Researcher Development at The University of Manchester Stakeholder expectations and implications for supporting PGRs & research staff Dr Mark Leech Skills Development Coordinator Research Office
Researcher Development at the University of Manchester • Greater national & international emphasis on the professional development of doctoral researchers, their employability & career development • Committed to delivering a high quality researcher development (previously Roberts) programme to PGRs and research staff • Alignment with the expectations of key funders & stakeholders (RCUK, UK Government, the EU etc) and Research Strategy
Stakeholder Expectations: RCs • RCUK Delivery Plan 2011 – 15 “Promote the development of the skills of early career researchers for the wider economy and ensure the continuing pipeline of excellent researchers. ” • EPSRC DTCs: “To develop awareness and breadth of knowledge, students should be exposed to other activities within their wider research area of the centre and receive training in transferable skills, including public engagement. ”
Stakeholder Expectations: UK Government, BIS, One Step Beyond, 2010: “HEIs should ensure that transferable skills training is embedded as standard in the funding and design of all PG programmes. In addition, HEIs should work closely with Vitae, employers and other stakeholders to provide better information, advice and guidance on career choices for PG research students. ”
Why is researcher development important? • “What do researchers do? Doctoral graduate destinations and impact three years on” (Vitae, 2010) • Discipline has marked effect on occupational outcomes BUT: • In Biological, Biomedical & Physical sciences & engineering, 22. 4 – 34. 3% PGRs were employed in academia/research 3 years after graduation • Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences: 57. 5 – 60%
Monitoring of the Researcher Development provision • The Concordat • Research Strategy • Concordat Implementation Plan (HR Excellence in research award) • QAA • PRES/CROS • RCs & EU research grant applications • Formal reporting e. g. RCUK
What should be delivered? Researcher Development Statement A strategic statement issued by the UK RCs to support the implementation of The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, the QAA Code of practice for research degree programmes and the Roberts recommendations for PGRs and research staff
Researcher Development at the University of Manchester • Pump primed by several years of Roberts funding • Overseen by the University's Graduate Education Group • Skills Coordinators Group • Research Staff Development Working Group • Devolved model of delivery • High quality collaborative projects e. g. Pathways, GRADschool, RS Conference • Annual reports to RCUK
Adapting to changes in RCUK funding of researcher development • Final payment up until March 2011 • PGR fee uplift and indirect costs in researcher grants • Paper to PRC, including business plans for next five years • Delivering researcher development training through DTCs