Скачать презентацию RIPE NCC Update Axel Pawlik APNIC 16 Скачать презентацию RIPE NCC Update Axel Pawlik APNIC 16


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RIPE NCC Update Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. RIPE NCC Update Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 1

“Dried in the Netherlands and Droogte in Nederland en record lage record low water “Dried in the Netherlands and Droogte in Nederland en record lage record low water positions” waterstanden • (links) In de ochtenduren van 17 augustus bereikte de waterstand in de Rijn een historisch dieptepunt. Bij Lobith werd 7, 17 meter boven NAP gemeten. Het oude record was 7, 22 meter op 13 september 1991. De lage waterstanden in de grote rivieren worden slechts voor een klein deel bepaald door de actuele droog in Nederland, maar wordt vooral bepaald door de neerslag in de stroomgebieden van de rivieren. De droogte in Zuid-Europa past in de computerverwachtingen van het toekomstig klimaat. In het veranderende klimaat neemt hier de kans op zomerdroogte toe. Uit de metingen van de laatste jaren blijkt dat nog niet maar volgens de prognoses voor Zuid-Europa wordt niet alleen toename verwacht van zware neerslag maar ook een afname van de zomerneerslag van mogelijk 20%. (zie ook watertekorten in waterrijk Nederland en de droogtestudie) Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 2

Who Is Who An Organisational Update Executive Board Chief Scientist Managing Director CFO Axel Who Is Who An Organisational Update Executive Board Chief Scientist Managing Director CFO Axel Pawlik CTO . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul Head Member Services . http: //www. ripe. net 3

Registration Services • Steady response time to resource requests – 2 days or less Registration Services • Steady response time to resource requests – 2 days or less for last year • Improving resolution times – 90% within 8 days • Telephone contact – Call back service – Proactive telephone calls Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 4

Policy Update • New Address Policy WG – LIR-WG split into 2 new WGs Policy Update • New Address Policy WG – LIR-WG split into 2 new WGs and mailing lists • Updated IPv 4 document (draft) – http: //www. ripe. net/ripe/draft-documents/ipv 4 policies. html • Update to “status: ” attribute (values) – http: //www. ripe. net/ripe/draft-documents/statusattributes. html – Will develop proposal in co-operation with APNIC Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 5

LIR Portal • Membership service • Simplified resource request forms – Calculating forms – LIR Portal • Membership service • Simplified resource request forms – Calculating forms – Interactive help function • Allocation Editor – Lets LIRs update allocation inetnum objects directly • PKI login – Secure certificate • Tools – Useful utilities https: //lirportal. ripe. net/ Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 6

k Root Developments • AMS-IX instance of k. root-servers. net online – Proof of k Root Developments • AMS-IX instance of k. root-servers. net online – Proof of concept complete – Marks the beginning of anycast k root service • Investigating next phase – Deployment of more instances • k. root-servers. org website updated with more routing policy information Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 7

Membership Liaison • Membership Liaison Officer responsibilities: – Liaison activities and regional support for Membership Liaison • Membership Liaison Officer responsibilities: – Liaison activities and regional support for RIPE NCC members – Developing communication channels for member feedback – Improving interaction between RIPE NCC and members • Projects: – RIPE NCC regional meeting in the Middle East • Dubai, UAE, 7 -9 December 2003 – Actively seek input from members • – Support for RIPE NCC Services WG & RIPE Meetings – Collaboration with RIRs on membership issues Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 8

Information Services • RIPE NCC has been collecting data since its inception – Hostcount, Information Services • RIPE NCC has been collecting data since its inception – Hostcount, TTM, RIS, … • 10 years, time to revisit and adjust direction • Strategy paper: RIPE 271, “RIPE NCC Hostcount in the 21 st century”: – Measurements are necessary for long and short term operations – RIPE NCC is ideally suited to do them – Results should be made public – Results should be easy to use in daily operations Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 9

Changes in the coming months • Central entry point for all statistics maintained by Changes in the coming months • Central entry point for all statistics maintained by the RIPE NCC – Uniform data formats – Consistent • • my. ASN feature added to the RIS TTM will become an open service DNS monitoring added Incident response procedure and team Suggestions and ideas: tt-wg@ripe. net Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 10

X. 509 for RIPE NCC LIRs • LIRs get client certificates from LIR Portal X. 509 for RIPE NCC LIRs • LIRs get client certificates from LIR Portal • LIR Portal login with certificate • Database updates pending – S/MIME e-mail update authentication – SSL synchronous and web update authentication • Wizard for adding X. 509 auth to mntners coming • Interaction with RIPE NCC hostmasters Q 4 2003 Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 11

RIPE Database Developments • New update program – Improved acknowledgment messages • Unreferenced person RIPE Database Developments • New update program – Improved acknowledgment messages • Unreferenced person object auto-cleanup in place – Began 29 May 2003 – Steady deletions, drop from 300 k to 200 k objects • RPSLng (RPSL for IPv 6 and multicast) – Prototypes running, not yet IETF standard – Client and server source code also available Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 12

Association News • Membership developments surpassing expectations • Increase number of Billing Categories – Association News • Membership developments surpassing expectations • Increase number of Billing Categories – XS, S, M, L, XL • Ao. A changes proposed – To increase flexibility – Voting rights • GM at RIPE 46 • Budget 2004 – Stable – FTE stable at ~ 93, less than budgeted for 2003, increasing services / service levels Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 13

RIPE 46 • Amsterdam, 1 -5 September Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, RIPE 46 • Amsterdam, 1 -5 September Axel Pawlik . APNIC 16, 22 August, Seoul . http: //www. ripe. net 14