Скачать презентацию Research work experiences of migration Aim identify experiences Скачать презентацию Research work experiences of migration Aim identify experiences


  • Количество слайдов: 7

Research work: experiences of migration Aim: identify experiences of migration School: NIS Grade: 11“c” Research work: experiences of migration Aim: identify experiences of migration School: NIS Grade: 11“c” Student: Kadyrov Sultan Teacher: Oral Abatovich

Research questions Structured questions: 1. Do you like to change home place? 2. Do Research questions Structured questions: 1. Do you like to change home place? 2. Do you know what is it migration? 3. Do you want to migrate to other country or city? 4. Do you have experience of migration? 5. How you perceive the whole process of migration? (good, bad) Unstructured questions: 1. Why people change their home place? (how about you) 2. What was your point of view before migration? 3. How migration influenced on you? (your point of view) 4. Could you explain advantages of your migration? 5. Could you explain disadvantages of your migration?

Process of research work(method) Firstly, I asked some structured questions from 5 immigrants. Then Process of research work(method) Firstly, I asked some structured questions from 5 immigrants. Then I asked some unstructured questions from 5 immigrants.

Sample 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Yergaziev Daniyar(S) Makarov Sample 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Yergaziev Daniyar(S) Makarov Elshat(S) Baekesova Kamila(S) Dzhumasultan ASSel(S) Sagidolla Saltanat(S) Mr. Chris(U) Kayrzhan Dauren(U) Mr. Schofield(U) Mr. Joshua(U) Mr. Ismail(U)

Summarizing 1. Sq. All people said : “NO!” 2. Sq. All people said : Summarizing 1. Sq. All people said : “NO!” 2. Sq. All people said : “YES!” 3. Sq. 2 people said: “NO!”, 3 people said : “YES!” 4. Sq. All people said : “YES!” 5. Sq. 1 people said : “Good”, 4 people said : “Bad” Answer of all peoples who was asked with unstructured questions was simmilar.

Conclusion I identified that all answers of 10 people was the same and they Conclusion I identified that all answers of 10 people was the same and they have similar perspectives. But every person has own motives to migrate. -It means that all patients think simple? -NO!

Evaluation of the questions I identified that unstructured questions was useful for my interview Evaluation of the questions I identified that unstructured questions was useful for my interview because I could take all information that I was need.