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riginal image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission Happisburgh Erosion Enquiry For use riginal image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission Happisburgh Erosion Enquiry For use with Digital Worlds GIS ould also be Controlled Assessment model

A framework for using Digital Worlds to explore coastal processes Ideas for using Digital A framework for using Digital Worlds to explore coastal processes Ideas for using Digital Worlds are shown in these blue boxes – they are suggestions only. . All images by Andrew Stacey from: http: //bit. ly/happisburgh or by Alan Parkinson / Val Vannet

Preamble. . . • Open Google Earth • Search for Happisburgh • Add some Preamble. . . • Open Google Earth • Search for Happisburgh • Add some of the layers from the left hand column

What can you find out using Google Earth ? • Think about how Google What can you find out using Google Earth ? • Think about how Google Earth could be used to add further information in the form of bookmarks (with images) or polygons. • Remember the added dimension of Google Street View • What other information would be useful ?

“Why is this house only worth £ 1 ? ” http: //www. dailymail. co. “Why is this house only worth £ 1 ? ” http: //www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-1032798/The -20 -000 -clifftop-bungalow-stunning-sea-views-thatsvalued-just-1. html Original idea for the ENQUIRY QUESTION behind the activity

Location of case study area • Locate Happisburgh on the Norfolk coast • Provide Location of case study area • Locate Happisburgh on the Norfolk coast • Provide a brief description of its location and characteristics as a village, with respect to other nearby settlements • Using scales, pan, zoom, FIND tool, PRINT tools FINDING MAPS in Digital Worlds • How large is the village of Happisburgh ? • What is its population ? • What services are there within the village ? • Summarise the ease of access to the village

View from church tower • The church of St. Mary’s has a tower which View from church tower • The church of St. Mary’s has a tower which offers a view across the surrounding area. This includes Happisburgh’s famous stripy lighthouse (see later images) St. Mary’s Church – finding features in Digital Worlds • What can you find out about the church and its relationship with the coast ? • If you were stood on the church tower, what physical and human features would you be able to see ?

Using Digital Worlds and images • The images which follow are also available online. Using Digital Worlds and images • The images which follow are also available online. They were taken by geographer Andrew Stacey and are used with his permission. (See URL at end of file) Using IMAGES in Digital Worlds St. Mary’s Church • How can images support the information shown on the maps ? • How can images be linked to from the maps ? • Using hyperlinks & building a ‘narrative’

 Activities Locate the caravan park. How close are some of the vans to Activities Locate the caravan park. How close are some of the vans to the cliff-top ? What would be the advantages / disadvantages of a caravan compared to a permanent dwelling ? What are these structures in the sea ? What is their purpose ? What are they made from ? How expensive are they ? Can they be located on Digital Worlds ? How could they be marked onto a map in a GIS package ? Adding SHAPEFILES to Digital Worlds

Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission

 Activities This is the pub: The Hill House – how far is this Activities This is the pub: The Hill House – how far is this from the coastline ? Write a brief description of the pub suitable for inclusion in a web-directory of local pubs. Using the measuring tool in Digital Worlds, plus using LABELS

Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission

 Activities This is a crop of wheat growing. Do you think this would Activities This is a crop of wheat growing. Do you think this would be classed as a high land value or not ? Would this increase the chances of an area being protected or not ? What is this industrial activity, to the north of Happisburgh ? Using SHAPEFILES in Digital Worlds Could produce land use map using polygons & symbology

Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission

Land use mapping & using BUFFERING. . . • Using the skills that you Land use mapping & using BUFFERING. . . • Using the skills that you have learnt so far, create a layer which identifies the land-use of land in a strip about 250 m inland from the cliff edge • Which of these land uses have the greatest “value” and are most worth protecting ? • Could use SELECT BY ATTRIBUTE to identify land with lowest and highest values within the selected zone.

Beach Road, Happisburgh • Beach Road is a less happy place than it used Beach Road, Happisburgh • Beach Road is a less happy place than it used to be, although more literally named, as a lot of it is now on the beach. . . • Properties show signs of not being maintained e. g. Paintwork and other general maintenance • Read the Daily Mail article: http: //www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article 1032798/The-20 -000 -clifftop-bungalowstunning-sea-views-thats-valued-just-1. html

Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission

The cliffs • What is the approximate height of the cliffs along the coast The cliffs • What is the approximate height of the cliffs along the coast from Happisburgh to Cart Gap ? • What are the cliffs made of ? • What evidence is there of rapid erosion of the cliffs ? Adding layers onto the map as SHAPEFILES with symbology. Add in some appropriate SYMBOL sets for lines.

Image by Alan Parkinson Image by Alan Parkinson

Historical mapping • Digital Worlds offers the chance to view historical mapping from the Historical mapping • Digital Worlds offers the chance to view historical mapping from the 1860 s. . .

Rates of erosion • Data added onto the map to show prospective erosion in Rates of erosion • Data added onto the map to show prospective erosion in next decade. • Planning position of coastal defences and justifying placement. • Adding polygons as SHAPEFILE to identify land that is likely to be lost. Using MEASURING tool and calculations. Students should be CRITICAL of average rates, and be aware of changes in circumstance e. g. Happisburgh story

How do the cliffs collapse ? • Identify some locations from the map where How do the cliffs collapse ? • Identify some locations from the map where there has been some loss of land • What do you noticed about the nature of the cliff erosion ? • Use the BGS Geology layer, or i. Phone app, or mapbuilder tool on http: //www. bgs. ac. uk/ at http: //www. bgs. ac. uk/education/geology_of_ britain/home. html

Types of Sea Defences Related to the cost per metre / kilometre. . . Types of Sea Defences Related to the cost per metre / kilometre. . . Sea defences : hard & soft engineering – added to a SHAPEFILE ? ? • Identify the various measures in place in the Happisburgh area • Mark the positions of sea defences using appropriate symbols. • Can you suggest reasons for the positioning of defences & justify positioning of new defences

Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission

Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission

Begin to assemble the elements. . . • • OS base map Overlays: Historical Begin to assemble the elements. . . • • OS base map Overlays: Historical mapping Images - hyperlinked Own map layers as SHAPEFILES Additional data layers e. g. Geology from BGS Hyperlink to detail on the village Begin to tell the story of the village: create a “narrative” and update with the latest news. . .

Mystery Object What is this ? Image by Alan Parkinson Mystery Object What is this ? Image by Alan Parkinson

Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission What is this person doing Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission What is this person doing ? Using the fixed points in the previous image to test the rate of erosion using GPS. .

Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission Lost heritage ? http: //services. Original image copyright Andrew Stacey and used with permission Lost heritage ? http: //services. english-heritage. org. uk/NMRData. Download/

Selling a house ? • Estate agents – using Rightmove website / app • Selling a house ? • Estate agents – using Rightmove website / app • Prices compared to other local villages a little further inland ? Image by Val Vannet

Future for Happisburgh ? • • Vital and vibrant ? Teetering on the brink Future for Happisburgh ? • • Vital and vibrant ? Teetering on the brink ? Compensation for residents ? Managed realignment ? Another “lost village” ? You decide. .