Скачать презентацию Retirement age in RK Finance 241 Gazizova Rufina Скачать презентацию Retirement age in RK Finance 241 Gazizova Rufina


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Retirement age in RK Finance 241 Gazizova Rufina Retirement age in RK Finance 241 Gazizova Rufina

Pension in Kazakhstan is a regular (usually monthly) payment to individuals as they reach Pension in Kazakhstan is a regular (usually monthly) payment to individuals as they reach retirement age. In Kazakhstan there is a mixed pension system, which consists of PAYG and funded systems.

 In Soviet time the pension was accrued men with sixty years experience of In Soviet time the pension was accrued men with sixty years experience of work not less than 25 years and women from fifty-five years who have worked at least 20 years. Modern law has increased the retirement age of women in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In accordance with Art. 11 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On pension provision in the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated June 21, 2013 No. 105 -V Assignment of pension payments from the Center shall be: from July 1, 2001 - men upon reaching the age of 63 women on attaining 58 years. While the assignment of pension benefits from the Center for women is: from 1 January 2018 - reaching 58. 5 years; from 1 January 2019 reached 59 years; from 1 January 2020 for the achievement of 59. 5 years; since January 1, 2021 - at the age of 60; from January 1, 2022 - on the achievement of 60. 5 years; from January 1, 2023 reached 61 years; from 1 January 2024 - reaching 61. 5 years; from January 1, 2025 - upon reaching 62 years of age; from January 1, 2026 - the achievement of 62. 5 years; from January 1, 2027 - reaching 63 years.

According to the Law According to the Law "on Republican budget for 2012 -2014", from 1 January 2012 the following pensions in Kazakhstan: According to the Law "on Republican budget for 2014 -2016", from 1 January 2014 the following pensions in Kazakhstan: basic pension - 8 720 tenge; basic pension - 9 983 tenge; the minimum pension - 17 491 tenge; the minimum pension is 20 782 tenge; the maximum pension - 47 327 tenge. the maximum pension - 54 171 tenge. According to the Law "On Republican budget for 2013 -2015", from 1 January 2013 the following pensions in Kazakhstan: basic pension - 9 330 tenge; the minimum pension - 19 066 tenge; According to the Law "on Republican budget for 2015 -2017 years, from January 1, 2015, the following pensions in Kazakhstan: the maximum pension - 67 509 tenge. basic pension - 11 182 tenge; the minimum pension - 23 692 tenge; the maximum income for calculation of the size of newly assigned pensions - 81262 tenge (41 MCI)

Why the state raises the retirement age? Why the state raises the retirement age? "If in 2012, 17 % of women had no relevant experience in the solidarity system, then in 2015 it will be 50 % women. You understand that these women tomorrow can not even get minimum pensions. This position is of concern to us, " said Minister of labor and social protection Serik Abdenov.

Conclusion Well raising the retirement age or not? This will be hard. . Conclusion Well raising the retirement age or not? This will be hard. .

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