Скачать презентацию RESULTS REF Partners June 21 2010 RESULTS International Скачать презентацию RESULTS REF Partners June 21 2010 RESULTS International


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RESULTS/REF Partners June 21, 2010 RESULTS/REF Partners June 21, 2010

RESULTS International (Australia) 2009 – 2010 Campaign success Grassroots success Organisational successes RESULTS International (Australia) 2009 – 2010 Campaign success Grassroots success Organisational successes

RESULTS International (Australia) 2009 – 2010 CAMPAIGNS • First ever Aid strategy for microfinance RESULTS International (Australia) 2009 – 2010 CAMPAIGNS • First ever Aid strategy for microfinance

RESULTS International (Australia) 2009 – 2010 RESULTS International (Australia) 2009 – 2010

RESULTS International (Australia) 2009 – 2010 RESULTS International (Australia) 2009 – 2010

RESULTS International (Australia) 2009 – 2010 • Outreach organiser • Fundraising coordinator RESULTS International (Australia) 2009 – 2010 • Outreach organiser • Fundraising coordinator

MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS • Launch of the Canadian HIV/AIDS and TB (HAT) All -Party Caucus MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS • Launch of the Canadian HIV/AIDS and TB (HAT) All -Party Caucus • New motion calling on the Canadian government to dedicate new funding for microcredit targeted at the very poor. • G 8 commitment to world’s poorest mothers and children-$1 billion!!!! • New supports for our grassroots base

Results Japan • Established in 1989 as volunteer organization to advocate for micro credit Results Japan • Established in 1989 as volunteer organization to advocate for micro credit in Tokyo • 7 board members including a member of House of Councilors, 4 secretariat staff with one staff for accounting. • Since 2005, RJ has been working on advocacy for global TB control • Since 2009, RJ has acquired NPO status in Japan • In cooperation with: Stop TB Partnership Japan, Diet Members Group for Stop TB Partnership, Japan Antituberculosis Association, Research Institute of Tuberculosis, GCAP Japan, Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation, Association of Citizens for International Solidarity Tax, etc.

RJ Top Three Accomplishments for the past year 1. 2010 contribution to GF increases RJ Top Three Accomplishments for the past year 1. 2010 contribution to GF increases to US$ 246. 8 million, 27% up over US$194. 4 million in 2009: more than $ 1. 2 billion in total since 2002 2. Based on the 2008 Stop TB Japan Action Plan, Japanese bilateral assistance is making TB control projects in Kenya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, the Philippines, China, Nigeria, Egypt, Ghana, etc. 3. Japan becomes the chair of the Innovative Financing Mechanism leading group, and hosts the 8 th general assembly in Tokyo December towards realization of air ticket tax in Japan

RESULTS UK International Conference 2010 RESULTS UK International Conference 2010

Our grassroots network Our grassroots network

Grassroots action and National Conference Grassroots action and National Conference

Grassroots Speak Grassroots Speak

Tuberculosis Tuberculosis

Education for All and Microfinance Education for All and Microfinance

ACTION’s Goals • Mobilize significant increases in new resources • Strengthening TB within underlying ACTION’s Goals • Mobilize significant increases in new resources • Strengthening TB within underlying policy frameworks • Mobilize new TB financing from the World Bank for Africa

ACTION’s Accomplishments e ia 0 >5 d me iec p y all b glo ACTION’s Accomplishments e ia 0 >5 d me iec p y all b glo s $481 Million New World Bank Financing TB Laboratory Initiative Goal $63. 66 Million • New Parliamentary TB/HIV groups • North-South advocacy • UNAIDS/STOP TB Compact on TB/HIV • Innovative Financing Mechanisms


ACTION India came under the umbrella of Global Health Advocates from March 2010. Tuberculosis ACTION India came under the umbrella of Global Health Advocates from March 2010. Tuberculosis remains the largest cause of morbidity and mortality in the world from ACTION continues to partner a single infectious agent. with the Indian Network For People Living with HIV/AIDS INP+ is an affiliation of autonomous state level CSOs. Represent over 200, 000 members. They currently work in 24 Indian states covering almost 300 districts

ACTIVITIES: 2009 - 2010 A. TRAINING: Impart knowledge of Tuberculosis and empower people to ACTIVITIES: 2009 - 2010 A. TRAINING: Impart knowledge of Tuberculosis and empower people to be advocates in their district / area. B. NETWORKING: Invite others NGOs, CSOs, CBOs to be a part of our trainings and events; link them to the National Partnership, key programs and funding. Work with Bilateral / Multilateral Agencies, World Bank, etc. C. GOVERNMENT: Work closely with RNTCP. Coordinate with NACO, CSIR, other government bodies for innovative tie ups and programs D. POLITICAL ENGAGMENT: Garner international and domestic political will in the fight against tuberculosis. E. RESOURCE TRACKING: Track, gather, analyze data to understand the flow and use of resources and assess needs and gaps for TB F. EVENTS AND MEDIA: Various events, Press conferences, Media workshops, print and TV interviews, Build TB champions G. ADVOCACY TOOLS: Design various tools, presentations and documents to be in our efforts and by others

Key achievements - Contributed to a successful Global Fund Round 9 proposal for US$ Key achievements - Contributed to a successful Global Fund Round 9 proposal for US$ 199. 5 million; US$ 67 million for ACSM ; DFID to provide buffer funding between the end of their support and start of GFATM Round 9 - Trained around 800 people in 13 states including NGOs, FBOs & CBOs; got PLHA on district TB-HV coordination committee meetings - Interacted with several MPs; have seen rise in questions on TB in parliament. International congressional / parliamentary delegations. - Undertook first ever research report on “Access & Adherence to Tuberculosis treatment – Barriers and Facilitators” for PLHAs & IDUs; abstract accepted for IAS, Vienna - Are considered a reliable source for journalists and have generated a lot of media

Kenya Kenya

KANCO Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium (KANCO) is a national network of NGOs, CBOs and KANCO Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium (KANCO) is a national network of NGOs, CBOs and Faith Based Organizations, the Private Sector, Research and Learning Institutions involved in HIV/AIDS and TB work in Kenya. Our mandate is to provide leadership among CSOs towards realization of universal access targets in Kenya.

Achievements KANCO has a long history of policy and advocacy for HIV and TB. Achievements KANCO has a long history of policy and advocacy for HIV and TB. Spearheaded advocacy for HIV declaration as an emergency and advocacy for the drafting and passing of HIV/AIDS act in 2006 in Kenya. Resource mobilization for addressing TB and TB HIV in Kenya GFATM: successive application of GFATM round 9 valued at USD 45 M. Japanese International Corporation Agency( JICA): Successful advocacy for support to lab system in Kenya valued at USD 4 million WB signing a contract of US$63. 66 million to establish a regional network of 25 public health laboratories across Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda. Kenya will get US$23. 5 million. Increase reporting and coverage on TB in the media Establishment and strengthening of five TB patients advocates groups Corporate sector engagement in addressing MDRTB

KANCO TB advocacy Advocacy for flow of funds: USD 2. 9 M for GFATM KANCO TB advocacy Advocacy for flow of funds: USD 2. 9 M for GFATM round 6 disbursed to implementers. The grant has received the best rating on performance (B 1) The best ever rated since Kenya started the implementation of Global fund TB grants Completion of MDRTB ward with GFATM round five Advocacy for increase number of Patients on treatment and social support for MDRTB patients

France France

ACTION France Who are we ? AIDES o Founded in 1984, AIDES is France ACTION France Who are we ? AIDES o Founded in 1984, AIDES is France and Europe’s leading community-based organisation involved in the fight against Aids and hepatitis. o AIDES is a network mobilising over 1400 people every day in over 70 towns and cities in mainland France and in Guiana and Guadeloupe. Avocats pour la Santé dans le Monde o Advocacy organisation, sister organisation of Global Health Advocates India o The Objective of GHA France is to mobilize the society against diseases that keep people in poverty using state-of-the art advocacy, communication and marketing strategies.

ACTION FRANCE Main Objectives/ Top 3 accomplishments o France to deliver comprehensive response to ACTION FRANCE Main Objectives/ Top 3 accomplishments o France to deliver comprehensive response to TB and TB/HIV through increased and better use of funds and partnership building o European Union institutions to support more and effectively partners countries in confronting TB and TB/HIV o Top three accomplishments: ① TB included in the mandate of the HIV/AIDS commission of the French Parliament ② Creation of an interest group in the European Parliament ③ Securing and even increasing the French contribution to the Global Fund to fight AIDS TB and Malaria