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Robinson Crusoe By : Rizaidinova. a, Buitkenova. d
Daniel Defoe • Daniel Foe-was born in 1660 in London, England. He was an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer. He is best known for his novels Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders. • He was the son of James Foe, a London butcher. Daniel later changed his name to Daniel Defoe, wanting to sound more gentlemanly. • Having always been interested in politics, Defoe published his first literary piece, a political pamphlet, in 1683.
Daniel Defo • • Defoe took a new literary path in 1719, around the age of 59, when he published Robinson Crusoe, a fiction novel based on several short essays that he had composed over the years. He wrote more than five hundred books, pamphlets, and journals on various topics, including politics, crime, religion, marriage. Besides “Robinson Crusoe”, Daniel Defoe wrote some more novels which were popular during his lifetime, but we do not hear much about them now. They are: “The Life of Captain Singleton”, “The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders”, “The History of Colonel Jack, ”’ “A History of Lady Roxana”. Defoe died on April 24, 1731.
Robinson Crusoe • Defoe described the book as “a just history of fact”. The story in this book was historical and therefore authentic. Defoe claimed that Robinson Crusoe was historical in a deeper sense and said that the book was an allegory of his own life. • Robinson Crusoe was based upon the actual experiences of a real man called Alexander Selkirk who has spent four years alone, all alone in the island of Juan Fernandez. But , while recognizing this we must admit that the hero of this novel is an imaginary character and that , there is resemblance between Selkirk's life on the actual island of Juan Fernandez and Crusoe’s life on an imaginary island.
Characteristic List • Robinson Crusoe-The narrator of the story. Crusoe sets sail at nineteen years of age, despite his father's demand that he stay at home and be content with his «middle station" in life. • Captain's Widow -The wife of the first captain to take young Crusoe under his wing • Xury A servant on the ship on which young Crusoe is a slave; Xury is loyal to Crusoe when the two escape. • Portuguese Captain-The captain of the ship that rescues young Crusoe and Xury. • Friday -A "savage" whom Crusoe rescues from certain death at the hands of cannibals.
Plot • • • The famous story of Robinson Crusoe takes place in the In the middle of the 17 th century The story can be divided into three parts: Robinson’s youth and the time up to his shipwreck; his twenty-eight years on an uninhabited island; his lie and adventures after being rescued from the island. Published in 1719, Defoe places his story in the 17 th century in England, north Africa, Brazil, an island off the coast of Venezuela and back to Europe. The first part of the novel relates that, against the advice of his father, Robinson wishes to pursue his livelihood by going to sea. He does so and after a false start has some success but a third voyage ends in slavery. He eventually escapes and is helped to Brazil where he becomes a successful plantation owner. He embarks on a slave gathering expedition to W
Plot • The bulk of the novel attends to Robinson’s life on the island —how he accomplishes his survival and even establishes his "kingdom"; how he moves from a frantic state of discontent to one of resignation and contentment; how he meets Friday and, finally, how he leaves the island. • The third part of the novel traces Robinson’s securing of wealth through the honesty and loyalty of friends, his return to England, travels through the continent and a last trip to his island to see how those he left there fared.
Religious allegory in Robinson Crusoe • Robinson Crusoe is certainly an adventure story, and a most remarkable one. But it is much more than that. It has been found by critics to be rich in symbolic meanings. It is first of all a religious allegory. It depicts the original sin of which a man finds himself guilty, and the consequences of which he has to endure. The message of Defoe is that the hero should repent of his sin. Crusoe is the prodigal son who had disobeyed his father. The novel depicts the spiritual development of Crusoe----- his recognition of his original sin, his repentance, his selfreform, in short his religious conversion.
Allegory of the Prodigal son • Some critics have offered other allegorical interpretations of the story. One critic describes the story of Crusoe as a version of the Biblical story of the Prodigal son. Crusoe is the prodigal son who leaves his father’s advice, who ruins himself by his roaming nature, who is then left solitary and desolate, who repents of his disobedience to his father, and who eventually returns to his father. Crusoe recognizes the fact that he has been treated by the creator most mercifully, and that God has sweetened his bitter life on the island with his generosity. He imagined himself as the king of the whole island.
Questions • • A real name of Daniel Defoe? When does the story take place? Why does Crusoe leave England? Where does Crusoe first settle?
References • http: //www. edocere. org/book_summaries/ro binson_crusoe. htm • https: //www. reference. com/artliterature/short-summary-robinson-crusoe 43287418030 e 3618 • https: //www. google. kz/webhp? sourceid=chro me-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF 8#q=daniel%20 defoe