Скачать презентацию REVISÃO EXAME FINAL PAST PASSIVE Use the Скачать презентацию REVISÃO EXAME FINAL PAST PASSIVE Use the


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PAST PASSIVE Use the simple past form of the verb “to be” and the PAST PASSIVE Use the simple past form of the verb “to be” and the past participle. I was You were He/She/It was + Past Participle (3 rd Column) We were You were They were

Use the simple past passive form of the verbs: 1. This photo _______ (take) Use the simple past passive form of the verbs: 1. This photo _______ (take) two years ago. 2. She is sad because her bicycle ________ (steal) last night. 3. These houses ________ (build) in the 17 th century. 4. This book ________ (write) in 2007. 5. Computers ________ (not use) in our school until 1997.

A/ AN/THE or NO ARTICLE Use A/AN + noun to talk about something for A/ AN/THE or NO ARTICLE Use A/AN + noun to talk about something for the first time. I had an apple for dinner. Use THE + noun when it is clear which thing or person you are talking about. The apple was old. Use NO ARTICLE + noun when you are talking about things in general. Apples are good for you.

Use A/ AN/THE or NO ARTICLE 1. John bought _____ new car last week. Use A/ AN/THE or NO ARTICLE 1. John bought _____ new car last week. Unfortunately, ______car broke down after just two days. 2. We went to see______ movie yesterday. Even though it good reviews, _______movie was absolutely terrible. 3. Our teacher gave us _______ test today. It was _____ really hard test. 4. Excuse me, is there _______ post office around here? I need to buy _____ stamp. 5. We have ______ beautiful lake behind our house. Every winter, _______lake freezes over and we can go ice skating.

6. Carrie works for _____ amazing organization; ______ organization provides food and supplies for 6. Carrie works for _____ amazing organization; ______ organization provides food and supplies for children in developing world. 7. A: Is there _____ water on Moon? B: Yes, scientists have discovered _____ ice there. 8. When I turned on my new laptop, _____ screen exploded! Luckily, it has _______ good warranty. Either they will replace _______ broken screen or send me _______ brand new laptop. 9. A: I know _____ great new restaurant called Mumbai on 8 th Avenue. It's ______ Indian restaurant with incredible food. B: Oh yeah, I know that restaurant; _______chef is good friend of mine. 10. Wow, I can't believe how much ______ gallon of gas costs these days. If _______price keeps going up, I'm going to buy _______ electric car.

TOO MUCH/ TOO MANY/ NOT ENOUGH - Too Many = count nouns I ate TOO MUCH/ TOO MANY/ NOT ENOUGH - Too Many = count nouns I ate too much ice cream. - Too Much = noncount nouns I ate too many eggs. - Not Enough = count and noncount nouns I don’t have enough time to study. I don’t have enough coins to buy a soda.

Complete the sentences with too much, too many or not enough. 1. What shall Complete the sentences with too much, too many or not enough. 1. What shall we do? There are______ chairs for everyone. 2. I have ________ homework this week. 3. There are _____ people here today. 4. It’s dark. There is________ light in here. 5. There are ________ cars in my town and _______pollution.

6. Let’s finish this tomorrow. There is ______ time today. 7. I think I’ve 6. Let’s finish this tomorrow. There is ______ time today. 7. I think I’ve eaten _______cookies. 8. If there’s ________ food, you can take some home. 9. There are _______ stairs in our house for my grandmother.


Complete the sentences with indefinite pronouns 1. _____gave me this book, but I don’t Complete the sentences with indefinite pronouns 1. _____gave me this book, but I don’t remember who. 2. I called him three times, but _____ answered. 3. This is a great book. _______should read it. 4. It was a hard question. ______ could answer it!

5. I have great memory. I can remember _______ our teacher said. 6. I’ve 5. I have great memory. I can remember _______ our teacher said. 6. I’ve lost my keys and I can’t find them and I looked for them _______. 7. The party was great. _______ came! 8. Jack invited all his friends, but ________ came to his party.

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS I have been teaching for years. He has been working here PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS I have been teaching for years. He has been working here since 2000. HAVE + BEEN + VERB + ING

Circle the correct options 1. She’s written/been writing three letters this morning. 2. I’ve Circle the correct options 1. She’s written/been writing three letters this morning. 2. I’ve read/been reading this page four times. 3. He’s in the hospital because he’s had/been having an accident. 4. Ouch! I’ve cut/been cutting my finger!

5. My mother’s making soup. She’s cut/been cutting vegetables all morning. 6. You’ve won/been 5. My mother’s making soup. She’s cut/been cutting vegetables all morning. 6. You’ve won/been winning the lotery! 7. James has known/been knowing his wike since 1998. 8. I’ve been reading/read this book since 9 o’clock and I still haven’t finished it!

PAST PERFECT One action that happened before or at the same time as another PAST PERFECT One action that happened before or at the same time as another action in the past. I had finished my homework when the phone rang.

Use the past perfect forms of the verbs: 1. The army ______(fight) and won. Use the past perfect forms of the verbs: 1. The army ______(fight) and won. 2. The photographer _____ (take) a lot of photos and left. 3. The farmer ________(feed) the sheep and the sun went down. 4. The soccer player ________ (score) a goal before he broke his leg.

5. The explorer _______(reach) the North Pole by the time his supplies ran out. 5. The explorer _______(reach) the North Pole by the time his supplies ran out. 6. The drive _______(stop) before he answered his phone. 7. The journalist ________(write) na article before her computer crashed. 8. The cyclist _______(win) the toue before he fell exhausted.

DEFINING RELATIVE PRONOUNS Who/ that = people That/which = things or animals When = DEFINING RELATIVE PRONOUNS Who/ that = people That/which = things or animals When = time Where = places Whose = possession

Complete the sentences. 1. A hospital is a place ____ doctors work. 2. An Complete the sentences. 1. A hospital is a place ____ doctors work. 2. An ambulance is a vehicle _____ takes people to the hospital. 3. A patient is someone _______has a health problem. 4. A vaccination is something _______prevents you from getting a disease.

5. An epidemic is a time _____many people have the same disease. 6. A 5. An epidemic is a time _____many people have the same disease. 6. A surgeon is someone ____operates on people. 7. An injection is a liquid medicine _______is put into a person’s arm with a needle. 8. Antiseptic is something ____ you use to clean a cut.

REPORTED STATEMENTS DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH SIMPLE PRESENT I have a car. SIMPLE PAST REPORTED STATEMENTS DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH SIMPLE PRESENT I have a car. SIMPLE PAST She said she had a car. SIMPLE PAST I bought a car. PAST PERFECT She said she had bought a car PRESENT PERFECT I have been to England. PAST PERFECT She said she had been to England. AM/IS/ARE GOING TO I am going to England. WAS/WERE GOINT TO She said she was going to England. CAN/ CAN’T I can speak French. COULD/ COULDN’T She said she could speak French. WILL / WON’T I will pass the exam. WOULD/ WOULDN’T She said she would pass the exam.

1. “He works in a bank“. He said. . . 2. 1. “He works in a bank“. He said. . . 2. "We went out last night" She said. . . 3. "I'm coming!“ He said. . . 4. "I've never been here before" He said. . . 5. “I don't like chocolate" He said. . .

6. 6. "I didn't go to the party" She said. . . 7. "Lucy will come later” He said. . . 8. "He hasn't eaten breakfast" He said. . . 9. "I can help you tomorrow" She said. . .

THIRD CONDITIONAL If I had known you were sick, I would have called you. THIRD CONDITIONAL If I had known you were sick, I would have called you. IF + HAD + PAST PARTICIPLE, WOULD + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE

1. If you _______ (not / be) late, we _______ (not / miss) the 1. If you _______ (not / be) late, we _______ (not / miss) the bus. 2. If she _______ (study), she _______ (pass) the exam. 3. If we _______ (arrive) earlier, we _______ (see) John. 4. If they _______ (go) to bed early, they _______ (not / wake) up late. 5. If he _______ (become) a musician, he _______ (record) a CD. 6. If she _______ (go) to art school, she _______ (become) a painter. 7. If I _______ (be) born in a different country, I _______ (learn) to speak a different language. 8. If she _______ (go) to university, she _______ (study) French. 9. If we _______ (not / go) to the party, we _______ (not / meet) them. 10. If he _______ (take) the job, he _______ (not / go) travelling.

11. He _______ (be) happier if he _______ (stay) at home. 12. She _______ 11. He _______ (be) happier if he _______ (stay) at home. 12. She _______ (pass) the exam if she _______ (study) harder. 13. We _______ (not / get) married if we _______ (not / go) to the same university. 14. They _______ (be) late if they _______ (not / take) a taxi. 15. She _______ (not / meet) him if she _______ (not / come) to London. 16. He _______ (take) a taxi if he _______ (have) enough money. 17. I _______ (call) you if I _______ (not / forget) my phone. 18. We _______ (come) if we _______ (be) invited. 19. She _______ (not / do) it if she _______ (know) you were ill. 20. He _______ (be) on time if he _______ (leave) earlier.