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Resource description and access for the digital world Gordon Dunsire Centre for Digital Library Research University of Strathclyde Scotland
Resource description and access (1. 1) ² RDA ²Content standard for metadata for bibliographic description and access ²Based on 100+ years of experience with the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) and its predecessors ²AACR is currently the world’s most used content standard
Resource description and access (1. 2) ² RDA is addressing today’s needs ²Wider range of information carriers, physical and digital, with a greater depth and complexity of content ²Metadata creation, maintenance and use by a wider range of personnel in a wider range of roles and domains ²Many new metadata formats/structures in use ²Utility of the online digital environment ²Internationalisation and globalisation of information services
Resource description and access (1. 3) ² RDA components include: ²Metadata attributes (fields) of bibliographic resources ²Guidance on creating metadata content ²Including transcription from the described resource ²Value vocabularies for specified attributes ²Including carrier type (e. g. “online resource”) and content type (e. g. “performed music”) ² To be published as an online product in early 2009
Resource description and access (2) ² The wider environment ²International Standard for Bibliographic Description (ISBD) and Statement of International Cataloguing Principles ²(Mostly) harmonious with RDA ²Wider set of related standards developments which are becoming increasingly interlinked
RDA and related standards (1) ² RDA attributes are based on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) and Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD) ²Developed by IFLA (FRAD in draft) ² FRBR recently extended to Object-oriented FRBR (FRBRoo) ²Based on CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) ² Project to define appropriate namespaces for FRBR entities and relationships in Resource Description Framework (RDF) and other appropriate syntaxes
RDA and related standards (2) ² RDA/ONIX framework ²An ontology developed by RDA and the publishing community to improve metadata interoperability ²Set of low-level attributes for describing the content and carrier of a bibliographic resource ²Controlled vocabularies for some attributes ²Attributes combined to form high-level content and carrier types for RDA
RDA and related standards (3) ² DCMI/RDA Task Group ²Enabling broader use of RDA by DCMI and other Semantic Web groups ²Including SKOS, IEEE-LOM ²Define RDA modelling entities as an RDF vocabulary ²Identify value vocabularies as candidates for publication in RDF Schema or Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) ²Develop a DC Application Profile for RDA based on FRBR and FRAD
Foundations ² Semantic Web ² RDF (Resource Description Framework) ² Statements about Web resources in the form of subjectpredicate-object expressions, called triples ² E. g. “This presentation” – “has creator” – “Gordon Dunsire” ² SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) ² Expresses the basic structure and content of concept schemes such as thesauri and other types of controlled vocabularies ² An RDF application ² OWL (Web Ontology Language) ² Explicitly represents the meaning of terms in vocabularies and the relationships between them
Building blocks ² Each component of an RDF statement (triple) is a “resource” ² RDF is about making machine-processable statements, requiring ²A machine-processable language for representing RDF statements ²Extensible Markup Language (XML) ²A system of machine-processable identifiers for resources (subjects, predicates, objects) ²Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) ² For full machine-processing, an RDF statement is a set of three URIs
Identifiers ² Things requiring identification: ² Object “This presentation” ² e. g. its electronic location (URL): ² http: //cdlr. strath. ac. uk/pubs/dunsireg/idf 080617 RDA. pps ² Predicate “has creator” ² e. g. http: //purl. org/dc/terms/creator ² Object “Gordon Dunsire” ² e. g. URI of entry in Library of Congress Name Authority File ² Declaring vocabularies/values in SKOS and OWL provides URIs ² DOI and URI are compatible ² Without such identifiers, the Web will never become Semantic
Identifying the future ² The DOI model shares the same underlying ontology approach as the RDA/ONIX framework ² A funding bid, supported by IDF, has been submitted to the UK’s Joint Information Systems Committee/Publishers and Library/Learning Solutions (JISC/PALS) partnership, to extend the framework by: ²Creating a comprehensive vocabulary of resource relators and categories, to provide: ²A mapping to support metadata crosswalks and transformations ²A definitive reference set to support further standards work
Thank you ² Questions? ² Another identifier: g. dunsire@strath. ac. uk