- Количество слайдов: 22
Research Tools: La. Tex A high quality document preparation system by Karthikeyan Umapathy
Tex (Greek texnologia) – computer program created by Dr. Donald E. Knuth (Stanford University) – 1982 La. Tex – a macro package based on Tex with predefined layouts Dr. Leslie Lamport (Microsoft Research) - 1980 s
La. Tex Production Chain Input Text/commands La. Tex pdf. La. Tex DVI (device independent) Postscript pdf printer
WYSIWYG vs. La. Tex • Focus on content then the appearance • Best for writing lot of Math • References - Bibliography • Manage large documents • Professional output quality • Predefined layouts • Portable – any OS – hardware etc • Creative • FREE WYSIWIG – “What you see is what you get “ or “What is see is ALL what you get”
WYSIWYG vs. La. Tex • Learning curve • Short documents • Custom layouts WYSIWIG – “What you see is what you get “ or “What is see is ALL what you get”
La. Tex Classes Article Report Book Letter Ordinary documents -paper Large organized Documents -Thesis Books Letter Many new class files can be created modifying the above 4 base class files (Ex: IEEEtran. cls – derived from article. cls)
Writing a document in Latex Example. tex % Comments or notes Predefined classes like article, report, letter or book documentclass [options] {style} begin {document}. . . Options within a class such as Paper size, font size etc The document begins here Body of the document end {document} The document ends here
Writing a document in Latex Example. tex % This is an example. tex documentclass {article} begin {document} This is a test end {document} (1) latex Example. dvi (2) dvips Example. dvi (3) ps 2 pdf Example. ps Example. pdf Example. ps
Writing a document in Latex Title, author Example. tex % This is an example. tex documentclass [12 pt]{article} begin {document} title {This is an example} author {James Bond} maketitle end {document} (1) latex Example. dvi (2) dvips Example. dvi (3) ps 2 pdf Example. ps Example. pdf Example. ps
Writing a document in Latex Font size tiny to Huge Example. tex % This is an example. tex documentclass [12 pt]{article} begin {document} noindent This is a test \ small {This is a test}\ Large {This is a test}\ Huge {This is a test}\ end {document} (1) latex Example. dvi (2) dvips Example. dvi (3) ps 2 pdf Example. ps Example. pdf Example. ps
Writing a document in Latex Section and Subsection Example. tex % This is an example. tex documentclass [12 pt]{article} begin {document} title {This is an example} author {James Bond} maketitle section {Introduction} subsection {Experiment} end {document} (1) latex Example. dvi (2) dvips Example. dvi (3) ps 2 pdf Example. ps Example. pdf Example. ps
Writing a document in Latex Example. tex Equations documentclass [12 pt]{article} begin {document} title {This is an example} author {James Bond} maketitle section {Introduction} begin {equation} g_{ gamma_{n}}(t) = frac{1}{ sqrt{s_{n}}}; g(frac{t-p_{n}}{s_{n}}), expleft{j(2pi f_{n}t+phi_{n})right}, label {eq 1} end {equation} end {document}
Writing a document in Latex Example. tex documentclass [12 pt]{article} begin {document} title {This is an example} author {James Bond} maketitle section {Introduction} begin {equation} Equations Math commands S_n - subscript S^n - superscript g_{ gamma_{n}}(t) = frac{1}{ sqrt{s_{n}}}; g(frac{t-p_{n}}{s_{n}}), expleft{j(2pi f_{n}t+phi_{n})right}, label {eq 1} end {equation} end {document}
Writing a document in Latex Figures Example. tex % This is an example. tex documentclass [12 pt]{article} usepackage {epsfig, graphicx} begin {document} begin {figure} epsfxsize =4. 5 in centerline {epsffile{platypus. eps}} caption {Sample Figure. } label {fig 1} end {figure} end {document} (1) latex Example. dvi (2) dvips Example. dvi (3) ps 2 pdf Example. ps Example. pdf Example. ps
Example. tex Writing a document in Latex % This is an example. tex documentclass [12 pt]{article} usepackage {epsfig, graphicx} begin {documen} begin {table} centering begin {tabular}{|c|c|c|} hline Method &Groups & Normal & Abnormal & Total \ hline LR & Normal & 40 & 11 & 51\ & Abnormal & 17 & 22 & 39 \hline % & Normal & bf{78. 4} & 21. 6 & 100 \ & Abnormal & 43. 6 & bf {56. 4} & 100 \hline end {tabular} caption {Sample Table} label {tab 1} end {table} end {document} Table
Writing a document in Latex References within a document Example. tex % This is an example. tex documentclass [12 pt]{article} begin {document} section {Introduction} label {intro} This is section on Introduction. subsection {experiment} label {exp} This is an example subsection. Please refer Section. ref {intro} for introduction. Refer Section ref {exp} end {document} Very easy to manage all the references in long documents
Writing a document in Latex Citing other works Example. tex % This is an example. tex documentclass [12 pt]{article} bibliographystyle {IEEEtran} begin {document} section {Introduction} label {intro} This is section on Introduction. subsection {experiment} label {exp} This is an example subsection. This work is based on the MP algorithm cite {mallat 2} bibliography {bibfile} end {document} Order and numbering of the references are automatic. Inserting a new citation reorders the references ( a cool feature !)
Writing a document in Latex Let us put everything together - title -author -section -subsection - figure -Table - ref - cite - documentclass -begin - end - maketitle
Class, Style files in Latex usepackage{conf. sty} & documentclass{journ. cls} Double column and IEEE trans. standard
Getting the TOOLS ! On Unix Platforms - Latex Preinstalled (dept. ) - Xfig – a very good drawing program to create figures On Windows platform -Mik. Tex – Tex for windows (Latex) - Xfig not native in windows (cygwin) - Openoffice (draw) can create *. eps figures - Dia www. rnet. ryerson. ca/sar useful links (tools, tutorials)
LYX What you see is what you mean !? WYSIWYG WYSIWYM www. lyx. org La. Tex
Happy (Latex) ing ! Questions ! Thank you !