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RIO+ 20 Earth is Our Common Home: vision and actions Nina Goncharova and 39 visionaries, world leaders and spiritual teachers of the “Rainbow Earth: Vision from the Future” book planetary community
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ” Buckminster Fuller
The Universe and all living beings are one. To realize and feel it, we should be awakened – come through a second – spiritual birth. Чтобы осознать и прочувствовать это, нужно пробудиться – родиться Свыше. Осознать, то мы созданы «по образу и подобию» , т. е. творцами. И тогда мы увидим мир как единый наш дом, где мы, делясь друг с другом всем лучшим, созидая вместе с Небом и Землей, сумеем не только облагородить нашу планету, но и выйти за её пределы и привнести любовь и красоту в мироздание.
“The gates of the future. . are not thrown open to a few of the chosen people. They will open. . in a direction in which “all together” can join. . in a spiritual renovation of the Earth…”. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
We all have one and the same source. It means that we are one spiritual family of humankind. It is time to heal humanity by Re. Membering God – our common true Father and reconnecting with our Mother Earth and the Universe. NOW it is time to unite in the face of a complete transformation of the humanity and the Earth.
"Today's problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created them. " Albert Einstein We present the results of 20 years of planetary activity for creating a new above systems level of thinking, that is planetary consciousness and above systems level of actions, that is creating a united humanity, capable to invent a new different future.
“Now we have the responsibility to invent a different future for all humankind - a world that must be completely different from the present one. ” Federico Mayor
Transition into a different future! Conscious Humanity Responsibility, Peace, Love, Unity New Earth – a new era of divine co-creation Basis: divine co creation Ignorant Humanity Wars, conflicts, cataclysms Basis: unlimited consumption Transition from unconscious evolution to consciouse evolution & divine co-creation Unconscious evolution A New Earth is born
What is the transition about? We are reaching the 13 th Baktun – the one of the Transformation of Matter. This period started at 1618 and will end at 2012. It has been the “Rise and triumph of scientific materialism” all over the world with its consequences, ending in “global terrorism and collapse of technological civilization; Earth purification and final era of global regeneration; information age and crystal solar technology; galactic synchronization”. It is the beginning of the epoch of love.
“The Kingdom of force. . is now coming to the end of its existence. The next level of human development is the Kingdom of Soul”. Vissarion “From biosphere to noosphere” (V. I. Vernadsky) Jose Arguelles “We are to move from unlimited consumption of nature –to the unlimited development of the Human” Talgat Akbashev “We are at the threshold of the first Age of Conscious Evolution”. Barbara Marx Hubbard
1. On the Edge of the Worlds We are at the edge of the words, entering a cosmic scenario of conscious co-creation. HOW can we get out of the impasse, in which we find ourselves, following the path of technocratic development of society? HOW can we awaken a Human being as eternal cocreator?
A moment of revelation, 1991 Every Human being is Eternity, Love and Life Creating Source
HOW can we become really HUMAN? HOW can we awaken the humanity as ONE? A human cannot develop spiritually following the path of scientific and technical development. We are to change artificial conditions of life that are not natural for Human beings into natural for human development conditions – life in harmony with oneself, other people, the nature and the surrounding world. What is the way of acting to transform the world?
Collective experience for building a new model for the transition from an artificial life to life as the art of co creation
International Education for Life Movement (initiator – T. Akbashev, coordinator – N. Goncharova) A “laboratory” experiment for collectively creating a united humanity (Eurasia, 1996 -2006) Sacred expeditions Events – pulsars of new life Youth festivals of life creativity ATF seminars Educational programs Theatre of New Time programs Creative media Waves of interconnected events, coordinated in time and space – pulsars of new life. Its purpose is to create another level of consciousness and love, allowing seeing and treating the world holistically. Inside the “waves”, conditions for harmonious life together according to human principles –to learn to live together as one family, to love unconditionally and to create harmonious relationships with oneself, each other, nature and the world were created. Every time when people are together, joint projects are born. They are based on putting together positive collective visions of the future. Visions from the future.
Image From the Future
By uniting our feelings a new fabric of life is created. By harmonious cooperation we create higher worlds – this simplicity brings a great joy of co creation!
Conclusions (1996 -2006): -When a human being finds himself in harmonious life conditions, natural for his soul and body, he quickly becomes aware of himself. Harmony, selforganization, creativity and unity happens naturally; -People can wholesomely influence nature and the world with their feelings, inner state, and presence; -The spiritual space of “a different future” grows, creating conditions for a «smooth» transition.
Collective planetary actions for a united humanity «Christ's signs» , N. Roerich To create a new future, planetary cooperation is needed. In order to create a united humanity we act according to “By Human Hands and Feet” principle.
India, Kully Valley, 1997 From 1996 to 2010, a planetary “Siberia - Planet” expedition took place. It has been going on for 13 years, opening new pathways through 15 countries.
“Siberia – Planet” expedition (Initiator- N. Goncharova) Co creating a united humanity 1996 – 2006 – Siberia– Eurasia 1997– India, Israel, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Ahon island, Cyprus island 2000 – Sanyasa festival in Greece 2002 – UN, New-York 2005 – Be The Change event in Grain Britain 2006 – The 2 nd planetary congress at Brazil 2007 – The first poetry festival in France 2008 – “Global Commitment to Safeguarding the Planet” – The 2008 Concert of Thanksgiving and Gratitude , Taiwan 2008 – The 61 NGO/DPI UN conference in Paris + the south of France trip 2010 - The earth is Our Common Home Award ceremony in Switzerland When people from different countries are together in harmony, a NEW QUALITY OF LIFE and LOVE is created Siberia in the world The world in Siberia
Siberia in the world – co creating a united humanity Great Britain, 2005 UN, 2002, 2008 Taiwan, 2008 France, 2007 Brazil, 2006 Switzerland, 2010
The world in Siberia: co creating a united humanity “We have become one international family” Urals, Altai, Baikal. . . (Gonzales 16 years, USA)
Preparatory work for the transition process of the Earth according to the “smooth” variant had begun synchronistically all over the Earth: *In all continents people have showed up. Without knowing each other they act in the same direction for awakening people, reuniting the connection with the Highest World, and creating a global spiritual unity. *Aspiration for collectively coming back to the Earth;
The 13 years “Siberia - Planet” expedition has resulted in creating a planetary team of transition - people of inner responsibility and selfless service – different nations, languages, but one spirit! We cooperate according to the resonance of our hearts and common deeds.
Earth is Our Common Home Co creating a United Humanity Planetary team of transition
2. Envisioning and co-creating a New World All humanity’s problems are in peoples’ consciousness. The transformation of humans’ consciousness will lead to creating a different parallel civilization and to transformation of all spheres of society. The planetary team presented visions and actions on a planetary level: 2. 1. Visions and actions 2. 2. Great Transition 2. 3. Time for the Transformation 2. 4. Integrating collective actions for a new world 2. 5. Unconditional love – the energy of the future 2. 6. Education as a tool for creating a New World 2. 7. Arts and Media for a New World
Earth is Our Common Home CREST 13 Peace Pole Sanctuary creating a spiritual space in practical life on Earth A network of interconnected events & spiritual eco communities T. Akbasev Russia Barbara Marx Habbard USA N. Goncharova, Russia Federico Mayor, Spain Elisabeth Sahtouris, Greece Terry Sisson, USA Vissarion, Russia Sacha Stone, Great Britain Alexander Trofimov, Russia Adel Safty, Egypt Rene Wadlow, USA – France Lubov Gordina, Russia Trevor Osborn, Australia Jose Arguelles, USA/Mexico Augustin Musas Zand, DR of Congo András László, , Belgium
Education as a tool for creating a New World A Human being is a creator of his life Eleven “Education for World Citizens” congresses (1993 -2007, Russia) Talgat Akbashev, Russia Patricia Rife, USA Rudolf Shcneider Switzerland Takeshi Utzumi Japan - USA Jackie Stratton USA D-r Hong Tao-Tze, Taiwan - USA Lary Thomas Germany Charles Mercieca, USA Samone Mayers Hawaii
Theatre of New Time Arts for a New World Claude Veziau, Canada H&D Stinson, Australia Harold Becker, USA Nina Goncharova, Russia Allan Silberthartz, Sofia Skrobot, USA Russia Denise Hunley , США Guy CREQUIE, France Uncle Jump, Australia Yvan Tetelbom France Sylvia Klaere, Germany Carol Hiltner, USA Mrs. Hong, Taiwan Da Vid, USA
Creative information Information that inspires, awakens and creates unity Leo Semashko, Russia Allen L Roland, USA Ada Aharoni, Israel Allan Silberthartz, USA Mary Saint, USA Sergio Tripi, Italy Yaron, USA Christopher , Australia Arvinder Singh, India
3. Gates to a New World The coming era of new time is quite a new state of both humans as radiant people and the planet as a radiant star. As people are gifted with the power of consciousness and love, they can consciously co-create life in case they are tunes to their hearts, Highest worlds, each other and the nature. The more people unite their creative visions of the future and actions on the way to the future, the higher are the energy of a new world.
International “Children of the Earth” youth camp was conducted in Altai Mountains in 2007 Youth and grownups leant to live together as one family and collectively created a Vision of an international village as a part of the Earth is our Common Home network.
Earth is Our Common Home Co-creating resonance of hearts
PEACE SHIP July 2011, Baikal Lake “Earth is a spaceship, we are a crew” Spiritual leaders, presidents, world citizens, are invited together with their children. Earth is Our Common Home project as a network of networks, interconnected events and spiritual - cultural eco communities will be developed A joint program to safeguard the Earth in the transition from the world of consumption into to the world of co-creation should be created.
What can we do together? - To renew Faith - connection with the Divine Source; - To create Education for World Citizens – a human education; - To synchronize with the natural rhythms by living a natural calendar; - To live on the Earth according to the human principles; - To spread creative information and arts; - To treat the Earth as a living being! - To transform the existing systems the way that they should be, based on development of human’s souls; - To take care of the Earth as our common home; - To heal the nature it with our feelings; - To become one human family capable to take total responsibility for life and co-create following an ascending way ;
Evolution happens by leaps. We should fly over to the other side of the abyss together - to hold each other’s hands, to tune into the Higher World and jump!
NOW it is a final act in the millions of years’ scenario of evolution! “Giving birth to a New World”, N. Goncharova
We are all one team of this transition into a different world. The United humanity will begin a true humane level of its development. Together we will heal our planet, go out beyond the Earth, and bring love and beauty into the Universe, ennobling the material world.
Have you seen the butterfly’s birth? It’s an astonishingly awakening picture: She appears from cocoon as if from a death, It’s a miracle - she’s become a winged creature! In a cocoon is now our Earth Changing its essence from within, Bringing humanity rebirth, Growing invisible light wings! Have you seen the planet’s new birth? It’s here – though it might seem to be a dark time, We cut rainbow wings for the Earth By becoming awesomely alive!
http: //planet 3000. site. voila. fr Nina Goncharova, Siberian center for Eurasian projects, GONG 3000 Dove of love image - http: //www. simplysharing. com/dove. jpg