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Right to the City-NYC Condo Count Training
Agenda I. RTTC-NYC’s Condo Conversion Campaign II. Conducting the Count: Stepby-Step III. Quick Tips
RTTC NYC’s Condo Conversion Campaign ²Picked from platform as RTTC NYC’s top campaign priority ²Many empty luxury condos exist in neighborhoods with clear housing needs ²We will Canvass target areas chosen by RTTC NYC groups: Downtown Brooklyn, Bushwick, LES, West Village, Chelsea, Harlem & South Bronx ² Will pressure NYC to convert empty condos into affordable housing. ² Has support of some elected officials: Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Assemblyman, Hakeem Jeffries ² We will look for stimulus funding to help convert these condos ² The info we collect during the canvass will be used to develop a map and a report
RTTC NYC’s Condo Conversion Campaign Research Plan PHASE 1: CONDO CANVASS ² We will canvass in our target neighborhoods to find empty condos ² Map this information to show the amount of empty condos that exist in neighborhoods with housing needs ² ID several compelling condos to highlight in a report to be released in late Fall PHASE 2: SECONDARY RESEARCH ² Train RTTC NYC members to use online databases: PLUTO/RPAD/etc ² ID useful info, including: value of building, tax breaks or public subsidies given, etc.
Conducting the Count: Step by Step #1: Follow the Map & Walk-List Step #2: What Makes You Stop? Step #3: Inspect Condo Step #4: Take a Photo Step #5: Complete Canvass Sheet Step #6: Review Complete Canvass Sheet
Step #1: Follow Map & Walk List Each canvass team will receive a “turf” packet, which includes: ²Directions to your turf ²Map of the larger Community District ²Map of the Census Tracks you will be canvassing today ²Walk list of sites that have received a building permit from 2004 -2008
Step #1: Follow Map & Walk List Brooklyn Community District 2 Building Permits for New Construction: Issued between 2004 -2008
Step #1: Follow Map & Walk List Census Tract 35
Step #1: Follow Map & Walk List Tract 35 Map # Address Zoning # Bldgs # Floors What’s there? 30 70 HANSON PLACE R 0 0 10 729 FULTON STREET R 1 4 7501 139 FLATBUSH AVENUE C 1 14 Zoning Codes: R=Residential M=Manufacturing Taco Bell Condos Empty Lot MX=Mixed C=Commercial
Step #2: What Makes You Stop? Today, we will be looking for: ² Addresses on your walk list ² Newly built, finished condos that appear to contain empty units ² Newly renovated condos that appear to contain empty units ² Condos under construction, but construction seems to have stalled
Step #3: Inspect Condo Look for the Following Clues to ID if the Condo is Empty: Signage: § For sale signs, open house $1. 5 Billion! § Real estate agent § Developer § Advertisements Other clues: § No lights on in units § No furniture in apartments § No air conditioner or blinds in window § No one walking in and out of building
Step #3: Look for the Following Clues to ID Stalled Construction Building clearly under construction, but no workers or building materials are present Speak with the neighbors to ID stalled construction of condos.
Step #4: Take a Photo ² When you have determined that a condo contains empty units, take a photo ² Try to get as much of the property in the picture as possible—it may be best to take it from across the street ² Take only 1 picture per property ² Make sure to record the camera and photo number on your canvass sheet
Step #5: Complete Canvass Sheet ² We’ll Look at Two Examples: § “The Oro”: 306 Gold Street § 238 Atlantic Avenue
Example #1: “The Oro” 306 Gold St Step #1: Follow Map & Walk List Step #2: What Makes Us Stop? Look like a new building, crane is evidence of construction Step #3: Closely Inspect We notice a for sale sign, and advertisements for “the Oro” in the neighborhood Step #4: Take Photo Step #5: Fill Out Canvass Sheet Step #6: Review Canvass Sheet
Example #1: “The Oro” 306 Gold St Alexa Kasdan 306 UJC 07/10/09 Gold Street Johnson & Tillary Street 340 Gold & 300 Gold 21 3 Brooklyn 8
Example #1: “The Oro” 306 Gold St 40 Highrise Cranes, scaffolding 309 People in and out of building. There is a doorman
Example #1: “The Oro” 306 Gold St United Homes Greenfield Partners, LLC www. greenfieldpartners. com Dept. of buildings certificate, open house sign
Example #1: “The Oro” 306 Gold St NOTES: ____________________________ Building is known as the “Oro. ” There advertisements for the ________________________________ Oro in the surrounding areas. Spoke with neighbors who said only 20% of ________________________________ the building has sold and that because of that, a second “Oro” building is ________________________________ now going to be a hotel instead of condos. Lots of other construction ________________________________ happening in the area. Went into the building to inquire with doorman about ________________________________ prices. He gave me a number to call and a pamphlet.
Step #6: Review Complete Canvass Sheet After completing canvass sheet: ² Review the sheet to ensure you have completed the entire sheet ² Ensure that your handwriting is legible ² Make sure you’ve recorded the camera and photo number
Example #2: 238 Atlantic Avenue Step #1: Follow Map & Walk List Step #2: What Makes Us Stop? Building looks vacant, evidence of stalled construction Step #3: Closely Inspect We notice scaffolding, no glass in windows, and no one is currently working on the building Step #4: Take Photo Step #5: Fill Out Canvass Sheet Step #6: Review Canvass Sheet
Example #2: 238 Atlantic Avenue Desiree Marshall 238 FIERCE 07/10/09 Atlantic Avenue 43 3 Brooklyn Court Street and Boerum Place 200 Atlantic and 266 Atlantic Avenue 9
Example #2: 238 Atlantic Avenue 6 Tenement Scaffolding, Building is incomplete 55 Building is completely vacant
Example #2: 238 Atlantic Avenue Bensonhurst Realty 212 -657 -3948
Example #2: 238 Atlantic Avenue NOTES: ____________________________ Building is clearly vacant- there is no glass in any of the windows. ________________________________ Scaffolding is up, but there are no workers present, no building materials. ________________________________ Spoke with a neighbor who said that no construction has happened on the ________________________________ building in over 6 months. _______________________________________________________________
What Not to Look For: Empty Lots Office Buildings Early Construction
Test Run! Inside Window Outside Building Signs on building $1. 5 Billion! 212 -565 -8915
Tips ² Since it’s easier to see buildings from across the street, one person should walk down each side of the street ² Take Notes! More info is better than less ² If you feel comfortable, talk with neighbors about the development in the area ² Try to canvass your entire turf- So keep moving! Don’t take too long at any one building. ² Please return to MOM’s office by 5: 45 pm and have your team “captain” return all of your materials ² HAVE FUN!
Before Leaving, Make Sure You: ü Find your team leader and group ü Assign a note-taker, a photographer, and mapfollower ü Bring ALL materials, including: your clipboards, maps, pens, cameras, and a good attitude ü Put your name, census tract number and date at the top of all canvass sheets