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Revisiting The New Roles and Structures of the RO and SDO in the RSP: Revisiting The New Roles and Structures of the RO and SDO in the RSP: Challenges and. Prospects

Entry Points of Change By Dr. Harold Leavitt § Hierarchy § Relationships § Communication Entry Points of Change By Dr. Harold Leavitt § Hierarchy § Relationships § Communication patterns Structure § Coordination People § Knowledge § Skills § Efficiency § Productivity Technology Tasks § Goals § Tasks: 9 Relevance 9 Yield 9 Productivity 9 Benefits DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION “aids / facilitates the people to perform the Tasks”

External Factors Driving Change • Technological • Economic • Political • Social DEPARTMENT OF External Factors Driving Change • Technological • Economic • Political • Social DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Internal Factors Driving Organizational Change DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Internal Factors Driving Organizational Change DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

The Boiled Frog If you put a frog in cold water and slowly heat The Boiled Frog If you put a frog in cold water and slowly heat it, the frog will eventually let itself be boiled to death. We, too, will not survive if we don’t respond to the radical way in which the world is changing. -Charles Handy “The Age of Unreason” DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION


Dep. Ed Order No. 53, s. 2013 Approval and Implementation of the 2013 Dep. Dep. Ed Order No. 53, s. 2013 Approval and Implementation of the 2013 Dep. Ed Rationalization Program Dep. Ed Order No. 50, s. 2014 Guidelines on the Recruitment, Selection and Placement of Personnel Pursuant to the Dep. Ed Rationalization Program under EO 366 s. 2004. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Goals of Dep. ED’s Rationalization MORE EFFICIENT & EFFECTIVE CENTRAL OFFICE RE-ENGINEERED REGIONAL OFFICE Goals of Dep. ED’s Rationalization MORE EFFICIENT & EFFECTIVE CENTRAL OFFICE RE-ENGINEERED REGIONAL OFFICE Agenda-setting, policy-making, research, standards formulation, over-all leadership Field leadership in the enforcement of standards, Technical support service hub for divisions RE-ENGINEERED SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE Core competence in field leadership and supervision HIGH PERFORMING SCHOOLS High EFA performance results. Effective management of schools & LCs DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

 CENTRAL OFFICE Organizational Functions § Set overall education agenda, directions and policies REGION CENTRAL OFFICE Organizational Functions § Set overall education agenda, directions and policies REGION OFFICE: (basic reference: RA 9155) § Set Regional agenda, directions and § Formulate policies systems and DIVISION/DISTRICT OFFICE: standards for § Localize § Implement education agenda and national adoption curriculum policies § Perform § Adapt to or adopt § Manage curriculum investment SCHOOL/LC standards implementation; § Take accountability for programming § Manage learner outcomes § Provide Instructional § Articulate Quality supervision § Implement the curriculum § Provide equitable national Assurance § Build opportunities for all frameworks to § Provide learners in the community communities guide the § Create an environment technical of schools conducive to teaching & organization in assistance to and LCs learning the performance Divisions § Lead & manage school & § Give of its core functions its resources § Manage program technical and the provision of § Establish and manage investment and assistance support linkages with equitable to schools/LCs stakeholders § Oversee quality allocation of § Execute equitable distribution of assurance and resources performance § Establish and manage partnerships accountability § Establish and manage partnerships § Build Partnerships DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Clustering of Offices: Strands CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Ensure continuous improvement of the curriculum; actively Clustering of Offices: Strands CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Ensure continuous improvement of the curriculum; actively seeking and understanding the “learner” to develop the appropriate delivery systems; provision of learning resources and ensuring quality EDUCATION GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONS Ensure capacity of the organization to continuously improve and be strategic in managing the environment for which “teaching and learning” takes place STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Enable the organization to focus on long-term directions and interface with the internal and external environment Enhance capacity of the organization to deal with legal matters and be proactive in moving forward its legislative agenda Ensure efficiency to support the organization as a whole to focus on its core business and thus attain its targets OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT

FEATURES OF THE STRUCTURES ü Focus is “Support to the schools” ü Clustering of FEATURES OF THE STRUCTURES ü Focus is “Support to the schools” ü Clustering of Offices to major strands of service objectives and key functions ü Process-oriented Organization – derived from functions ü Appropriate proportion of the various types of positions: Ê Key positions Ê Technical positions Ê Support To Technical Ê Administrative DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Target improvement in Staff Distribution of Positions per Position Types (DBM categorization) Comparison of Target improvement in Staff Distribution of Positions per Position Types (DBM categorization) Comparison of the Total 2005 Positions viz. R. Plan Key: 2, 097 (10%) Key: , 2, 872 (19%) 100% 90% Technical: 2, 946 (14%) 80% Technical: , 4, 612 (31%) Key: 70% 60% Support to Technical: 212 (1%) Support to Technical: 880 (6%) 50% 40% Technical: Administrative: 16, 172 (75%) 30% Support to Technical: Administrative: 6, 385 (43%) 20% 10% 0% 2005 Positions = 21, 427 Proposed - R. Plan Administrative:



Mandate per RA 9155 The Department of Education shall § protect and promote the Mandate per RA 9155 The Department of Education shall § protect and promote the right of all citizens to qualify basic education, and § take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. The Department of Education shall establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic education relevant to the needs of the people and society. It shall establish and maintain a system of free and compulsory public education in the elementary level and free public education in high school level. All educational institutions shall inculcate patriotism and. . . efficiency. The Department of Education : § § shall take into account Regional and sectoral needs and conditions and shall encourage local planning in the development of educational policies and programs. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Regional Office: Purpose & KRAs PURPOSE KRAS To ensure equitable access to quality and Regional Office: Purpose & KRAs PURPOSE KRAS To ensure equitable access to quality and relevant basic education in the Region by: § developing informed and responsive policies and plans, § managing effectively the localized curriculum and learning resources, § assuring quality performance, § providing appropriate and timely technical assistance to schools divisions, and § sustaining effective education support services and partnership with stakeholders KRA 1: Regional Policies, Plans, and Education Support Systems KRA 2: Curriculum Localization KRA 3: Human Resource Development KRA 4: Quality Assurance KRA 5: Technical Assistance KRA 6: Partnership Building KRA 7: Organizational Performance DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Regional Office: KRAs KRA 1: Regional Policies, Plans, and Education Support Systems • Direction Regional Office: KRAs KRA 1: Regional Policies, Plans, and Education Support Systems • Direction and Policies Issuance • Researches on Educ. Governance • Regional and Educational Strategic • Enhanced Education Support Systems Plan KRA 2: Curriculum Localization • Localized and Indigenized • Resources and Instructional Materials Curriculum and Instruction • Research Studies on Curriculum • Localized and Indigenized Learning Management KRA 3: Human Resource Development • HRD Policies, Plans and Programs • Performance Management System • Search, Recruitment and Selection Implemented System Implemented • Employee Welfare Provided • Professional Dev. Prog. Implemented • Succession and Exit Programs • Career Dev. Strategies Implemented DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Regional Office: KRAs KRA 4: Quality Assurance • Quality assurance Mechanism and • Assessment Regional Office: KRAs KRA 4: Quality Assurance • Quality assurance Mechanism and • Assessment Reports Tools • M&E System KRA 5: Technical Assistance • Technical Assistance Plans crafted • Technical Assistance Interventions • Best Practices recognized and designed, implemented and sustained Evaluated KRA 6: Partnership Building • Support of Educational Stakeholders • Linkages and Partnership KRA 7: Organizational Performance • Conduct of regular (at least monthly) • Performance Management regional management team meetings implemented and results of which applied to other HRM systems DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION



SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE IN THE RS As frontline office of the Department for the SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE IN THE RS As frontline office of the Department for the management of basic education delivery, the Schools Division Office (DO) Ê provides instructional leadership to schools and learning centers which are the direct implementers of educational programs for learner development. This is carried out through Ê a strategic division education plan in consideration of the needs and concerns of the division, districts, schools and learning centers and aligned with the regional education development plans Purpose: The Schools Division Office supports schools and learning centres and enables them to deliver accessible and quality education to the community it serves, by: § implementing education plans and policies, § monitoring implementation of curriculum standards and § providing instructional supervision and/or technical assistance and § building communities of good practices, ensuring equitable distribution and allocation of resources while establishing linkages among educational stakeholders DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE IN THE RS Key Result Areas 1. Division Strategic Planning 2. SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE IN THE RS Key Result Areas 1. Division Strategic Planning 2. Hiring, Recruitment and Promotion of Personnel (teaching and non-teaching) Implementation of Education Agenda and Policies 3. Implementation of Education Agenda and Policies 4. Management of Curriculum Implementation 5. Provision of Instructional Supervision 6. Building Communities of Practice DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

CONTINUUM OF SERVICE Implement / Direct delivery to Clients Set Curriculum Standards and Design CONTINUUM OF SERVICE Implement / Direct delivery to Clients Set Curriculum Standards and Design Curriculum CO: responsible for designing and engineering the national standards and minimum requirements of the BE curriculum to ensure relevance to the long term needs of the country. RO: works with Regional agencies and education stakeholders to define a localized curriculum responsive to the needs and aspirations of the region and communities they serve SDO and District manages and supervises the implementation of the basic education curriculum and ensures that minimum requirements are met and exceeded. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Schools and LCs implement the localized curriculum and innovate within the bounds of the standards set.

CENTRAL Office BEA- Ed. Asses. Division BEA- Ed. Res. Division BLR- LR Prod. Division CENTRAL Office BEA- Ed. Asses. Division BEA- Ed. Res. Division BLR- LR Prod. Division BLR- QA Div. BCD- Cur. Stds. Division BCD- Spec. Cur. Prog. Div. BLD- Tchng. & Lrng. Div. BLD- Student Incl. Div. REGION Office CLMD + LRMD QAAD Connecting Offices for Curriculum & Instruction SD Office CID SGOD • S M, M & E HRDD RNE AP BLSS – Sch. Health Div. BLSS – Sch. ESSD Sports Div BLSS - Youth Formation Div. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION • Planning & Res. • Educ. Facilities • HRD • Soc. Mob. • School Health & Nutrition

CONTINUUM OF SERVICE Implement Total Quality Management Develop QA philosophy / Set quality, policy CONTINUUM OF SERVICE Implement Total Quality Management Develop QA philosophy / Set quality, policy guides for QM, QA and M&E CO: Responsible for developing the philosophy, setting standards, providing policy guidelines for quality management and quality assurance and monitoring systems. RO: §Performs oversight function §QA the systems and processes as per standards and guidelines set §Provides TA to the SDOs in the implementation of the desired systems SDO and District: §Implement QM system to support delivery of BE services §Manage implementation of standards and policies on governance of schools & LCs §Determine & M&E educ. outcomes, services and resources DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Schools and LCs: §Implement the TQM system and enforce standards set. §M&E the SIP implementation §Assess learners’ progress and utilize appropriate data to improve the Teaching. Learning

CENTRAL Office REGION Office BCD + BLR + BEA + BLSS § BHRODOED § CENTRAL Office REGION Office BCD + BLR + BEA + BLSS § BHRODOED § BHRODOrganizatio SED nal and § PS PPD School standards, § PS – PPRD policies and § PS – EMIS Connecting Offices For Quality Management SD Office CLMD + LRMD QAAD CID SGOD • S M, M & E PPRD frames § AS - EFD ESSD § NEAP-QD HRDD RNE AP DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION • Planning & Res. • Educ. Facilities • HRD • Soc. Mob. • School Health &

CONTINUUM OF SERVICE Implement Schoolbased Systems Provide policy guides; Develop and monitor organization systems CONTINUUM OF SERVICE Implement Schoolbased Systems Provide policy guides; Develop and monitor organization systems CO: Responsible for providing policy guidelines, organization systems development and monitoring (e. g. Planning System, Human Resource Development, etc). RO: Provide oversight, monitors and evaluates, and provides technical assistance to the SDOs in the implementation of the systems SDO and District: §Ensure that schools are able to practice schoolbased management, get the support from stakeholders and from the organization, and operate efficiently and effectively. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Schools and LCs: §Implement the school-based systems §Implement school-based professional development programs for teachers and staff

ISSUES and CONCERNS 1. Acceptance of new tasks by the personnel 2. Eligibility of ISSUES and CONCERNS 1. Acceptance of new tasks by the personnel 2. Eligibility of applicants to the RAT created items - mismatch of skills to qualification standards - no eligibility 3. Cross-functionality of divisions - Overlapping of functions - “Turfing” DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 28

Issues and Concerns 4. “Comfort zones” 5. Political intervention or influence DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Issues and Concerns 4. “Comfort zones” 5. Political intervention or influence DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 29

Ways Forward - Capability building - institutionalization of functions - Setting up of standards Ways Forward - Capability building - institutionalization of functions - Setting up of standards (region, SDO) - Establishment of an integrated organizational structure …. . and… DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 30

It is a must…. DEPED REGION XII will have One message. One character. One It is a must…. DEPED REGION XII will have One message. One character. One direction. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 31

Number of Private & Non-Dep. Ed Schools Visited Cotabato Division Kidapawan City South Cotabato Number of Private & Non-Dep. Ed Schools Visited Cotabato Division Kidapawan City South Cotabato Koronadal City Tacurong City Sultan Kudarat Cotabato City General Santos City Sarangani - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 21 23 18 8 15 7 15 37

General Findings 1. Except for 2 -3 private /non-Dep. Ed schools in every division, General Findings 1. Except for 2 -3 private /non-Dep. Ed schools in every division, all private schools are SHS-ready (met basic requirements) 2. Notre Dame schools have on-going construction of classrooms, laboratories in preparation for their track offerings DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 38

General Findings 3. Teachers identified to teach in SHS are qualified; are undergoing/will undergo General Findings 3. Teachers identified to teach in SHS are qualified; are undergoing/will undergo retooling (2 nd semester, 2016 summer) 4. Schools intend to hire on part-time basis private practitioners (CPAs, Engineers, college professors), retired Dep. Ed personnel DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 39

General Findings 5. Private / Non-Dep. Ed schools found to be not SHS-ready have General Findings 5. Private / Non-Dep. Ed schools found to be not SHS-ready have deficiencies in: - School site - not owned by the school - Not enough laboratories as required for STEM; no library) - Proposed classrooms: hazardous to users; not standard size, no room for simulation, not fitted for the track being offered DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 40

General Findings - Teacher Qualification: no units of specialization; NC II certificate does not General Findings - Teacher Qualification: no units of specialization; NC II certificate does not match the track or strand being planned to offer - Documents: some branches only copied the documents of the mother school; incomplete documentation (list of proposed teachers, MOA) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 41

NEXT STEPS 1. Completion of deficiencies in documents by concerned schools 2. Meeting of NEXT STEPS 1. Completion of deficiencies in documents by concerned schools 2. Meeting of division coordinators for SHS, private schools, TLE 3. Private Schools Summit on SHS (done) 4. Issuance of Provisional Permit 5. Pre-Enrolment for SHS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 42

Deadline for Private Schools applying for SHS – Aug. 30, 2015 Sept. 1 -9, Deadline for Private Schools applying for SHS – Aug. 30, 2015 Sept. 1 -9, 2015 – on-site validation Early Enrolment – Sept 14 -19, 2015 ? ? ? Action Plan for SHS in Private Schools Objective – Activity – Date – Persons - MOV Involved DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 43