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Review of the regulation of taxis and PHVs Jessica Uguccioni LGA Forum 20 December 2011
The Law Commission v Independent body created by statute v Responsible for systematic development and reform of law in England Wales v Law Commission Act 2009 procedure and high proportion of reports being implemented v Currently on our 11 th programme of law reform
The taxi and PHV project Adult Social Care Project A project to review and reform the UK law relating to taxis and private hire vehicles in England Wales Suggested by the Department for Transport
Outline of project Stage 1: Pre consultation Stage 2: Public Consultation April 2012 Publication of consultation paper May - July 2012 3 month public consultation Stage 3: Draft Bill and report Publication November 2013 Legislation before the end of the current Parliament?
Aims for Taxis/PHVs 2. The process for assessment v “Deregulation” in terms of reference v Public safety v Consumer choice and consumer protection v Accessibility: disabilities and rural areas v Maintaining a sustainable industry v Clarity: avoid litigation and chilling effects
Methodology of our review v Understanding the trades in practice v Review of existing legislation v Re-structuring: fragmented legislation and development of coherent policy
Preliminary preference: reformed 2. The process for assessment two tier system v Common issues: safety v National mandatory standards for PHVs; local minimum standards for taxis v National driver training with some local variation (eg topographical knowledge) v Administration and Enforcement would remain with licensing authorities
One/Two tier system 2. The process for assessment v Key advantages to reformed 2 tier v Fare regulation v Disability policies v Local standards for taxi fleets v Key disadvantages to reformed 2 tier v Lack of provision for late nights v Technology eroding pre-booked and instant hire?
Alternative one tier system 2. The process for assessment v All taxis with local standard-setting v Some ranks for disabled access vehicles v Key advantages v v Increased provision (nights) v v Corresponds with public perception New booking technologies Key disadvantages v Fare regulation v Disabilities
Enforcement & licensing v Cross-border & operating areas v Enforcement powers v Operator licensing v Conditions
Problems with setting standards Standards v Striking the balance between national and local v Unsuitable drivers: CRB checks and qualifications v Livery and imposing conditions. The appropriate use of policies?
Disabilities v Difficulties: no universally accessible vehicle v Different approaches to taxis and PHVs?
Quantity restrictions v Disadvantages v. Blunt tool excluding willing participants v. Difficulties with unmet demand surveys v Advantages v. Externalities: congestion & over-ranking v Sustainability of industry
Scope & other issues v Fees v The London difference? v Coverage v Limousines & chauffeur services v Motorbikes v Pedicabs v Interface with PSVs v Intermediaries
For further information contact: • Address • Jessica Uguccioni • Steel House • 11 Tothill Street • London • SW 1 H 9 LJ • Telephone • 0203 334 0263 • Email • Taxi-phv. regulation@lawcommission. gsi. gov. uk • Website • www. justice. gov. uk/lawcommission/index. htm