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Research Project Psycho Architecture Research Project Psycho Architecture

An Interior Space • Has the power to alter your emotional and psychological state An Interior Space • Has the power to alter your emotional and psychological state of mind. • Has the power to evoke memories. • Has the power to provoke associations. • Has the power to alter how you interact within the space and with other people.

in how you would feel if you walked through these woods on such a in how you would feel if you walked through these woods on such a beautiful s

What emotions do you experience? What sounds do you hear? What smells do you What emotions do you experience? What sounds do you hear? What smells do you inhale? What does it feel like to walk on the soft earth barefoot? How do you feel when the warm sun hits your eyes?

w would you feel alone walking through the same woods at night in the w would you feel alone walking through the same woods at night in the cold

Your memories are stored inside your mind but as you imagine walking through the Your memories are stored inside your mind but as you imagine walking through the forest you bring them back, you make connections. You combine your experiences with your imagination and you put yourself amongst the trees and you feel.

ine what it felt like to walk within caves thousands of years ago ju ine what it felt like to walk within caves thousands of years ago ju

What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? What do What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you taste? How cold is it? How do you feel? Do you feel alone? Do you feel the presence of the other side, the spiritual world?

Stone Henge 3000 BC and winter equinoxes. The controlling of the environment by man Stone Henge 3000 BC and winter equinoxes. The controlling of the environment by man has the powe

Being amongst a mass of people within an interior can psychologically alter your state Being amongst a mass of people within an interior can psychologically alter your state of mind as can complete isolation. Metro at rush hour compared to the last train home. Standing in the centre of an empty stadium compared to being immersed amongst chants of an entire crowd at a football match. Alone in a church contemplating compared to the euphoric sensation of congregational singing of hymns.

Ampitheatre of Pompeii 79 AD Ampitheatre of Pompeii 79 AD

The realisation that a building can inspire, humble, control and even intimidate people has The realisation that a building can inspire, humble, control and even intimidate people has shaped the design of buildings throughout history and across the world. Religious buildings evoke spiritual feelings as well as assert power and control. Palaces and castles conjure feelings of oppression, power, wealth and hierarchy. Libraries can instil feelings of contemplation, knowledge, secrets and meaning.

Notre Dame 1163 -1345 Notre Dame 1163 -1345

The Blue Mosque 1609 The Blue Mosque 1609

Sainte-Geneviève Library 1838 Sainte-Geneviève Library 1838

Grand Kremlin Palace 1837 Grand Kremlin Palace 1837

Sensory Experiences Contemplation Awe Spirituality Oppression Euphoria Claustrophobia Shock Joy Nostalgia Collectiveness Sensory Experiences Contemplation Awe Spirituality Oppression Euphoria Claustrophobia Shock Joy Nostalgia Collectiveness

Contemporary interpretations that provoke these responses Contemporary interpretations that provoke these responses

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Peter Eisenman 2004 Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Peter Eisenman 2004

Richard Serra, 'Inside Out', 2013 Richard Serra, 'Inside Out', 2013

Quantum Cloud. Anthony Gormley 1999 Quantum Cloud. Anthony Gormley 1999

COLOUR Colour influences us psychologically and physiologically. COLOUR Colour influences us psychologically and physiologically.

Tunnel Piece. James Turrell. 1999 Tunnel Piece. James Turrell. 1999

Colour is an integral element of our world, not just in the natural environment Colour is an integral element of our world, not just in the natural environment but also in the man-made architectural environment. Colour always played a role in the human evolutionary process. The environment and its colours are perceived, and the brain processes and judges what it perceives on an objective and subjective basis. Psychological influence, communication, information, and effects on the psyche are aspects of our perceptual judgment processes. Hence, the goals of colour design in an architectural space are not relegated to decoration alone.

Playfulness and science can create such beauty Playfulness and science can create such beauty

Seizure. Roger Hiorn. 2008 ion were pumped into the council flat to create a Seizure. Roger Hiorn. 2008 ion were pumped into the council flat to create a crystalline growth on the walls, floor, ceiling a

Nimbus. Berndnaut Smilde. 2012 Nimbus. Berndnaut Smilde. 2012

What if we exploit, harness, alter, concentrate, extract or remove the senses? What if we exploit, harness, alter, concentrate, extract or remove the senses?

Sound: Anechoic Chamber, South Bank University, London Sound: Anechoic Chamber, South Bank University, London

To take sight away can be such a powerful experience. All the other senses To take sight away can be such a powerful experience. All the other senses become more alive. Touch: Hazelwood School, Glasgow

Smell: The Art of Scent, Museum of Art and Design, New York City Smell: The Art of Scent, Museum of Art and Design, New York City

Sight: Backside Of The Moon, Naoshima Sight: Backside Of The Moon, Naoshima

arify, to modify, to dignify, to dramatise, to persuade, and perhaps arify, to modify, to dignify, to dramatise, to persuade, and perhaps

happens when ten artists from around the world are given the chance to create happens when ten artists from around the world are given the chance to create an architectural environment in a mus

Observatory, Air-Port-City. Thomas Saraceno. 2008 Observatory, Air-Port-City. Thomas Saraceno. 2008

Staircase -V. Doh Ho Suh. 2008 Staircase -V. Doh Ho Suh. 2008

E o Bicho. Ernesto Neto. 2001 E o Bicho. Ernesto Neto. 2001

This is what we are going to do! I invite you as potential artists, This is what we are going to do! I invite you as potential artists, architects and creative entities to create and curate an exhibition of Psycho. Architecture.

You will research and develop ideas and make scale models of the whole exhibition. You will research and develop ideas and make scale models of the whole exhibition. You will also make detailed technical drawings, artistic renderings as well as design the invite and the poster.

you ready to have your minds blow The Roden Crater you ready to have your minds blow The Roden Crater

So what do i want you to do now? ? ? So what do i want you to do now? ? ?

I want you to research! or spaces that affect the psyche: Historical and contemporary. I want you to research! or spaces that affect the psyche: Historical and contemporary. Arc ant you to find as much about how the senses work and are affect want you to find as much about how humans experience emotion you to find your own references as well as using the references pr work hard and find areas of this brief that excite you and make yo

This must be complete by next week. I will then put you in groups This must be complete by next week. I will then put you in groups of three and you will put all your best research together and present on Power. Point your interests and what direction you will choose to go in and show initial ideas to the rest of the class. You will all speak in front of the class Muahaha!!!!!