Resource Entitlement Management System Mikael Linden CSC – IT Center for Science
Access to research datasets 0. Fully public access 1. User has a role/group membership – ”for academic users” (Id. P managed) – ”for archeology researchers in a good standing” (Virtual Organisation managed) 2. User commits to datasets’ licence terms 3. User fills in and submits an application - Dataset owner approves/rejects REMS Or any combination of 1, 2 and 3.
The REMS concept 3. Circulate to approver 1. Apply for access DAC 1 Approver Id. P Principal investigator Applicant 4. Approve Id. P SP 2. Commit to licence terms Research group Members of the application REMS Dataset 1 DAC 2 Approver Workflow Reports Dataset 2 Entitlements Id. P 5. Access Metadata on dataset 1&2
The REMS implementation Funded by the ELIXIR ESFRI project A Java portlet on Liferay, using Vaadin framework Open source (LGPL) Discipline-independent – Initially bioinformatics – Deploying also for social sciences – Piloting for linguistics in the EUDAT project CSC is going to offer a REMS instance to other ELIXIR nodes – Subject to a positive funding decision
Design criteria Automation/integration – To reduce operational cost Usability – Simplicity for common users Federated authentication – No local user accounts – Shared user identifier (edu. Person. Principal. Name) Modularity – Integration to the data archive’s other components
REMS integrates to the data archive Data archive’s portal/catalog 2. Metadata 1. 3. SP REMS AA 4. 5. SP Dataset delivery Datasets 6.
REMS integration points 2. Data archive’s portal/catalog Metadata 1. SP REMS AA 3. SP Dataset delivery Datasets
REMS integration points Metadata import (JSON/REST): Dataset’s 2. Data archive’s - Identifier (PID) portal/catalog - Name (for the REMS UI) - Approver(s) mail/e. PPN - License terms REMS generates workflows and application forms automatically SP SP Metadata 1. REMS AA 3. Dataset delivery Datasets
REMS integration points A simple URL in the portal which triggers a new Data archive’s application in REMS Metadata portal/catalog e. g. 2. https: //rems. csc. fi/new? PID=1234 1. SP REMS AA 3. SP Dataset delivery Datasets
REMS integration points 2. Data archive’s portal/catalog Metadata 1. Ordinary attribute query Request: e. PPN Response: list of PIDs SP SP REMS AA 3. Dataset delivery Datasets
CASE: Nordic Control Database GWA data from 5500 samples from Estonia, Denmark, Finland Sweden Nordic Centre of Excellence in Disease Genetics NCo. EDG Dataset hosted by EGA, The European Genome-Phenome Archive (www. ebi. ac. uk/ega), a service of the European Bioinformatics Institute
CASE: process for applying access to the Nordic Control Database
QUESTIONS? See also the TNC 2013 full paper in http: //tnc 2013. terena. org/getfile/870