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RFID BASED LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 1
RFID BASICS… • • • Non line of sight AIDC technology for identification of objects Basic system components (tags, readers & middle ware) Tags consists of a microchip attached to an antenna and is placed in the object to be located. Various types of tags…passive, active Reader communicates with the tags through radio waves. Staff work stations, handheld readers, self-charging stations, long range exit reader systems Middleware converts the data captured by the reader into a format that is perceivable by the application software 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Tag 2
WHY RFID FOR LIBRARY? • • Fastest, easiest, most efficient way to track, locate & manage library materials Efficient Book circulation management Automatic Check-in and Check-out Library inventory tracking in minutes instead of hours Multiple books can be read simultaneously Unique ID of the RFID tag prevents counterfeiting Automated material handling using conveyor & sorting systems 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 3
RFID Benefits Libraries… • • Stock management Operations such as managing material on the shelves, identifying missing & mishelved items are streamlined and taking stocks regularly will be feasible Improved patron services Spending minimal time on circulation operations allows library staff to assist patrons Routine patron services are not disturbed even when libraries are facing staff shortages & budget cuts Flexibility and modularity Ability to add newer products and features as finances and customer needs dictate Security Library item identification & security bit is combined into a single tag, there by eliminating the need to attach an additional security strip 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 4
RFID Benefits Library Staff… • Less time needed for circulation operations Implementing RFID will considerably reduce the amount of time required to issue, receive, transport, sort & shelve library materials Efficient Inventory management can be done using a handheld reader without closing the library and is at least 20 times faster compared to existing barcode based system • Reducing Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI) RFID based system reduces repetitive scanning of individual items at the circulation desk during check in, check out and hence avoids RSI such as carpal tunnel syndrome Taking inventory in a rfid based system doesn’t require physical deshelving & shelving of library materials 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 5
RFID Benefits Patrons… • Patrons will spend less time waiting in check-out lines by using Self Check in - Check out systems • Patrons find what they are looking for quickly & easily • Reminders for due dates allows patrons to submit borrowed materials in time • Use of book drops & return chutes for returning library material, allows for flexible timings • RFID enabled patron cards allows for easy patron identification 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 6
Library Products… • Staff Station (RRHFLB 01): RRHFLB 01 is a plug n play multi protocol antenna-reader system specially designed for library circulation desk application. With a read range up to 25 cm it can be used for entry of new books or borrowers and issue/return of books at circulation desk. • Gate Detection System (RRHFGA 2/GA 3): RRHFGA 2 is ISO-15693 compliant walk through gate detection system capable of detecting unauthorized tagged items passing through it. It has inbuilt audio visual alert facility and a minimum read range of 36 inches. 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 7
Library Products Contd… • HF Handheld Reader (RRHFHH 1): RRHFHH 1 is a basic handheld reader primarily designed for performing activities such as shelf order checking, shelf-reading, searching, inventory scanning in library kind of environment. • RFID Tags (RRHFT 01): RRHFT 01 are rewritable passive HF Tags working on 13. 56 MHz frequency. Available in various types and form factors these are used for tagging library materials to uniquely identify particular tagged items using the RFID based automated library management system. 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 8
Library Products Contd… • Self check in / check out Kiosk (RRHFLB 02): RRHFLB 02 is a stand alone multi protocol Self Check-in / Check-out kiosk primarily for self issue and return of books in Library. With its inbuilt screen and printer, patrons can view & print transaction related information such as number of books issued, outstanding fine (if any) etc. Customized information can also be printed on the transaction slip • Book Return Station (RRHFBD 01): RRHFBD 01 is a multi protocol book drop primarily used for returning of library books. It helps in better circulation and gives time flexibility to patrons for returning of library materials issued by them 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 9
Why Rapid. Radio… • Follow international standards & best practices guide lines for use of RFID in libraries defined by NISO RFID working group • RFID hardware products for library are compatible with global protocols such as SIP 2 , NCIP, ISO 18000 -3, ISO 15693, ISO 14443 A & ISO 28560 (Part 1, 2 & 3) • Knowledge of products allows us to customize products depending on client requirement • Indigenous manufacturing setup & local support will bring down the overall cost of ownership for clients • Online support for products • Special emphasis on Staff training & Local Support 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 10
RFID For Campus • Common ID-card • Attendance and Access control for students, staff & visitors can be automated using RFID enabled smart readers • Instant access to student information such as progress details, medical history, discipline records etc • Vehicle tracking, Parking & Locker management and transportation facilities can be automated • ID-cards can be used as E-purse to pay for Library dues, Canteen bills, Photo Copy & other facilities • Facilitate Event Management activities on Campus • Information Kiosks for visitors • Asset Management & Inventory tracking on campus • Data management & reports to streamline workflow 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 11
Reaping Rewards of RFID • Singapore is probably first nation in the world to have all its public libraries use RFID technology for the circulation and management of library items. This enables them to do a stock-take of 100, 000 items in just four hours. Patrons can issue and return books at any public library • The university of Nevada libraries found more than 500 lost items after officials tagged 600, 000 items in its collection • Surveys at Baulkham Hills Council in Sydney showed that only 5 to 6 percent of their library staff’s time is spent on circulation duty compared to 85 percent before adopting RFID Self Server kiosks • San Francisco Public Library spent $265, 000 in direct costs for repetitive strain injuries over a three year period before implementing RFID based library management system 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 12
Thank You Email: reachus@rapidradio. co. in 3/19/2018 Rapid. Radio Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 13