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ROAD ACCIDENT FUND VENDOR BRIEFING SESSION RFP: RAF/ 2012 /00003 Presenter: Anna Mosupyoe and Prishen Reddy Date: 25 January 2012 Time: 10: 00
Overview Background Evaluation Criteria Submission of bid responses Disqualification of bids Procurement Administration Purpose of the RFP Questions and Answers
Background RFP: RAF/2012/00003: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: SUPPLY, IMPLEMENT AND MANAGE A PRIMARY NETWORK SOLUTION FOR THE RAF CUSTOMER SERVICES NETWORK (CSN) FOR A PERIOD OF 3 YEARS Advertised on 13 January 2012 Closing on 07 February 2012 [Insert presentation title] Page 3
Evaluation Criteria • Evaluation will be based on 90/10 PPPFA system Criteria Points Price 90 Participation goals 10 Total 100 [Insert presentation title] Page 4
Evaluation Criteria Mandatory requirements The service provider must be ICASA certified. Please attach ICASA certificate as proof that the company is ICASA certified. The service provider must provide RAF with letters of accreditation of the technology that they are using with their solution. Example will be if the hardware you will be using to implement the solution is from HP you must provide RAF with a letter of confirmation that you are HP accredited partner. Please attach letter from the OEM to confirm that you are accredited. The proposed solution must be monitored 24/7 Provide RAF with your standard operating procedures based on ITIL processes for managing calls within working hours and after hours. [Insert presentation title] Page 5
Evaluation Criteria (continue) Functional criteria Experience of the Company Please provide the RAF with 2 separate references where you have deployed the following solutions: Managed ADSL (total solution with 5 or more sites) Satellite (total solution with 2 or more sites) Microwave/wireless (total solution with 2 or more sites) Fibre (total solution with 2 or more sites) The reference should include the following: Company name Contact person e-mail address and contact number. Note: RAF may request to visit one of the referenced site [Insert presentation title] Page 6 Weightings 15%
Evaluation Criteria continue Functional criteria Weightings Foot print The service provider must be able to provide onsite support services within the stipulated service level agreement on all nine provinces. 10% Substantiate by providing a plan on how on site support services will be delivered on all nine provinces. Class service mapping The service provider must provide RAF with a report showing the class of service mapping (QOS) together with the latency for each class of service. [Insert presentation title] Page 7 5%
Evaluation Criteria continue Functional criteria Weightings Redundancy The service provider must provide an architecture diagram 10% to demonstrate redundancy and fail over of network traffic using the different technologies. Proposed Architecture for RAF 10% The service provider must provide RAF with the architecture diagram of how the solution will be deployed in RAF using the different technologies. Reporting The service provider must provide RAF with the sample report on performance and utilization [Insert presentation title] Page 8 15%
Evaluation Criteria continue Functional criteria Response time The service provider must provide RAF with the average latency without QOS of all the network technologies required and provide a report showing network delivery percentages on the various technologies. Weightings 15% Site Visit and demonstrations Site visit will be conducted to the central network operating centre 20% Total 100% [Insert presentation title] Page 9
• Submission of bid responses Original signed bid document 4 hard copies Submitted in sealed envelopes Each schedule must be clearly distinguish, indexed and all pages numbered [Insert presentation title] Page 10
Disqualification of bids Bidders shall be disqualified if they fail to: Submit a valid and original tax clearance certificate Complete questionnaires in full Submit true and correct information Comply with mandatory requirements Comply with prescribed response format [Insert presentation title] Page 11
Administration RFP Closing Date: 07 February 2012 @11 H 00 Venue: RAF Menlyn Reception 38 Ida street Menlo Park Pretoria Bid responses sent by courier must reach the reception at least 36 (thirty six) hours before the closing date to be deposited into the bid box Submission Register must be signed at the reception by bidder when submitting bid documents Late bids will not be considered All queries must be forwarded to annah@raf. co. za Enquiries and clarification of technical issues will close not later than 27 January 2012 @ 11 H 00. Important note: Please ensure that the attendance register has been signed Name of company Contact details [Insert presentation title] Page 12
Purpose of the RFP Ø With the current business model RAF cannot adequately fulfill its mandate Ø Problems experience include inaccessibility, poor service quality, reactive compensation system and inferior customer management ØImprove information collection and management Ø the more useful information we have the more efficient our claims processing will become Ø Ensure pro active benefits origination Ø proactively originating claims results in the RAF budgeting accurately for claims payments Ø Improve service delivery efficiency and effectiveness Ø improving our service delivery will help change the public’s perception and engender a spirit of cooperation with our customers Ø Expand geographic footprint and reach Ø CSN channels comprises of offices in hospitals, mobile RAF and information collection agents [Insert presentation title] Page 13
High Level Understanding of Architecture [Insert presentation title] Page 14
Equipment deployed and Infrastructure Systems Ø Citrix Xen. App Ø AD Ø Exchange Ø Webense Ø Business Applications (SAP, FINEOS, Old Claims, Knowledge Lake) Ø Equipment deployed at HSC Ø Wyse Thin Clients and Acer screens Ø HP multifunction devices Ø Enterasys policy based switches Ø Hauwei APN (3 G backup with VB) ØRAF standards for ICT systems Ø HP hardware for server infrastructure Ø Wyse and Acer for desktop infrastructure Ø HP printers and MFD Ø Enterasys LAN hardware Ø Cisco router and firewall [Insert presentation title] Page 15
Thank you Questions and Answers [Insert presentation title] Page 16