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Reversing The Trend Radiochemistry at the University of Missouri-Columbia J. David Robertson Silvia Jurisson Susan Lever Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211
Reversing the Trend: University of Missouri Radiochemistry 1 Radiochemist per Department Below “critical mass” Data courtesy of S. B. Clark, Washington State University
1978 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Training of Nuclear and Radiochemists, Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, American Chemical Society Surveyed the status and future needs and supplies of manpower in nuclear and radiochemistry in the U. S. 1. The numbers of nuclear and radiochemistry faculty members were decreasing 2. There were few practicing radiochemists 3. Negative public perception had led to student reluctance to enter the field 4. The supply of students trained in these and related areas fell far short of meeting the projected national needs
Workshop on Training Requirements for Chemists in Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Industry, and Related Areas National Academy Press, Washington, D. C. 1988. Participants from academic institutions, national laboratories, the nuclear power industry, the nuclear medicine community, the pharmaceutical industry, and government. Each panel concluded: 1. There was a serious shortage of chemists with a background in nuclear and radiochemistry 2. There was a serious shortage of bona fide nuclear and radiochemists
The Education and Training of Isotope Experts A study for the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment of The Committee on Science of the U. S. House of Representatives, Members of the Senior Scientists and Engineers of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1998 Study found “no recovery from the very serious diminution of the U. S. educational capability in isotope science and technology. ” From the 30 institutions in nuclear and radiochemistry responding to their survey, the data for numbers of graduates and numbers of fulltime faculty showed no improvement from the previous 1987 survey.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 43: 11 N, 2002. “while the spectacular benefits of nuclear and molecular imaging and targeted radiotherapy have long been recognized and are becoming more commonplace, there is a major inadequacy of supply of radiochemists and radiopharmacists to meet the ever increasing demands in the U. S. and around the world. ” 2007 NAS Report Advancing Nuclear Medicine Through Innovation Shortage of individuals being trained in radiochemistry and radiopharmaceutical chemistry
Chemistry Department Radiochemistry Program 3 Chemistry Faculty – Silvia Jurisson—inorganic/radiochemistry – Susan Lever—organic/radiopharmaceutical chemistry – Dave Robertson—radioanalytical/nuclear chemistry Radiochemistry Courses at MU – Introduction to Radiochemistry (with lab) • 35 to 45 students each year • Chemistry, Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Medicine – – – Advanced Radiochemistry Nuclear Chemistry Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Medicine Radiation Biology
University of Missouri MS and Ph. D Radiochemistry Students • 26 Ph. D Graduates in Radiochemistry (1995 – 2007) – 10 US Citizens – Academia, Industry, National Labs • 8 MS Graduates in Radiochemistry (1995 – 2007) – 3 US Citizens – Industry • 20 Current Radiochemistry Graduate Students – 13 US Citizens
University of Missouri MS and Ph. D Radiochemistry Students • REAP students: • Dr. Paul Benny, Washington State University • Dr. Jim Gawenis, University of Utah • Dr. Leah Arrigo, SRNL Staff Scientist • NSF graduate fellow: • Dr. Rachel Popelka, NRC Postdoc at NIST
NIBIB Graduate Training (NIH T 32) in Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry at University of Missouri (2007 -2012) Silvia Jurisson (PI) Susan Lever (Co-PI) Martin Brechbiel (site PI) Internships at the NCI or BNL Chemistry Department University of Missouri Joanna Fowler (site PI)
Radiochemistry NSF REU 04 - 07 REU Program • 5 students in S 04, 10 -12 students S 05 -S 07 • No Previous Exposure • Weekly radiochemistry lecture • Weekly literature discussion
Interdisciplinary Radiochemistry at the University of Missouri • 10 MW University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) • 16. 8 Me. V Cyclotron Facility • Radiopharmaceutical Science Institute • Nuclear Science and Engineering Institute
University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) Initial criticality was attained on October 13, 1966. Designed and constructed to operate at 5 megawatts, the facility was upgraded to 10 megawatts in 1974. 6. 5 day per week operation. The compact core is surrounded by beryllium and graphite reflectors: • • • Isotope Production Radiopharmaceutical Radioanalytical • Archaeometry • Epidemiology • Environmental Science
16 th Bi-annual SSAC course • • May 20 th – June 1 st 2007 Columbia, MO Directed by Los Alamos National Laboratory Hosted by the University of Missouri – Columbia and the Missouri University Research Reactor (MURR) • Sponsored by the IAEA, Department of Energy, and Department of State • 39 participants from 33 countries attended the course • • Rebecca Stevens (LANL, Director) Douglas E. Berning (LANL, Co-director) J. David Robertson (University of Missouri – Columbia) John Gahl (University of Missouri – Columbia) Michael Flagg (University of Missouri – Columbia) John Mc. Clelland-Kerr (Department of Energy) Vladimir Cisar (International Atomic Energy Agency)
State Systems of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Materials • Goal: – Provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the requirements of a state in fulfilling its international safeguards obligations • Objectives: – Demonstrated safeguards concepts • Lectures, workshops, and visits to model facility (MURR) • Question and answer session with panel group – Panel group was comprised of personnel from countries with established SSAC programs
SSAC Group Photos
Nuclear Science and Engineering Institute (NSEI) Core Faculty Department • • • • • Bill Miller Sudarshan Loyolka Mark Prelas Tushar Ghosh Bill Thompson Wynn Volkert (Joint) Dave Robertson (Joint) Silvia Jurisson (Joint) Mike Glascock (Joint) John Gahl (Joint) Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Engineering Radiology Chemistry MURR Electrical Engineering
Nuclear Energy Technology NETwork Center Dr. William Miller, NSEI & MURR Randy Etter, Gayla Neumeyer, MURR Radiation Protection Technician program • DOL grant • 79 students enrolled at ATC/Linn State • Program partners AZ, CA, VA, TX Nuclear Quality Control Technician program • NRC grant • F 08
Scientific Collaboration Overview U. S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs UMC – College of Arts & Science Dept. of Chemistry Silvia S. Jurisson, Ph. D. Susan Z. Lever, Ph. D. ** Wynn A. Volkert, Ph. D. ** UMC College of Veterinary Medicine Michael R. Lewis, Ph. D. * Carolyn J. Henry, D. V. M. * Jimmy C. Lattimer, D. V. M. UMC Dept. of Surgery Ed Sauter, M. D. * MU Research Reactor Center H. S. Truman Memorial VA Hospital Wynn A. Volkert, Ph. D. Timothy J. Hoffman, Ph. D. * Susan L. Deutscher, Ph. D. Michael R. Lewis, Ph. D. John R. Lever, Ph. D. Leonard R. Forte, Ph. D. * Thomas P. Dresser, M. D. Jeff Smith, Ph. D. Yubin Miao, Ph. D. Vladislav Glinskii, M. D. Ed Sauter, M. D. Silvia Jurisson, Ph. D. Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Institute Alan R. Ketring, Ph. D. Cathy Cutler, Ph. D. Gary Ehrhardt, Ph. D. Kattesh V. Katti, Ph. D. ** Susan Z. Lever, Ph. D, ** Jeff Smith, Ph. D. ** UMC Medical School – Dept. of Internal Medicine Division of Hematology & Medical Oncology Michael C. Perry, M. D. , FACP Timothy J. Hoffman, Ph. D. Carolyn J. Henry, D. V. M. ** Yubin Miao, Ph. D. * Lixin Ma, Ph. D* Research Oncologist (New Recruit) UMC Medical School Dept. of Biochemistry Thomas P. Quinn, Ph. D. * Susan L. Deutscher, Ph. D. * Wynn A. Volkert, Ph. D. ** Vladislav Glinskii, M. D. * Yubin Miao, Ph. D. ** UMC Medical Physiology & Pharmacology Leonard R. Forte, Ph. D. * John Lever** UMC Medical School Dept. of Radiology Wynn R. Volkert, Ph. D. * Thomas P. Quinn, Ph. D. ** Kattesh V. Katti, Ph. D. ** John R. Lever, Ph. D. ** Jeff Smith, Ph. D** Bennett S. Greenspan, M. D. Amolak Singh, M. D. *Primary Appointment **Joint Appointment Faculty and Scientists Currently Funded or Actively Collaborating in Radiopharmaceutical Research TJH-4/2004
The 2008 Survey of Graduate Education and Manpower Needs in Nuclear and Radiochemistry?