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Research Seminar II YEAR Research Seminar II YEAR

Content • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment) Content • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment)

 • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment) • Organizing research and data collection • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment) • Organizing research and data collection

 • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment) • Organizing research and data collection • Data • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment) • Organizing research and data collection • Data processing

 • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment) • Organizing research and data collection • Data • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment) • Organizing research and data collection • Data processing • Writing a Master thesis

 • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment) • Organizing research and data collection • Data • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment) • Organizing research and data collection • Data processing • Writing a Master thesis • Defending master thesis (preliminary)

 • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment) • Organizing research • Data processing • Writing • Developing questionnaire (Designing experiment) • Organizing research • Data processing • Writing a Master thesis • Defending master thesis (preliminary) ……. and you will have only 3 modules for this !

1 st module • 1 st year Master thesis presentation + revision (new ideas 1 st module • 1 st year Master thesis presentation + revision (new ideas and changes made after defense) (20’) • Proposals and timetable (deadlines for data collecting and finishing data file are December 10 and 17 ) • Presenting questionnaire • Description of the proposed sample

2 nd module • Presenting extended and revised proposal (structure will be given later) 2 nd module • Presenting extended and revised proposal (structure will be given later) • Reviewing master dissertations • Presenting data and description of the sample (deadlines for data file are December, 10 and 17 )

3 d module • Presenting results of the study • Presenting empirical part of 3 d module • Presenting results of the study • Presenting empirical part of the master thesis • Preliminary defending

Formula for the grades • Grade for 1 st semester = 0. 2*attendance +0. Formula for the grades • Grade for 1 st semester = 0. 2*attendance +0. 4*О 1 st module + 0. 4*О 2 nd module О 1 st module = 0. 3*MT proposal + 0. 4*questionnaire+ 0. 3*sample description О 2 nd module = 0. 5*extended proposal + 0. 5*data. О 3 d module = 0. 2*attendance + 0. 4* results + 0. 4* empirical part. Final Grade = 0, 4*Grade for 1 st semester + 0, 4*О 3 d module + 0. 2*Оpre-defense dissertation