Скачать презентацию Review Design Pattern Structure A design pattern Скачать презентацию Review Design Pattern Structure A design pattern


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Review: Design Pattern Structure • A design pattern has a name – So when Review: Design Pattern Structure • A design pattern has a name – So when someone says “Adapter” you know what they mean – So you can communicate design ideas as a “vocabulary” • A design pattern describes the core of a solution to a recurring design problem – So you don’t have to reinvent known design techniques – So you can benefit from others’ (and your) prior experience • A design pattern is capable of generating many distinct design decisions in different circumstances – So you can apply the pattern repeatedly as appropriate – So you can work through different design problems using it CSE 332: Design Patterns

Three More Design Patterns • Singleton (creational) – Provides access to a single (or Three More Design Patterns • Singleton (creational) – Provides access to a single (or indexed) instance • Prototype (creational) – Polymorphic duplication of heterogeneous types • Visitor (behavioral) – Allows interaction with heterogeneous collections – Compile time dispatching is standard, but can emulate with dynamic type casting or RTTI CSE 332: Design Patterns

Creational Patterns • Help define how objects are created/initialized • May emphasize class or Creational Patterns • Help define how objects are created/initialized • May emphasize class or interaction diagrams • Examples – Factory Method – Singleton – Prototype CSE 332: Design Patterns

Single Global Instance • Challenges – Only one object of a type is needed Single Global Instance • Challenges – Only one object of a type is needed or allowed in a program – Whether or not the object is needed at all may vary – Need to make sure the object is initialized before first use • Motivates use of the Singleton pattern – Instantiates the object on-demand (if requested) • If no request is made, the object is never created (efficient) – Makes it easy to obtain an alias from anywhere in program • Don’t need to pass a reference/pointer up and down the call stack – Initializes object before first alias to it is handed out • Lifetime of the object covers interval of its possible use CSE 332: Design Patterns

Singleton Pattern • Problem – Want to ensure a single instance of a class, Singleton Pattern • Problem – Want to ensure a single instance of a class, that’s shared by all uses throughout a program (e. g. , the Portfolio, the Zoo) • Context – Need to address ordering of initialization versus usage – E. g. , usage from different source files than where the object is defined • Solution core – – – Static pointer member variable is initialized to 0 (before main starts) Provide a global access method (static member function) First use of the access method instantiates object, updates pointer Constructors for instance can be hidden (made private) Can hide destructor too if a “fini” or “destroy” method is also provided • Consequences – Object is never created if it’s never used – Object is shared efficiently among all uses CSE 332: Design Patterns

Basic Use of the Singleton Pattern class Portfolio { public: static Portfolio * instance(); Basic Use of the Singleton Pattern class Portfolio { public: static Portfolio * instance(); static void fini(); //. . . private: static Portfolio * instance_; Portfolio (); virtual ~Portfolio (); //. . . }; int main (int, char * []) { try { Stock *s = new Stock ("Alice's Restaurant", 20, 7, 11, 13); Bond *b = new Bond ("City Infrastructure", 10, 2, 3, 5); Portfolio: : instance()->add (s); Portfolio: : instance()->add (b); Portfolio: : instance()->print (); Portfolio: : fini(); } catch (Portfolio: : error_condition &e) { Portfolio * Portfolio: : instance_ = 0; cout << "Portfolio error: " << endl; return -1; Portfolio * Portfolio: : instance() { } catch (. . . ) { if (instance_ == 0){ cout << "unknown error" << endl; instance_ = new Portfolio; return -2; } } return instance_; } return 0; } void Portfolio: : fini() { delete instance_; instance_ = 0; } CSE 332: Design Patterns

An Indexed Variation of the Singleton Pattern class Portfolio { public: static Portfolio * An Indexed Variation of the Singleton Pattern class Portfolio { public: static Portfolio * instance(Agent *); static void fini(Agent *); . . . private: static map instances_; Portfolio (); virtual ~Portfolio (); . . . }; map Portfolio: : instances_; Portfolio * Portfolio: : instance(Agent *a) { Portfolio * p = 0; map: : iterator i = instances_. find(a); if (i == instances_. end()) { p = new Portfolio; instances_. insert(make_pair(a, p)); } else { p = i->second; } return p; } CSE 332: Design Patterns void Portfolio: : fini(Agent *a) { map: : iterator i = instances_. find(a); if (i != instances_. end()) { Portfolio * p = i->second; instances_. erase(i); delete p; } } void Agent: : buy (Security *s) { int cost = s->shares_ * s->current_value_; if (cost > reserve_) { throw cannot_afford; } Portfolio: : instance(this)-> add(s); reserve_ -= cost; } Agent: : ~Agent () { Portfolio: : fini(this); }

Polymorphic (Deep) Copying • Challenges – C++ does not have a virtual copy constructor Polymorphic (Deep) Copying • Challenges – C++ does not have a virtual copy constructor – However, may need to duplicate polymorphic collections • All the securities in a portfolio (which are actually stocks or bonds) • All the animals in a zoo (which are actually Giraffes or Ostriches) – Copy construction depends on the concrete types involved • Motivates use of the Prototype pattern – Wraps copy construction within a common virtual method – Each subclass overrides that method: uses its specific copy constructor with dynamic allocation to “clone” itself CSE 332: Design Patterns

Prototype Pattern • Problem – Need to duplicate objects with different dynamic types • Prototype Pattern • Problem – Need to duplicate objects with different dynamic types • Context – Virtual constructors are not available (e. g. , in C++) – However, polymorphic method invocations are supported • Solution core – Provide a polymorphic method that returns an instance of the same type as the object on which the method is called – Polymorphic method calls copy constructor, returns base class pointer or reference to concrete derived type • Consequences – Emulates virtual copy construction behavior – Allows anonymous duplication of heterogeneous types CSE 332: Design Patterns

Use of the Prototype Pattern struct Security { public: … virtual Security * clone Use of the Prototype Pattern struct Security { public: … virtual Security * clone () = 0; . . . }; Security * Stock: : clone () { return new Stock(*this); } Security * Agent: : sell (Security *s) { Security * current = Portfolio: : instance(this)->find(s); if (current ==0) { throw cannot_provide; } Security * copy = current->clone(); Portfolio: : instance(this)->remove(current); reserve_ += copy->shares_ * copy->current_value_; Security * Bond: : clone () { return new Bond(*this); } CSE 332: Design Patterns return copy; }

Interacting with Heterogeneous Collections • Challenges – Polymorphism lets you aggregate different types together Interacting with Heterogeneous Collections • Challenges – Polymorphism lets you aggregate different types together – However, how to interact depends on the specific types • Motivates use of the Visitor pattern – Lets the program discover how to interact with each concrete type through an initial “handshake” with it – Dispatches that interaction directly through a method call CSE 332: Design Patterns

Visitor Pattern • Problem – We have a heterogeneous collection of objects over which Visitor Pattern • Problem – We have a heterogeneous collection of objects over which we need to perform type-specific operations • Context – Run-time type identification (if available) adds overhead – Want to avoid unnecessary interactions among types – Types in collection change less frequently than the set of operations that are to be performed over them • Solution core – Modify types in the collection to support double dispatch – If you cannot, RTTI / dynamic casting can be used similarly (a variant? ) • Consequences – Once modified in this way, any of the types can handshake with arbitrary “visitors” to give correct behavior CSE 332: Design Patterns

Basic Use of the Visitor Pattern struct Security. Visitor { virtual ~Security. Visitor(); virtual Basic Use of the Visitor Pattern struct Security. Visitor { virtual ~Security. Visitor(); virtual void visit_stock (Stock *) = 0; virtual void visit_bond (Bond *) = 0; }; struct Security { … virtual void accept (Security. Visitor * sv) = 0; }; void Stock: : accept (Security. Visitor * sv) { if (sv) {sv->visit_stock(this); } } void Bond: : accept (Security. Visitor * sv) { if (sv) {sv->visit_bond(this); } } CSE 332: Design Patterns struct Projected. Value. Functor : public Security. Visitor { int & value_; Projected. Value. Functor (int & value); virtual ~Projected. Value. Functor (); void operator () (Security * s) { s->accept(this); } virtual void visit_stock (Stock * s) { if (s) {value_ += s->shares_ * (s->projected_value_ + s->dividend_); } } virtual void visit_bond (Bond * b) { if (b) {value_ += b->shares_ * (b->projected_value_ + b->interest_); } } }; int Portfolio: : projected_value () { int value = 0; for_each (securities_. begin(), securities_. end(), Projected. Value. Functor(value)); return value; }

Design Patterns Summary • We’ve looked at a number of patterns this semester – Design Patterns Summary • We’ve looked at a number of patterns this semester – – – – Iterator: access elements sequentially no matter how stored Factory method: create a related type polymorphically Adapter: converts an interface you have into one you want Memento: packages up object state without violating encapsulation Observer: tell registered observers when state changes Singleton: provides access to a single instance (possibly per index) Prototype: allows polymorphic duplication of heterogeneous types Visitor: allows interaction with heterogeneous collections • Think about how patterns can drive design – – From basic abstractions towards a working program with refinements Lab 5 will involve the Singleton and Memento patterns CSE 432 focuses on combining patterns of this sort (design) CSE 532 focuses on other kinds of patterns (architectural) CSE 332: Design Patterns