 st Century learning n The development of the 21 st Century workforce n The creation of the 21 st Century college n Adam Smith College will focus on learners as individuals. Through the development of their skills and knowledge, the college will make a leading contribution to economic and business development and to social and community development in Fife and beyond.
Key Partnerships n n n n n Awarding Bodies (Scottish Qualifications Authority) Scottish and UK Governments Industry and Business (ASC works with 1000+ each year) Sector Skills Councils Schools (19 secondary schools in Fife) Colleges Training providers Universities (University of Abertay, Napier, Open University, Heriot. Watt) Educational representative bodies (EIS, GTC) Standards setting bodies (HMIe, Investors in People, Chartermark)
Designing qualifications that are fit for purpose The aim and purpose of the qualification can vary: n full job competence n preparation for employment n employer in-house training programmes n employability n articulation with higher education/professional bodies and associations
Skills for the 21 st century Core Skills n – Communication n – Literacy & Numeracy n – ICT n – Problem Solving n – Working in Teams Employability skills n – self management & motivation n – understanding one’s role as an employee/worker Enterprise and entrepreneurial skills Specific vocational skills driven by industry & societal needs
Range of Vocational Qualifications Clear & Credited Learning Pathways: n Higher National Certificates & Diplomas (HND, HNC) n National Certificates n National Progression Awards n National Qualifications n Professional Development Awards n Scottish Vocational Qualifications n Degrees n Professional Qualifications
Modes of Delivery and Assessment n Full-time in college n Part-time flexible learning n Online learning n Work-based learning n Continuous Assessment n Examination n Work-based observation n Portfolio-building
Quality Standards for Scottish Qualifications n HMIe – Annual Engagement and Review n SQA Moderation n Professional Bodies Moderating Councils n Adam Smith College Quality Assurance and Enhancement n Professional Lecturing Standards
Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland’s Colleges Two formal qualifications: n Professional Development Awards (PDAs) - Advanced Diploma - Teaching in Further Education: an Introduction - Advanced Diploma – Teaching in Further Education n Teaching Qualification (Further Education) [TQ(FE)] - Standard Route - Credit Route
Professional Development Award Advanced Diploma - Teaching in Further Education: an Introduction n Comprises 2 Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) units: - Teaching in Further Education: Planning - Teaching in Further Education: Delivery and Assessment Most suited to staff who have little or no experience of delivering teaching and/or training materials n Suitable for lecturers and instructors/learning assistants/ business advisors – anyone delivering learning materials to clients n Delivered in college, by college staff n
Professional Development Award Advanced Diploma - Teaching in Further Education Comprises 3 Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) units: - Plan and Prepare the Learning Experience - Facilitate Learning, Teaching and Assessment - Develop Professional Practice Progression route for those who have completed ‘Teaching in Further Education: an Introduction’ n Can also be starting point for more experienced delivery staff n Suitable for lecturers and instructors/learning assistants/ business advisors – anyone delivering learning materials to clients n
Professional Development Awards For both PDAs n Staff are nominated in line with criteria laid down by the college – longest serving staff targeted first; n Teaching is done via materials which are developed centrally and distributed to all colleges; n Flexibility is key to the learning experience and the materials can be delivered: - Online, via the college’s Virtual Learning Environment - As a series of workbooks.
Professional Development Awards Learning is supported by workshops throughout the academic year, and all staff undertaking this qualification are released from teaching at the same time so that they can meet as a group; n Assessments may be: n - Written assignments - Portfolio/evidence based - Observation (teaching/feedback); n Feedback from participants is sought annually, and has always been very positive.
Teaching Qualification (Further Education) n n n Formal teaching qualification delivered by the University of Dundee; Recognised by the General Teaching Council of Scotland; May be delivered at undergraduate or postgraduate level; Delivered online by University of Dundee staff via their VLE; Comprises 2 modules, to be completed over one academic year (standard route).
Role of the Lecturer Scotland’s colleges are at the forefront of the Scottish Government’s drive to provide opportunities for lifelong learning, improve the skills of the Scottish workforce and create a more inclusive society. n The achievement of social and economic benefits depends critically on the quality of the teaching and learning experience that learners receive in colleges across the country. n To realise their full potential, learners need to be taught by committed and highly qualified professionals. n The lecturer’s role is providing high quality education and training. n