- Количество слайдов: 18
RICH Power Supplies Monitoring and control Xavier Le Gouard Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
Introduction (1) Pixel Chip Courtesy of Paolo Baesso 7/11/2006 2 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
Introduction (2) LV board 7/11/2006 3 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
Outline ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ 7/11/2006 Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database Presentation PVSS FSM Conclusion 4 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
CAEN SY 1527 Presentation ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ ¢ Board section: 16 slots to house HV/LV boards CPU and front panel section Power supply section Fan unit Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Conclusion 7/11/2006 5 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
CAEN SY 1527 Features ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database Presentation PVSS FSM ¢ Ethernet Interface (TCP/IP) l l OPC Telnet ¢ CAEN OPC server provided ¢ With or without front panel control: l l 7” 7 TFT screen Keyboard Conclusion 7/11/2006 6 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
PVSS Fw Component CAEN OPC configurator Device Editor Panel 7/11/2006 7 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
Rich panel ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ One channel per column Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Rich Electronic project panel Conclusion 7/11/2006 8 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
CAEN FSM Logic ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ ¢ Bruno Belbute’s lb. LVTool fw. Caen. Default. Channel: Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Conclusion 7/11/2006 9 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
CAEN FSM ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database Presentation PVSS FSM Conclusion Panel for the FSM visualization 7/11/2006 10 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
CAEN Conf. DB ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ Rich Conf. DB panel: Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Conclusion 7/11/2006 11 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
Maraton Presentation ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database Presentation PVSS FSM Conclusion 7/11/2006 Wiener Maraton crate 12 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
Maraton Features ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database Presentation PVSS FSM Conclusion 7/11/2006 ¢ Radiation tolerant ¢ 12 independent channels ¢ Water Cooling ¢ USB Connection ¢ Ethernet Connection (TCP/IP) l ¢ OPC WIENER OPC server provided 13 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
PVSS FW Component Wiener OPC Configuration Framework PVSS panel 7/11/2006 14 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
PVSS Rich Panel ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ Two channels per column: LV and HV Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Conclusion 7/11/2006 Rich Electronic project panel 15 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
Wiener Maraton FSM ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ Fw. Wiener. Default. Channel: Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Conclusion 7/11/2006 16 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
Conclusion ¢ ¢ Introduction CAEN l l ¢ CAEN and Wiener Maraton work perfectly. ¢ Easy control thanks to JCOP framework and OPC servers. ¢ FSM for both crates ready to be used. Wiener Maraton l l l ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Configuration Database ¢ Presentation PVSS FSM Conclusion 7/11/2006 17 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control
Column Initialization 7/11/2006 18 Rich Power Supplies Monitoring and Control