Скачать презентацию Role-plays Foundation Lancashire County Council 1 À Скачать презентацию Role-plays Foundation Lancashire County Council 1 À


  • Количество слайдов: 18

Role-plays Foundation Lancashire County Council 1 Role-plays Foundation Lancashire County Council 1

À l’hôtel Lancashire County Council 2 À l’hôtel Lancashire County Council 2

* Say you would like a room. Je voudrais une chambre svp. * Say * Say you would like a room. Je voudrais une chambre svp. * Say you want a room for 3 people. Une chambre pour 3 personnes, svp. * Say you want to stay 2 nights. C’est pour 2 nuits. * Ask if there is a carpark. Il y a un parking? Lancashire County Council 3

Au marché Lancashire County Council 4 Au marché Lancashire County Council 4

* Say you would like some apples. Je voudrais des pommes, svp. * Say * Say you would like some apples. Je voudrais des pommes, svp. * Say you want green apples. Je voudrais des pommes vertes, svp. * Say that’s all. C’est tout. * Ask how much it costs. C’est combien? Lancashire County Council 5

Au café Lancashire County Council 6 Au café Lancashire County Council 6

* Ask for a cheese sandwich. Je voudrais un sandwich au fromage, svp. * * Ask for a cheese sandwich. Je voudrais un sandwich au fromage, svp. * Ask for a drink. Je voudrais un cola, svp. * Ask how much it costs. C’est combien? * Say thank you and goodbye. Merci et au revoir. Lancashire County Council 7

Au travail! Lancashire County Council 8 Au travail! Lancashire County Council 8

* Say you have a job. J’ai un job. / Je travaille. * Say * Say you have a job. J’ai un job. / Je travaille. * Say you work in a restaurant. Je travaille dans un restaurant. * Say when you work. (Je travaille) le week-end. * Ask your friend if he/she has a job. Tu as un petit job? / Tu travailles? Lancashire County Council 9

Les passetemps Lancashire County Council 10 Les passetemps Lancashire County Council 10

* Say you like horseriding. J’aime faire de l’équitation. * Say you have a * Say you like horseriding. J’aime faire de l’équitation. * Say you have a horse. J’ai un cheval. * Say when you go horseriding. Le week-end. / Après le collège. * Ask what your friend does at the week -end. Qu’est-ce que tu fais le week-end? Lancashire County Council 11

Au collège Lancashire County Council 12 Au collège Lancashire County Council 12

* Say what your favourite subject is. Ma matière préférée c’est la géo. * * Say what your favourite subject is. Ma matière préférée c’est la géo. * Say why. C’est intéressant. / Le prof est super. * Say which subject you do not like. Je déteste les maths. * Ask your friend what his/her favourite subject is. Quelle est ta matière préférée? Lancashire County Council 13

À la gare Lancashire County Council 14 À la gare Lancashire County Council 14

* Say you want to go to Paris. Je voudrais aller à Paris. * * Say you want to go to Paris. Je voudrais aller à Paris. * Say you want a return ticket. Je voudrais un aller-retour, svp. * Say you want to leave Tuesday. (Je voudrais partir) mardi. * Ask how much it costs. C’est combien? Lancashire County Council 15

À la poste Lancashire County Council 16 À la poste Lancashire County Council 16

* Say you want to go to the post office. Je voudrais aller à * Say you want to go to the post office. Je voudrais aller à la poste. * Say you want to buy a postcard. Je voudrais acheter une carte postale. * Say it is for your friend. C’est pour mon copain / ma copine. * Ask how much a stamp costs. C’est combien un timbre? Lancashire County Council 17

Bonne chance! Lancashire County Council 18 Bonne chance! Lancashire County Council 18