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Reverse service “towards a waste-free society” Natascha Spanbroek 29 january 2016
reverse service Resources High service Residual waste Drop off facility
schematically summarized
Reduction residual waste kg person 250 Steenwijkerland Zwartewaterland 150 21 Oost Gelre 200 19 16 Steenwijkerland Zwartewaterland Oost Gelre Doelstelling 2020 100 Landelijk gemiddelde 50 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Recycling rate
la nd O os St t. G ee el nw re ijk er la Tw en nd te ra nd Ka m pe n Zw ar te w at er ph or st de St a er rg He rd en be tte e ijh Ha -W -€ 4 Ha -€ 10. 00 O lst da lfs en € 0. 00 m more sustainable no more expensive -€ 9 -€ 15 -€ 20. 00 -€ 20 -€ 24 -€ 30. 00 gemiddelde daling -€ 30 -€ 40. 00 -€ 50. 00 -€ 44 -€ 46 -€ 55 -€ 60. 00
Policy effects Residual waste Ca. 260 Kg. Reverse collection Financial incentive 210 Kg. 193 Kg. ? 40 -70 Kg. 1970 1996 2013 2015
100 -100 experiment 11 containers a year /household Green waste Paper Plastic, metal, beverage cartons Prevention Drop off facility
Challenge 100 households - 100 days - 100% circular for waste and recycables 0 kg residual waste Less recycables
Goals Raising awareness : Waste = resource Think and act circular Showing (im)possibilities of the road towards a waste-free society Willingness and leverage to further behavioral change Insight remaining products household waste Possibilities producers Political discussion
Stimulate Improved waste sorting at home (separation) Changed consumption behaviour (buying/using products that can be recycled when wasted) Waste prevention (the best way to prevent waste is simply not to buy it).
General results 22, 5 kg residual waste a year person 85% Well sorted 15% wrong Diapers and incontinence pads (42%) mainly kitchen/food waste Waste caused by pets – cat litter (18%) Medical waste (7%) Personal care (5%) Content of a vacuum cleaner bag (5%) Non recyclable packaging (4%) Plastic and metal products no packaging (1%) Other (5%)
Reduction is possible! Recommendations Incentive financial and/or service Choose household perspective Positive feedback Communication on prevention and reduction Long term intervention green identity
Thank you! nspanbroek@rova. nl