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Researchers, teachers and students as interactive creators of digital libraries and librarian's role Jadranka Researchers, teachers and students as interactive creators of digital libraries and librarian's role Jadranka Stojanovski, Rudjer Boskovic Institute jadranka. stojanovski@irb. hr

Librarian as…a librarian n traditional librarian’s role n organizing, retrieving, archiving and disseminating all Librarian as…a librarian n traditional librarian’s role n organizing, retrieving, archiving and disseminating all types of information

Traditional library role selection n acquisition licensing n collection development (revised) n cataloguing harvesting Traditional library role selection n acquisition licensing n collection development (revised) n cataloguing harvesting n classification automated class. n dissemination providing access n archiving n preservation (revised) n

Bibliographical record n n n the traditional bibliographic record, a description of what is Bibliographical record n n n the traditional bibliographic record, a description of what is the work about and where can it be found with URL as part of the record became the described object not only notification of the existence of a resource – delivery of a resource simultaneously implication on the traditional notion of the library catalog changes in notion of the "work“!!! shift from “worth of cataloging” to “needed by users”!

Traditional librarian - cataloging n n always Traditional librarian - cataloging n n always "third-party" cataloging - creators of information have had little or no involvement with the description and classification of their own works; this is rapidly changing! creator-generated metadata vs. catalogergenerated metadata. (Web creators are embedding into their products metadata more and more, describing the works)

New concept of library n n n suggesting resources locating and acquiring needed materials New concept of library n n n suggesting resources locating and acquiring needed materials recommending strategies facilitating use of technologies instructing students and teachers in optimal information-seeking methods many traditional tasks may be assigned to clerks, leaving the professional free to work directly with students and teachers (Craver, 1994)

Librarian as publisher n n n support of the scholarly communication process librarians have Librarian as publisher n n n support of the scholarly communication process librarians have expertise in organizing and providing access to information editorial support the web technology provides unique access to scholarly information web publishing gives our parent institutions a positive reputation in the local, national and international academic communities web publishing allows us to bypass for-the-profitbased system

Librarians as OA movement leaders n n n new role of the library in Librarians as OA movement leaders n n n new role of the library in OA era librarians and OA advocacy librarians contribute to providing a global view on open access issues development of institutional repositories (building and filling) only 15% of articles are deposited freely – “requirement policy” on institutional level can help to deposit other 85% mandating institution/faculty for such kind of policy could be difficult – librarian’s role

Librarian as webmaster many universities have appointed a librarian as the person in charge Librarian as webmaster many universities have appointed a librarian as the person in charge of campus-wide web pages n librarians should be involved in design and content structure of institutional web pages n without much of the technical support librarians in Croatia are creating and maintaining library web pages on regular basis (RBI Library since 1994) n

Librarians as intellectual property experts n n n libraries are leaders in trying to Librarians as intellectual property experts n n n libraries are leaders in trying to maintain a balance between copyright holders and users balance between the authors right to benefit from their efforts, and the broader interest so that intellectual property can be used for the common good (learning and development!) copyright issues are hot issues in the legal and legislative world billions of dollars are at stake librarians play an important role in the development of access policies and acceptable use agreements regulating how and when materials retrieved may be legally and properly used legal principles and technological capabilities are constantly challenging each other and every outcome can directly affect the future of libraries.

Librarian as a information seeker n n n librarians are experienced searchers - there Librarian as a information seeker n n n librarians are experienced searchers - there is no more efficient and effective way users can get quality information than through a librarian in reality most of the users are doing their own information retrieval to move from information provider to effective educator requires not only knowledge of the subject, but also grounding in adult learning theory and teaching techniques.

Librarian as a teacher n n teacher-mentor and learning facilitator many people will be Librarian as a teacher n n teacher-mentor and learning facilitator many people will be engaged in “life-long laearning” “on-the-job” training, continuous education, specialized coursework; partnering with universities to offer certificate programs with demonstrated competencies in key impact areas for the profession (technology, information retrieval…).

Librarian as mediator in educational process n librarians assist teachers and students to search Librarian as mediator in educational process n librarians assist teachers and students to search out their information needs, critically evaluate the materials they locate, and use technological means to synthesize their findings into new knowledge (Brown, 1990)

Library image (? ) n n n library science belongs to an obsolete world Library image (? ) n n n library science belongs to an obsolete world of dark rooms filled with shelves? library has nothing to do with the real needs of contemporary life? librarians as warehouse managers? contribution: librarians, computer scientists, and managers work and act in quite separate communities, each with its own terminology often unaware that they address problems that are substantially similar but look different

dramatic changes offer significant opportunities n new roles for information professionals n dramatic changes offer significant opportunities n new roles for information professionals n

More new roles for librarians n n moving beyond the “warehouse concept” of the More new roles for librarians n n moving beyond the “warehouse concept” of the traditional library scientists, teachers and students as users/creators present new challenges! librarians can be found in the roles of information architects, knowledge engineers, decision-support specialists, and knowledge manager n librarians can provide the infrastructure that enables information access in support of research and education n

The ever changing user n n librarians should help users to create (publish), organize The ever changing user n n librarians should help users to create (publish), organize and store work which is important for them and/or which is relevant for research and education there are thousands of content producers, "publishing" their content without much care given toward bibliographic control, human-computer interface etc. knowledge managers are preparing for the next wave of information needs well known dilemma: how best to organize and disseminate information, regardless of its origin

Librarian as architect, engineer and specialist information architects design and build the substructures for Librarian as architect, engineer and specialist information architects design and build the substructures for organizing knowledge and create new information resources n knowledge engineers create the middleware to ensure the access to information n decision-support specialists analyze user needs and provide tools that enhance available information n ability to organize both human and information resources, and understanding of the human-computer interface Homan, J. M. and Mc. Gowan, J. J. , 2002 n

Librarian as knowledge manager organize and manage knowledge which is needed by researchers, teachers Librarian as knowledge manager organize and manage knowledge which is needed by researchers, teachers and students as information seekers n organize and manage knowledge which is created by Croatians researchers, teachers and students as authors, and about them n

Croatian Scientific Portal Croatian Scientific Portal

n n n “An information hub. An entry point to information resources. A density n n n “An information hub. An entry point to information resources. A density of resources and services on the network. A 'portfolio' of resources, potentially customized to specific role or individual interests. An aggregation or collection of resources organized to assist particular categories of users. How the library mediates the engagement of users and resources in a network environment” Dempsey L. 2004

n n n an entry point to a world of resources, designed to save n n n an entry point to a world of resources, designed to save the user time, to unite him or her with relevant resources, and to encourage maximum use of acquired resources. developing a network environment and services available to users at the point in their research or learning activity Croatian Scientific Portal is supported by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (MSES)

Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI n n n started in 1997 more then 173000 records Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI n n n started in 1997 more then 173000 records in CROSBI (4000+ full-text) Strorage/archival for all kind of documents (repository function) a current, comprehensive and accurate information about ¨ scientific output in Croatia ¨ ongoing research projects supported by the Croatian MSTE ¨ publications dealing with specific subject fields ¨ current and accurate bibliography on institutional, individual or research project level reports to be used for different purposes serve as a repository for Croatian publications ( harvester)

Why Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI? n n n only a part of Croatian scientific Why Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI? n n n only a part of Croatian scientific production is covered by locally created bibliographies only a part of Croatian scientific production is included in international commercial and noncommercial DB beside book, journal articles, dissertations etc. - the need to include other types of documents like unpublished papers (posters, manuscripts), reports and nonconventional (gray) literature

Changed roles bibliography is generated by authors n librarians provide information architecture, human-computer interface Changed roles bibliography is generated by authors n librarians provide information architecture, human-computer interface and monitoring (bibliographic control) n MSES is data provider and also a user n

Who’s Who in Science in Croatia Who’s Who in Science in Croatia

Who’s Who in Science in Croatia n n n n collects data about scientists Who’s Who in Science in Croatia n n n n collects data about scientists comprehensive information including biography, bibliography (from CROSBI), education, employment, advancements, awards, working experience, memberships, research interests, expertise, activities (intramural and extramural), and other skills, hobbies, interests. . . CV on demand Administrative interface: scientist and librarians as data providers User interface: searching and browsing possibilities scientists in Croatia, as Croatian scientists from abroad increased visibility of Croatian scientists and improved communication between them improved communication with public – better promotion.

Who’s Who in Science in Croatia Who’s Who in Science in Croatia

Croatian journals n n n published by scientific societies and academic institutions fighting for Croatian journals n n n published by scientific societies and academic institutions fighting for budgets edited by small teams of scientists that voluntarily take care of the entire editorial work, including peer review, proof reading, printing preparation, distribution policies, etc. poor distribution yearly struggle for public funds according Klarin, Pigac 2001, only 8 (eight) Croatian scholarly journals were published on the Web


HRČAK n n n n central OAI portal for Croatian scholarly journals tool for HRČAK n n n n central OAI portal for Croatian scholarly journals tool for the publishers – simple and cheap way to publish electronic version of the journal users – easy access, rich search and browse possibilities authors – better visibility, higher impact; Administrative interface: editors User interface: browsing according subject field, simple and advance search, quick access to the full-text; OAI – MHP protocol – data exchange;

Promotion of the open access in Croatia n support for institutional repositories which are Promotion of the open access in Croatia n support for institutional repositories which are OAI compliant for every research or HE institution n promotion of the open access initiative on different levels n co-operation with other institutional and other repositories and archives like OAISTER, DOAJ, etc.

Challenges! n n n n integration in EU projects (EUCRIS) improved interoperability single entry Challenges! n n n n integration in EU projects (EUCRIS) improved interoperability single entry and access point – different purposes motivation – feedback more subject oriented approach Ask the scientist! disscussion forums improved accessibility – improved visibility – higher impact

Thank you for your attention! n In case of further qestion contact me during Thank you for your attention! n In case of further qestion contact me during breaks or email me jadranka. stojanovski@irb. hr