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Revalidation, CPD and the RCPCH Scheme Dr Alistair Thomson RCPCH Officer for CPD And Consultant Paediatrician Leighton Hospital, Crewe RCPCH 26/11/04
Appraisal, Revalidation and CPD ¨ Revalidation will depend on 5 successful appraisals (GMC May 2003) ¨ NHS employers (NHS confederation) agree: – Provision of an RCPCH certificate of scheme participation at annual appraisal will be acceptable – GMC takes a similar view RCPCH CPD Scheme
Participation – 20/08/03 SASG Doctors No Participating Non Members 464 Members* 278 Total 742 No Eligible 995 537 15321 % Participation 46. 6 51. 8 48. 4 1 Figure from RCPCH census 2001 * Assumes all Non-Members are SASG RCPCH CPD Scheme
Increasing Participation of SASG Drs ¨ Factors – Uncertainty about status – Ignorance of CPD and appraisal ¨ Letter to clinical directors – Invitation to SASG doctors to join the scheme – Good response: > 50 replies ¨ CPD check at College hospital visits RCPCH CPD Scheme
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CPD - Definition ¨ “CPD is intended to help paediatricians to: – Maintain standards, interest and enthusiasm; – Protect their skills and professional competence; – Develop new skills” ¨ “CPD is a systematic process of lifelong learning and professional development” ¨ “CPD aims is to enable paediatricians …. . to meet the needs of children” RCPCH CPD Scheme
Guidelines for CPD ¨ CPD for Career Grade Paediatricians - The National Scheme of the Academic Board ¨ 7 th edition, January 2004 (8 th, Jan 2005) ¨ Emphasises need for CPD ¨ Clarifies its requirements ¨ Intended as practical, flexible and realistic ¨ Will help achieve CPD targets ¨ Reviewed and updated annually RCPCH CPD Scheme
Who and When? ¨ Applies to all non-training career grades of staff – Consultants, hospital and associate specialists, – Senior clinical medical officers, Trust doctors, and staff grades ¨ For NHS, universities or independent practice ¨ CPD represents a commitment to lifelong learning – Continuum with training – Join CPD scheme post-CCST RCPCH CPD Scheme
What and How? ¨ Includes CME, and all elements of practice ¨ College’s system provides a means for – Planning CPD and – Registering CPD activities ¨ Recording of this process should be easy ¨ “Minimally invasive CPD monitoring” RCPCH CPD Scheme
Number of CPD Sessions ¨ 1 hour CPD = 1 credit ¨ Target is 50 hours per year ¨ 1 whole study day normally = 6 credits (maximum 7 credits if evening sessions) ¨ Half a day = 3 credits ¨ At least 50% of credits to be external CPD – May vary by prior arrangement RCPCH CPD Scheme
Activities for CPD ¨ Range of CPD activities to be selected ¨ Balance broad-based and specialist activities ¨ To suit individual professional needs ¨ Internal and external approx. equal over five years – Minimum 25 external CPD credits p. a. ¨ Sub-categories – Clinical, academic, professional – About 80% of CPD credits clinical RCPCH CPD Scheme
External CPD ¨ Defined as work involving interaction with colleagues outside the individual’s own department ¨ Usually requiring study leave in protected time ¨ Includes: – Organised meetings – Visits to other institutions to acquire skills – Courses RCPCH CPD Scheme
Internal CPD ¨ Does not require study leave ¨ Includes – Unit clinical meetings – Multidisciplinary meetings – Grand rounds – Community education sessions – Clinical audit meetings RCPCH CPD Scheme
FAQs ¨ Apprenticeship learning ¨ Distance learning ¨ Critical reading groups/journal clubs ¨ Preparation of examinations ¨ Preparation of new postgraduate lectures ¨ Writing books ¨ Editorial activities ¨ Internet, video links and audio tapes RCPCH CPD Scheme
CPD Records ¨ Keep details of all CPD activities in portfolio ¨ Send card quarterly to RCPCH ¨ CPD certification period will be: – Preceding 5 years or – From entry into the cycle ¨ Paediatricians allocate points according to value of educational activities – I. e. up to one per hour RCPCH CPD Scheme
Professional Needs and PDPs ¨ Need for CPD, job descriptions and contracts ¨ All doctors should have a PDP ¨ Focus of CPD varies – Individual needs – Departmental needs – Learning styles ¨ Part-time need same CPD as full time Drs RCPCH CPD Scheme
CPD Registration ¨ Return of one card ¨ Can backdate (up to 5 years) ¨ Benefits – Appraisal – Revalidation – Maintains Members and Fellows ‘in good standing’ ¨ RCPCH website lists registrants (List A) – ‘Up-to-date’ is 1 year in arrears RCPCH CPD Scheme
What is Not Allowed? ¨ Undergraduate teaching ¨ Attending committees ¨ Reading journals – Reading journals is core professional activity – BUT Reflective Notes are acceptable ¨ Domiciliary consultations ¨ Undergraduate examining RCPCH CPD Scheme
Reflective Notes ¨ Informal learning is valuable ¨ Recognised by writing reflective notes, e. g. – Private reading that changes perception – Informal discussion illuminating a clinical problem – Patient encounter/Critical incident. ¨ Proforma available (may be photocopied) ¨ One credit per page of notes ¨ Clinical/academic/professional ¨ Maximum 20 credits per year RCPCH CPD Scheme
Compliance with CPD - Audit ¨ Denominator population = 2896 participants ¨ 5% sample, selected randomly ¨ Criteria: – A PDP – An up-to-date portfolio of CPD activities – Evidence of claimed ECPD – minimum 25 credits (programmes, receipts, publications, etc) RCPCH CPD Scheme
CPD Audit Results ¨ 139/171 (81%) returned documentation: – 99% of eligible ¨ 136 (98%) passed criteria – 99 (71%) with complete evidence – 37 (27%) with minimum evidence of 25 ECPD – 3 (2%) failed: 2 no evidence, 1 < 25 ECPD ¨ Other Colleges similarly good (or bad) RCPCH CPD Scheme
Non-Participation in CPD – 1 ¨ Excludes Members/Fellows from: – Holding College office – Being an examiner ¨ Undesirable from point of view of – Clinical governance – Annual appraisal – GMC re-validation – Risk management and – Medico-legal implications RCPCH CPD Scheme
Non-Participation in CPD – 2 ¨ Before any sanctions imposed, reasons for non- completion will be fully explored ¨ The College has a role in helping to prevent paediatricians coming to the attention of the GMC’s Performance Assessment Committee ¨ Individuals having difficulties achieving their CPD goals should approach the College RCPCH CPD Scheme
‘In Good Standing’ Implies ¨ Registration for CPD ¨ Member or Fellow or supervised SASG ¨ “Only Ordinary Members and Fellows (and Senior Members and Fellows) who are in good standing are entitled to use the designation MRCPCH or FRCPCH” ¨ May act on behalf of RCPCH, e. g. – College Tutor/College Visitor/Examiner RCPCH CPD Scheme
‘In Good Standing’ and CPD ¨ “A Member or Fellow will be held to be in good standing: …(if) participating in CPD to the level defined by the College”. (RCPCH handbook 2004) ¨ < 1 year arrears – – – Annual appraisal RCPCH CPD Audit Revalidation ¨ If in arrears with returns, (i. e. not ‘participating’ can make returns back to 2000 RCPCH CPD Scheme
RCPCH EC and Council 2004 ¨ “CPD submissions should be complete a year in arrears at the latest” ¨ "Those that have not submitted their CPD returns for the preceding year may be found not to be 'in good standing' with the RCPCH, after suitable enquiries have been made” ¨ “If an individual is considered not in good standing, this information may be made available to/passed to other bodies" RCPCH CPD Scheme
CPD - 2004 ¨ Evolution, not revolution – Maintenance of continuum of CPD ¨ Re-constitution of Committee ¨ Re-write of Guidelines for 2005 ¨ ADC CPD Journal ¨ On-line registration RCPCH CPD Scheme
RCPCH CPD Scheme ¨ To suit individual professional needs ¨ Minimally invasive ¨ Administration-lite ¨ Aids PDPs, appraisal and revalidation ¨Helps you pass the ‘Clint Eastwood Test’ ¨Recipe at www. rcpch. ac. uk/ RCPCH CPD Scheme
Special Circumstances ¨ Problems achieving CPD ¨ Inadequate breadth of CPD ¨ Inadequate study leave budget ¨ Maternity leave ¨ Chronic illness ¨ Illness in family ¨ Unusual domestic commitments ¨ No regular employment RCPCH CPD Scheme
Problems with CPD - Caveat ¨ GMC requires 250 points in 5 years ¨ RCPCH allowance of deferral of annual/audit return cannot imply GMC approval ¨ GMC view on problems unclear ¨ Revalidation final details depend on – Shipman – PRC’s pilot RCPCH CPD Scheme